Washington DC

Something of a crazy story...
xhobbyist 1409 reads

Earlier this evening, I had plans to meet with a lady for a massage+ downtown. I found her on BP, which I try to avoid, but the location and timing were convenient and she was very attractive and seemed real.  

As we got closer to the meet, something about the situation set off my spidey-sense and it didn't help that I had to wait a few minutes after I already got to the door. I probably should have bailed.  

She lets me in and she's the girl in the pictures and she's alone, though the room was in disarray. Everything about this screamed "this is not gonna be worth it," so after some brief introductory chat, I break one of the cardinal sins of the hobby: I ask her what on the menu. I'd rather be a jerk, ask, and leave with my wallet full than leave 15 min later super disappointed.  

She looks at me kinda shocked and doesn't say anything, because now she thinks I'm a cop. I tell her what I was expecting based on the ad and she said she hadn't seen the ad, but that there's a "guy" that handles all that.  

Long story short, this girl was brand new and in a bad situation. Her "guy" was flying her and several ladies from city to city without telling them where they were going next or if they're gonna be paired up with anyone when they get there. The "guy" writes all the ads, for massage+ for $$.5 for an hour, but texts after 20-25 minutes to get her to push the guys out. Meanwhile, she thinks she's only providing a CFNM massage with everything else upsold. Then the fucker takes swings by at the end of the night and takes 80% of the cut because he handles all of the communication and knew how many clients she saw.  

She spills all this to me and it's clear she's really scared. She had been thinking about hopping a plane back home, but knowing that he was staying in the same hotel, was afraid to make the move. I told her that this guy is an asshole and no amount of money is worth this. We pack up all her stuff, I walk with her downstairs, and she catches a cab to a hotel outside the airport. Another friend from home got her a ticket and she should be outta here first thing tomorrow.  I didn't realize until after the cab pulled off that I never got her real number, but I pray she gets home okay. This is gonna sound like a terrible stereotype, but I thought this stuff happened mainly with foreign girls, but she's American, so I was especially shocked.  

I'm sure to many of the ladies here this is not new. I know this side exists and I had never seen it first hand. This is supposed to be fun between two *consenting* adults. Anything else should be illegal and come with all of the punishments (and more) deemed by law. I'm pretty shaken up by this and can't help but wonder if I've ever unwittingly came and gone with another girl in the same situation.  

So I say all that to say the following:

 - fellow hobbyists, it's supposed to be all fun and games, but let's keep an eye for fishy behavior too. Granted, it's best to avoid risky situations, but if you find yourself in it, try and do the right thing

 - to everyone, should I out this guy? I have the number. Should I post it here? Should I leave an anonymous tip with the cops? He may still be at the hotel.  It's a google voice so it may not go anywhere. Any advice would be appreciated.

Kudos to you for saving a pimped girl from her abuser.  I would not go beyond this and try to go to LE or out the guy. You could be running for your life at that point. These people can be quite dangerous.

Maybe you could post a link to the BP ad here?

With all due respect to Curly, I disagree. This guy needs to be turned in to LE. Punks like this need to pay a price for abusing women. He needs contact with the court system now to at least get the ball rolling.

Yes, he could be dangerous. If you are afraid, contact the authorities anonymously. Don't call 911, though. Try to get a local precinct or neighborhood seargant. If they are any good, they are more likely to handle it in favor of the victims.

But chances are, the pimp is just a typical bully. Stand up to him and he cowers. I liken his type to wife beaters. If a lady's dad or brother steps in they get straightened out real fast. And this character needs someone to make his life miserable.

The best outcome is for the guy to get picked up so maybe the rest of his victims can be freed as well.

Good luck and stay safe out there.


Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Kudos to you for saving a pimped girl from her abuser.  I would not go beyond this and try to go to LE or out the guy. You could be running for your life at that point. These people can be quite dangerous.
-- Modified on 11/20/2014 7:11:47 AM

But with the girl gone, and report being anonymous, I am not sure what kind of traction the report will even get. They probably get a few dozen of these tips every month if not more.  

So my point is that doing anonymously is not going to help. And doing it the other way has huge downside.

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 10:29:47 AM

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
But with the girl gone, and report being anonymous, I am not sure what kind of traction the report will even get. T...
-- Modified on 11/20/2014 10:29:47 AM
That is why I suggested posting a link to the BP ad.  BP sometimes points readers to other ads by the same poster, which may be other girls worked by the same pimp.   Other girls who aren't gone.  

Or for that matter one can compare the ad to other ads and be wary at the very least.

Another hobbiest may want to do the same or something similar to OP.  And lest we forget, some hobbiests are LE themselves, who could be uniquely positioned to do some good

Posted By: xhobbyist
Earlier this evening, I had plans to meet with a lady for a massage+ downtown. I found her on BP, which I try to avoid, but the location and timing were convenient and she was very attractive and seemed real.  
 As we got closer to the meet, something about the situation set off my spidey-sense and it didn't help that I had to wait a few minutes after I already got to the door. I probably should have bailed.  
 She lets me in and she's the girl in the pictures and she's alone, though the room was in disarray. Everything about this screamed "this is not gonna be worth it," so after some brief introductory chat, I break one of the cardinal sins of the hobby: I ask her what on the menu. I'd rather be a jerk, ask, and leave with my wallet full than leave 15 min later super disappointed.  
 She looks at me kinda shocked and doesn't say anything, because now she thinks I'm a cop. I tell her what I was expecting based on the ad and she said she hadn't seen the ad, but that there's a "guy" that handles all that.  
 Long story short, this girl was brand new and in a bad situation. Her "guy" was flying her and several ladies from city to city without telling them where they were going next or if they're gonna be paired up with anyone when they get there. The "guy" writes all the ads, for massage+ for $$.5 for an hour, but texts after 20-25 minutes to get her to push the guys out. Meanwhile, she thinks she's only providing a CFNM massage with everything else upsold. Then the fucker takes swings by at the end of the night and takes 80% of the cut because he handles all of the communication and knew how many clients she saw.  
 She spills all this to me and it's clear she's really scared. She had been thinking about hopping a plane back home, but knowing that he was staying in the same hotel, was afraid to make the move. I told her that this guy is an asshole and no amount of money is worth this. We pack up all her stuff, I walk with her downstairs, and she catches a cab to a hotel outside the airport. Another friend from home got her a ticket and she should be outta here first thing tomorrow.  I didn't realize until after the cab pulled off that I never got her real number, but I pray she gets home okay. This is gonna sound like a terrible stereotype, but I thought this stuff happened mainly with foreign girls, but she's American, so I was especially shocked.  
 I'm sure to many of the ladies here this is not new. I know this side exists and I had never seen it first hand. This is supposed to be fun between two *consenting* adults. Anything else should be illegal and come with all of the punishments (and more) deemed by law. I'm pretty shaken up by this and can't help but wonder if I've ever unwittingly came and gone with another girl in the same situation.  
 So I say all that to say the following:  
  - fellow hobbyists, it's supposed to be all fun and games, but let's keep an eye for fishy behavior too. Granted, it's best to avoid risky situations, but if you find yourself in it, try and do the right thing  
  - to everyone, should I out this guy? I have the number. Should I post it here? Should I leave an anonymous tip with the cops? He may still be at the hotel.  It's a google voice so it may not go anywhere. Any advice would be appreciated.

Call the police. Get the guy in the system. If he.already has a record, this will be one more strike toward getting the asshole locked up.

Kuddos for making a stand. We need more guys like you to help make this a better planet.

AnotherDCmonger438 reads

PS, a Washington, DC organization.  HIPS is an acronym for "Helping Independent Prostitutes Survive".  The organization works with women, men and transvestites who work on the streets and gets parts of their funding from from the DC Health Department (HIV prevention) and the justice assistance program.  They give out free condoms and lube and will provide assistance to sex workers who ask for help.  

From all reports that I have read, they are non-judgmental and aren't into the business of proselytizing nor busting anyone.  Their mission statement is as follows: "HIPS promotes the health, rights, and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by sexual exchange and/or drug use due to choice, coercion, or circumstance. HIPS provides compassionate harm reduction services, advocacy, and community engagement that is respectful, non-judgmental, and affirms and honors individual power and agency."

They have contacts in the government including contacts that will help a sex worker get away from a bad pimp.  I guess that is why they get money from justice assistance.  They have a good reputation among the sex workers rights people.  The link is attached.

You were definitely at the right place at the right time. Helping that young lady out was a courageous act of kindness. I will leave the decision up to you for going any further. Although you would like to save other women in this situation, you must take care of your own safety first.

Always to all, stay safe :-*

I would take my hat off to you, sir. I'd imagine that there may have been some potential for putting yourself in physical danger by choosing to help this poor girl, but that obviously did not matter to you. Well done, and yes, we should ALL be on the lookout for suspicious behavior.

I just hope she learned her lesson and wises up. And yes, it's not just foreign ladies.

I was one of a team of ladies that got a lady out of Vegas and back to Atlanta that was mislead by a BP ad and flew to Cali to work temporarily for "big bucks". Once she arrived, all of her stuff, including her clothes, computer, wallet-everything! She and another girl were driven to Vegas stayed in a hotel in the wall, had the head 'Ho watching her for the pimp and taking the money she made working the hotels to the pimp.

I can't remember how  she got the word out but a now retired lady based in Vegas had her come out of the hotel and jump in her car! OMG I was on the phone with the retired lady the whole time until she got her back to her place. Some us ladies I humorously called the Dream Team got her AZ where she stayed with one lady hiding out and getting some essentials like something else to wear with one of those prepaid cards, and flew her home. I talked to her by phone a couple of times to make sure she was ok and to help her pick out a new name to work under, new pics, I know she did work some, and did a gig with a reputable agency in Boston.

I have no idea where she is now, I hope she's ok. It was in 2009 or '10 so it's fuzzy to me now.

It happens more than you think.


-- Modified on 11/20/2014 7:40:28 PM

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