Washington DC

Yes Pleasered_smile
Olivia_Brookes See my TER Reviews 220 reads

I love when a man offers to bring a bottle of wine.  If they don't and it happens to be a extended evening date,  I always have a stock of my own fine reds to offer them.

Several years ago, I used to bring a bottle of wine when I would show up for a "date". I had gotten out of the habit, but decided that I would grab a bottle from my stash (some how, I ended up with 3 cases after Christmas), and bring a bottle to a date that I had recently. It was very nice, and we shared a couple of glasses and it seemed to help break the ice a bit, as this was a first date kind of thing.  

Ladies - Do you like when a guy brings wine? If so, what kind do you prefer?

Guys - Do you ever bring wine? If so, what are your thoughts behind doing it? If not, why not?

-- Modified on 1/18/2017 12:19:48 AM

My mom always taught me that the guest never shows up empty-handed and the host never let's the guest go hungry (or thirsty, in this case!)

Anything that reminds me of that good southern hospitality is an extra point in my book!

whites-Sauvignon blanc, pouilly fuisse, chenin blanc...reds- drinkable without pairing with food unless we are dining and not sour-merlots, cabernet sauvignon, chianti, some pinot noirs.    

Best to ask before assuming...but I enjoy it.

Several wines I enjoy
- Red: Any of the Carmeneres, specially Montes Purple Angel, Concha & Toro
- White: any of the La Fleur D'Or sauternes

Did you knew that red wine also seems to increase levels of testosterone in the blood?


Luv2Tasteit480 reads

A few times the wine was accepted and put away as if to be opened at a later special occasion or something. I didn't really know how to say in a nice way " ummmm that's for now " so I let it go. As a result, mixed feelings now about the wine bringing.

I love getting to share a nice drink with a gentleman when they come to visit me. I prefer to do the more GFE dates and get to talk and get a feel for the person if they're new, or see how things are going if they're returning friends.  

As for the type, it depends on the time of day. If it's more evening or late night, I prefer sweet wines, mostly Moscato. However if they want to come earlier in the day, I usually specifically request a nice champagne or Prosecco and orange juice and we can share in a nice, refreshing mimosa!

Definitely yes, I always ask if I can bring a bottle of something.  For the first time it breaks the ice and if I see someone more than once it means I enjoy their company enough to have a drink with them.  Of course if you don't ask or find it in profile, you run the risk of bringing alcohol to someone who doesn't drink and that would just be awkward.  One of my retired friends preferred Martinelli's sparkling cider and that was always the ice breaker for our visits.  

I will socially drink. I care a lot about what I eat and drink so I consider drinking a special  occasion. A glass of Rioja, or Prosecco is perfect. I also enjoy Honey Jack on ice. Sometimes I am happy with a beer!!!  

 If someone comes to see me with drink in hand I will enjoy a glass with them. I find it rude to just take the bottle and put it aside.  

  A very awesome client of mine introduced me to Rioja and I LOVE it. ;-)

I'll make a pre encounter contact and ask the lady if she likes to sip a little wine during a session ? If so does she have a preference . Red , white , champagne ? Ill  even ask if she has a fave label.
I'd rather do it this way than to show up with a bottle and be informed she doesn't drink or prefers a splash of vodka.

Interestingly , I've never had a Provider request a particularly expensive bottle. Usually a mid shelf label that can be found at most grocery stores.  

BTW, if taking wine I suggest dropping by a dollar store and picking up a couple cheap wine glasses or flutes  . Champagne wasn't made to be drank from plastic or coffee cups. Plus it simply reflects a little thoughtfulness that tends to be appreciated.

Stevie Thunder is the reason I don't blindly take a bottle of wine.
When she stated out she was pretty hard to book. When I finally snagged a session I was determined to impress the hell out of her. So I grabbed a bottle of Stags Leap from my rack. Upon arrival I removed it from a gift bag and said " I hope you like a good wine "?  Her reply was , " naw , I really don't drink wine. Sometimes maybe a spritzer . But my boyfriend might like it ". She obviously didn't know Stags Leap from Boone's Farm
I couldn't stand the thought of some dude mixing ginger ale with an expensive bottle of Stag , so I just smiled , put the wine back in the bag , placed it by my jacket and said " I don't think so".

Stevie subsequently became a fave. But I never wasted a good bottle of vino on her...lol . In fact when I next saw her ( probably just a few weeks after our first ) I picked up a very inexpensive novelty wine for her. The brown label simply indicated in large red letters " Cheap Red Wine " !

Stevie has never let me forget this. But lesson learned. Best to inquire before you acquire .

As a side note , Stevie remains a fave , the dud boyfriend is long gone and through the years she developed an appreciation for good wines.

-- Modified on 1/18/2017 8:29:44 AM

the curvy asian masseuse said she preferred whiskey and brought out a bottle of very good bourbon which she then poured me and her a shot.  
Live and learn!

JustLayingLow313 reads

Posted By: Charlie Tweeder
Several years ago, I used to bring a bottle of wine when I would show up for a "date". I had gotten out of the habit, but decided that I would grab a bottle from my stash (some how, I ended up with 3 cases after Christmas), and bring a bottle to a date that I had recently. It was very nice, and we shared a couple of glasses and it seemed to help break the ice a bit, as this was a first date kind of thing.  
 Ladies - Do you like when a guy brings wine? If so, what kind do you prefer?  
 Guys - Do you ever bring wine? If so, what are your thoughts behind doing it? If not, why not?

-- Modified on 1/18/2017 12:19:48 AM

And they have specific preferences like procceco or other types; if you ask a lady ahead of time, she might be willing to let ti know if wine or not, and type of wine.

Good luck!

I am somewhat of a wine snob though, and prefer only a good cabernet.  Not necessary, but certainly appreciated:-)

One of the best cabs I've enjoyed was with you. It was at one of our fave hangouts . I recall it being rather pricey but do not remember it's name.
Of course a bottle of Boone's Farm would taste good if being shared with you !

I actually think the name of the wine was Angeline.  I occasionally still drink it and toast fun times in NOVA.  We miss you in DC;-)

Is what I would rather have to sip on in sessions!!!

Red wine....or Jameson on the rocks 😜

wrps07378 reads

Some providers will require that you bring it or beer to their incall. One provider told me that le won't bring alcohol to incall. One time a provider asked me to have alcohol ready at outcall. She wanted to be at ease before I chained her the bed.  

Some are already slightly drunk before you see them talking crazy stuff. You have to be careful because they will initiate bbfs.

When one gets drunk they open themselves up for possession by demonic spirits.

I always enjoy having a glass of wine, especially when meeting new friends. Like you mentioned it's a great icebreaker! I love my reds, Malbecs, Pinot Noir, or any California Blend. Nothing better than a rich glass of wine in good company. ;)

I love when a man offers to bring a bottle of wine.  If they don't and it happens to be a extended evening date,  I always have a stock of my own fine reds to offer them.

"Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing."

Earnest Hemingway

If you like it, bring it.  It's so good for you.  I cook with it all the time and actually used to sell it from total beverage.  Also, delicious.

I certainly don't mind a gent bringing wine to a date. As you say, it helps to break the ice & shows you've given the date some thought.

As for what type, I enjoy red, white & rose so easily pleased.x

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