Washington DC

Working With Syd
jc111 65 Reviews 6701 reads

Hey Ponz - I found Syd to be pretty thorough with his initial screening. On a positive note we did it all by email and he was pretty quick in getting back to me. Once you have been screened once it is very easy to book with him by email, the lady that handles it (Carol) is a doll.

dudes, they have gone off the hook.  summer at $XXXXX.  booked with them and then learned that they are booking back to back...you know what that means, you're out in 45 minutes.  i plan to stay with the appt, can at last minute....while having booked with more considerate.  howz that for a bang!

Wow . she is Hot !!!!!
To expensive for my blood though..
five bills is alot for an hour..
good luck with her . let us know how it goes.

Love Summer's pictures and reviews. Price is high, but still thinking. However, you bring up a very valid point, it is tough to spend $$$$$ when there is a good chance you will be called up late and kicked out early. I enjoy dealing with MC and like their ladies, but the short hour is a problem I have had with them and BOE. For whatever reason I have not had the problem with Syd's or TGND.

JoeBaloney4341 reads

$500? forgetaboutit..

she's cute.. but if MC is thinking they can get away with raising rates to that extreme, I'm betting it'll eventually hurt them in the long run.  

And booking on the hour pretty much guarantees you'll get short changed, and at almost $10 a minute, that's bad!

While I know they'd never let you, I'd suggest saying 1/2 up front, half when my FULL HOUR is done.. That would probably never happen, but it would solve the problem!  They tell you times up at 45 min, you leave and pay for 1/2 since it's basically all you're getting if you include prep time..!


because someone is willing to pay them.  If the market will bear it, they will keep rising.  I just paid $350 for Bridgette with BDJ and she wasn't worth $250 IMHO.  I will write a reveiw today but I fear that Capt's experience will be similar to mine.

Jc111 is correct.  The absolute best value for your money, IMHO, is a well known independent or one of Syd's gals. They hardly ever rush you out.

BastusPinoy6626 reads

I was thinking of seeing someone from BOE or Miami Companions. Are you saying they really are clock watchers? So stay with Inid's or Syds?

I agree they will keep raising it unless we just boycot the high priced ones. After all is she that much better the the girls at SYDS or TGND.

WideDick5002 reads

500 for an hour is insane.  She would have to be in movies for me to even consider that much.  at 500 bucks, for me thats like 100 dollars  a minute

Who will insult a girl with lower rates by saying that they see more clients and so are less of an experience... it is guys like him... with that mentality who raise rates.  If you want to know if she will see you for the full hour... ask.  If you want to pay 500$/hr, don't just expect her to be seeing one or two clients a day... ask.  Assuming is no way to go into a session, especially at that high a rate.

That being said... a lady will set a rate that she is comfortable with.



as far as i know its the girls who choose their prices,
depending on how much business they want to have and how dependent they are on the money. if summer isnt, so why should she not be as high as she wants?

We did not raise her rate, she decided to raise her rate a year ago to $500 and she usually sells out her appt schedule everywhere she goes. We book 30 minutes in between her appts and she calls the shots on how many appts she has per day.

Glad you bailed on the $$$$$, tea.  Just on principle, if nothing else.  I had a teammate contact me about Naomi in DC.  I referred him to some TER reviews he had missed.  Even at $$1/2, he felt he would have needed his noggin' examined to have gone to see her, and he thanked me very much.

 Referring to advice in this thread, I have tried to get Syd's to get back to me so I can get through their screening.  It hasn't been easy to get them to answer.

-- Modified on 12/8/2004 4:28:46 PM

Hey Ponz - I found Syd to be pretty thorough with his initial screening. On a positive note we did it all by email and he was pretty quick in getting back to me. Once you have been screened once it is very easy to book with him by email, the lady that handles it (Carol) is a doll.

Thanks Ponzone, I was going to see her tomorrow.

WHOA, was THAT a CLOSE call!  But then TER reviews, back channel 411, and the fates did the SAME thing for me with Nina (even though I don't feel Nina would be in the same sandlot league as Naomi).  I would HOPE not, with a 3/4$ price difference...

-- Modified on 12/11/2004 5:30:15 AM

JC is right. After the initial screening, which is somewhat thorough, scheduling is easy via email. In fact, just about everything can be done that way, which is a lot easier than phone messages and playing "tag" in my opinion. And, Syd's ladies are very nice!

I agree with what JC said Pattaya


I have never gotten a call back from Carol, nor have I personally spoken to her.  I just keep leaving messages :(

That's very odd. Try emailing.

[email protected]


Have never tried calling them. I really prefer email, and both Syd and Carol respond promptly to my emails. If that does not work for you, or you prefer not to email, let me know by pm and I will try to connect you with them.


That's been MY experience, JT.  However, as the thread "says", apparently one has to work with Syd's through email, almost exclusively.  I suspect Carol only handles calls of an immediate nature, like cancellations, directions, calls from the girls, etc.  Come to think of it, I bet MOST agencies would like to be able to handle phones like that.  Most gals I know who handle phones say it is a near non-stop job for whatever period of time that the phones are "open".

Bubba JJ4558 reads

I've used Miami Companions several times and the only thing I will say definitively is that the girls always deliver.  Having said that YMMV, especially when the girls are touring.  Back to back booking is not uncommon and the only way to get enough time without feeling rushed is to book two or more hours.  The first time I used them, I booked two hours and it was great, the second time I only booked one hour and it definitely had a different feel to it.

I like the MC girls, but after my last touring appointment, I will reserve my appointments with them to my FL trips.

Good luck all!

If you have can you Pm me please ..
Thank you

Where did you "learn" we are booking back to back? That is incorrect, Summer has 30 minutes between all of her appts. We also put a cap on her daily appts per her request. Her rate has been $500 per hour for over a year now and her trips generally are sold out before she arrives in the city she is visitng.

Bubba JJ5378 reads

I'm not trying to down-play the special precautions or considerations that you guys give the girls...but I know from my last touring appointment, that she told me that she did not even have time to get a bite to eat since she was booked solid (she even said that a last minute appointment was scheduled so she really was strapped for time), nor did she have time to tour the city, or really do anything else.  

I know that the ladies are here for business and everyone has to make at least a little money (otherwise, why bother), but I think the general consensus is that when the girls are overbooked, they are not quite as "effective".  Having said that, I will say that they are still plenty good...PEACE.

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