Washington DC

Well Said Jamie
LongThicknHard 122 reads

I recently saw in on of the areas I travel through frequently a picture of a lady with bruises all over her legs. I could not believe she even had the guts to call the picture post worthy and one that would reel in the guys.  

Some women have no pride in their appearance.

-- Modified on 8/17/2016 10:04:21 PM

Hello my provider friends!
I've been in the  hobby for awhile and I can't keep noticing how bad some of the provider pics are. Not bad bad, but just a terrible representation of how beautiful many of the providers I've met are.  They are often way amateurish, impersonal or just plain bad to really fairly represent the indivudal beauty of many of the providers I have met on here. So If you have the time and would like a better portfolio to choose from, please let me know. I'd love to help you out!  Definitely no upfront obligation, if you don't like the pictures there is absolutely no charge.  I guess I am just trying to give back in my small way to the community that has treated me so well. Happy to share some portfolio shots with you in private that I have done.  Honestly, I will be happy to just be giving you your best face. So if that interests you please message me!

-- Modified on 8/15/2016 5:40:28 PM

I think a lot of ladies do not realize the importance of good, professional photography. I am a photographer myself, as a hobby and I do often help my girlfriends with pics and having photos that show you well are important. Many of us are very particular about our photos and we don't see the pictures the way that a man would, if you have a friend or one of your guests that can help you pick your photos, Id utilize that as well. As women we don't always look at our own photos and see what a man sees.  

If you ever need photo help, and you don't have the money to invest- look at modeling sites. You can usually find photographers there as well. But, having all selfies is never a good idea.  

Just my .02$ about photos. ☺️

LongThicknHard123 reads

I recently saw in on of the areas I travel through frequently a picture of a lady with bruises all over her legs. I could not believe she even had the guts to call the picture post worthy and one that would reel in the guys.  

Some women have no pride in their appearance.

-- Modified on 8/17/2016 10:04:21 PM

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