Washington DC

The only problem I see with this review
Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 407 reads

is that it appears to be another example of a guy lowering the performance score based on the fact that he did not like her look. I as much as anyone understand that chemistry plays a big part in the enjoyment and performance. This guy, clearly did not feel any chemistry, and lowered his score based on that and the fact that he did not like her look.  

It seems this lady definately put in the effort. That should come through when guys read this review.


I'm not trying to be a WK, but reviews like this makes me angry.  I've seen Cemi number of times.  Beauty certainly is in the eye of the beholder, but a 4?  Just because he thought she looked older than the stated age?  This a-hole should quit hobbying altogether and certainly should never be allowed to see another K-girl ever again!!!

!!!!!512 reads

While the review is harsh, it is not a bannable offense.

These agencies make it so hard to get into, but they let a-holes like him and worse stick around far too long...

GaGambler473 reads

His money, his session, his opinion.

My advice to you is to get the fuck over it and mind your own fucking business. Guys like you do more harm than good. If your intent is for her to have a good business, you are going about it ALL WRONG. Not many hobbyists want drama from the women they see, and the LAST FUCKING THING they want is drama from some WhiteKnight riding in on his white horse to save them. I personally avoid providers with a lot of WhiteKnights, and I know other guys do too.

The review itself is not going to chase off anyone except for guys who are really into youthful providers, and for the record, most of his comments were rather kind.

Take a deep fucking breath, and go about your own business. I am sure she is going to do just fine without you to protect her.

But on this matter, I'm going to respectfully disagree...

noagenosage607 reads

The sloppy review impelled me to check her website, and I would not be put off by the negative comments.  She should be OK despite them.

AsianManNOVA697 reads

I know the pics are glam shots, but I really had a hard time finding some resemblance to her pics. She is attractive, but not nearly as pretty as the girl in the pics. Her performance was outstanding though. If I review her, I would give her 7/9 (I stopped writing reviews of the K-girls a while back). That is another reason why I asked you a couple days ago if a girl you saw looks like her pics (she is from the same agency).  

I agree with you that the score is way too low, but also want to point out my doubts about the authenticity of the pics.

If you search around the net, there are unblurred photos floating around. Those photos are definitely hers. All these photos have been photoshopped and glamourized. If you are going to dock them for that, you might as well not see them at all. There is a line between being honest and being mean.  Reviews like this are deeply hurtful. Just because they can't talk back shouldn't give one a free reign to trash them the way some guys do.

You're blowing this way out of proportion.  Chill.  Maybe Cemi is a 10 for you, but she could be a 1 to someone else.  Different strokes for different folks (I find girls with huge noses to be sexy), and it's not like he trashed her.  His review didn't seem mean to me. He stated that she looked older, didn't look like her pictures, and he didn't like the feel of her fake tits.  I don't think she deserves a 4 on looks, but then again I've never seen her in person.

-- Modified on 8/14/2014 5:35:35 PM

AsianManNOVA424 reads

He said she looks older and didn't look like her pics. He also said he likes big saggy boobs over man-made ones, but that was his taste. He said her BJ was good (7) but not great (10). He also said she is nice and friendly, and her personality makes up for her looks. I really can't find anything mean in his review. This guy is a newbie as he only has 4 reviews so he probably should have given her a higher score based on the review.

-- Modified on 8/14/2014 5:59:35 PM

To most of these girls, even a string of 7s is a tour ending catastrophe.  It doesn't matter what the juicy details says. A score of 4 (ok if you are drunk) was completely uncalled for.  He may have made a newbie mistake, but that mistake is her livelihood.  If he wanted big saggy tits, he should have gone to a provider with pics of big saggy tits and then complain.

I'd like to think that the guys reading her reviews would have the common sense to not pay him too much attention.  I look at girls who are highly reviewed all the time.  Most will have that stray bad review or two.  It doesn't really deter me from wanting to request an appointment, but what do I know.  I'm still a newbie

noagenosage388 reads

so everyone, especially experienced ones like those on this thread, should read between the lines and not over-react.  If providers can't accept the occasional setback without over-reacting or trying to game the system (like the 10/10 girls), they shouldn't be in this game.  In the current situation, plenty of people have taken the provider's side, including me, and she hasn't said a word.  Well, good for her.  I'll bet she comes out ahead, because there are a lot of positives even in that mixed review that started the discussion.  I'm almost tempted to call her and see for myself...

is that it appears to be another example of a guy lowering the performance score based on the fact that he did not like her look. I as much as anyone understand that chemistry plays a big part in the enjoyment and performance. This guy, clearly did not feel any chemistry, and lowered his score based on that and the fact that he did not like her look.  

It seems this lady definately put in the effort. That should come through when guys read this review.

The verbiage should match the score, and 4 is probably a little harsh...As subjective as the concept of beauty is,  I believe we can all agree that by standards of society there is something called half decent, OK looking. By my standards somewhere between 6 to 8 would have been... A-OK.. This all when you consider the fact that pics are airbrushed and TER mongers exaggerate Looks and Performance. Yet another reason to do away with numerical system..

But that being said, why the hell are you getting drawn into the drama by originating a post like that... !!

You have made some good contributions to the board in the past, and you have great knowledge and experience with K-girls. We would like to see some more insights into other areas of K-hobbying than what score a John should give...

-- Modified on 8/14/2014 8:17:59 PM

I got carried away... But these girls pay close attention to their reviews.  Callous comments made on the board and reviews drove one top girl from BA to VA.  Shitty clients then drove her from VA to LA.  So what we do and say really does effect all of us.

In fact, life itself has risk.  The girls could get mugged just walking down the street. Are we going to police the streets now? I don't think so.  Your intentions are noble, but your approach is flawed. Some people are just going to be assholes.  And sometimes we just have to shrug it off and say.. Its just life..  

I am sure the Agency owner will look at it and ban the guy, and I wouldn't be too surprised or saddened if he does it..  Let them resolve their issues.. You go get your pee pee wet... :D

Represent issues with the reviewer and not the provider.  
When a negative review pops up amidst generally good to great reviews. I personally ignore them and distrust the source.  
My two cents on the subject but I wish it were not a source of angst for the provider of for our hobby.  

-- Modified on 8/15/2014 6:57:14 AM

Never rely on scheduler's recommendation. I read in his review she was recommended by her scheduler. It happened and I have learned from it.

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