Washington DC

Without a police escort just stay away ... learn, & improve your screening. (eom)
sexyadele See my TER Reviews 3768 reads
1 / 27
wrps07 1249 reads
3 / 27

They will go after this guy with guesto. One county might even up his picture on backpage.

Hello.Duchess See my TER Reviews 1252 reads
4 / 27

Other than the money gone (that is awful), I hope you are okay!  

Take care and I hope your week gets much better...
Posted By: sexyadele
Ladies, if you want his info, email me at [email protected].  

dcphil 15 Reviews 1121 reads
5 / 27

Sorry to hear about this.  Take care of yourself.  Don't report it, they would treat you as the criminal instead of the jerk.

Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 1431 reads
6 / 27

Dear Adele,

I'm so terribly and deeply sorry that this happened to you. While it sucks that you're without the money, the bottom line is that your physical health is still intact, and he did not cause you any bodily harm or injury; however, your emotional well-being might need some serious healing in the aftermath of this traumatic event. My heart truly goes out to you, Adele.

One person posted that you should file a police report; yet another said you should not. I could certainly play devil's advocate for both parties' opinions, but it is the safety, protection, and preservation of your identity associated with your present and future avocation that matters the most.  

I'm wondering if you know anything about the background of the attorney / client who robbed you and the specific area of litigation that he represents.

If he is a criminal defense attorney, one might consider pressing charges. Most District Attorneys are more than happy to go up against the very banes of "lawyerly" existence who are defending the scum of the earth of whom the D.A.'s are trying to prosecute.  

But I have worked on the periphery of the law for many years now in my accounting and paralegal duties for a criminal defense attorney, and I no longer believe in our judicial system after some of the things I have witnessed.

Methinks the best revenge you can proffer is just what you did, Adele: let the ladies know the contact information of this person, and blacklist him on any and every imaginable site possible.  

I will be e-mailing you shortly for the details.  

Adele, please be well, stay safe, and, most importantly, try to remain positive.  

Sending you big hugs....

Ashleigh Ryan  xoxo

Knulla-du-rövhål 1743 reads
7 / 27


74tonyfortune 958 reads
8 / 27

This seems crazy.. I'm more or less new here. Looking at hobbyist/provider as a community of like mind ppl. This individual need to exposed and expelled from our community. Robbery can't be tolerated. He needs 2 have something taken from him.  

Posted By: sexyadele
Ladies, if you want his info, email me at [email protected].  

AlDurer 9 Reviews 936 reads
9 / 27
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 854 reads
10 / 27

It sounds like he knows too well that your options are limited when this happens.  How awful!!   But spreading the word within the hobby community will at least help in some small way.   This is just sick!

lailah69 See my TER Reviews 1064 reads
11 / 27

I am so sorry that happened to you. And from a lawyer!!!! That is just crazy. That's why I prefer to do outs in D.C. Between the thugs, robbers, and police stings, D.C  is just really changing. I did email you for the info though. Stay safe sweetie.

sexyadele See my TER Reviews 898 reads
12 / 27

I am okay, I was just like a zombie last night when I got home.  
Hugs to everyone,

sexyadele See my TER Reviews 1473 reads
13 / 27

The thief just contacted me and we are supposed to meet ..... in a very public place and he will give me back what he stole from me. Hopefully, I can just move forward and forget about it.  

Luv2Tasteit 1208 reads
14 / 27

Be careful and if possible don't go alone. Even if u have your friend sit at a separate table. Now he sounds really shady...don't trust his agenda.

Kisses_Jones See my TER Reviews 898 reads
15 / 27

Write us back to let us know that your safe and without harm. I apologize that this happened to you.

marching100 21 Reviews 1298 reads
16 / 27

Like so many of the other posts in response to what happened, I am deeply sorry to hear that this happened to you and am glad to hear you are ok.  I also agree with the others who have posted that you should not go to this meeting alone.  Have a friend with you and make sure the individual you are meeting knows it so he will know in advance not to try anything foolish.

sexyadele See my TER Reviews 1557 reads
17 / 27

Thank you all so much for your support. Yes you are absolutely right. I will have a friend with me. When he called me this morning he suggested a shopping center later on this evening. That shopping center is totally dead at night. We are supposed to meet tomorrow morning and I won't go alone, and will let him know that someone will be there at the same time than me. Hugs,

Sswede 76 Reviews 1118 reads
18 / 27

Im so sorry this happened to you in DC of all places with a lawyer! . Well lawyers and DC ...That could explain it for sure but may I add my concern about meeting this creep.  
Are you saying he called you offering to return the stolen items out of a change of heart? My God..that happens on TV but not in real life among strangers Adele.....  
Hope your friend with you is a big guy..lol..Please be careful..There are genuinely bad people out there...
Best wishes to you and hope you get through this okay and also not completely turned of by DC as a result

noagenosage 823 reads
19 / 27

It's not true that you will automatically be treated like a criminal instead of the jerk.  I have personal knowledge of a case in which the provider was promised immunity if she would be willing to testify.  However, she feared reprisal from the jerk and backed off.  You could make an anonymous phone call to LE, report the crime and see what they offer.  They are much more interested in catching jerks than punishing ladies, in most cases.  But it's the victim's call.

ttcttc 138 Reviews 876 reads
20 / 27

I am sorry to hear about this, hope you are ok, think the advice about not going alone is really smart.

Was this someone that had been screened?

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 691 reads
22 / 27

This is very strange.  Be safe.
Would be nice if you could have him send it to you somehow instead (while still protecting your identity).

Guarddog111 238 Reviews 950 reads
23 / 27

This guy is up to no good.  He's pissed that you've outed him, and he knows it.  I'm betting he is a member on this board.

I would make the cheap bastard buy a newspaper and put the envelope at the very bottom, underneath the last newspaper in the box.  Then have your friend pick it up.  At least if he stiffs you, the butthead is out a .50 cents which will drive him nuts

74tonyfortune 873 reads
24 / 27

If you need someone to go with I'm.willing.  

Posted By: sexyadele
The thief just contacted me and we are supposed to meet ..... in a very public place and he will give me back what he stole from me. Hopefully, I can just move forward and forget about it.  

Ihaveabig1 889 reads
25 / 27

wont do much, for reason for cops to bust her.

Little-Bit-GFE See my TER Reviews 879 reads
26 / 27

Posted By: sexyadele
Ladies, if you want his info, email me at [email protected].  

wrps07 938 reads
27 / 27

Check out what Montgomery county police does.  You can see their ads on backpage looking for escort robbers.  Its a crime and they pull out all stops to get the criminals. They even go after providers who bait and switch and put guys on dns if they don't pay. Check out backpage.

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