Washington DC

Sienna York!
ZACH 60 Reviews 1069 reads

The total package. Comfortable and functional in any environment or setting.

Random poll for DC hobbyists and providers: Who is the most intelligent (however you define that: book smarts, conversational ability, practical knowledge) provider, local or otherwise you've had the pleasure of hanging out with?  DC's "Madame" Curie?

-- Modified on 8/26/2015 7:18:50 PM

Smart and conversant over a wide range of topics.

Posting under an alias suggests to me that you don't have much courage in your convictions.

More below in response to bona fide posts.

moocher21006 reads

Yes, under an alias.  

But, I am not the one who has only one review, a review of Kelly that reads like it was written by her, explaining all of her policies, etc., rather than just reporting what happened.  

I have actually at times, Ric, if you were actually her. After all, she is so smart, she would come up with the idea of posting a review of herself, right?  

Enjoy your brainy sex doll!  Just stop telling us all how great it is.  I find her to be obnoxious

I don't want to get into a pissing match with someone hiding behind a mask.  

Suffice it to say that I have had many travel and other dates with Kelly since my review and they have all been as good as or better than the trip I described.

I wouldn't sweat it Ric....not only does he post under an alias (which lends itself to enough scrutiny), but he is also probably the type of guy who is intimidated by seriously intelligent women. Therefore, he mocks, criticizes and denigrates those who are.

While I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Kelly face-to-face (something I do hope to correct in the near future), I have corresponded with her a few times and find her mind simply amazing. In my book, that simply adds to the intrigue of the woman

So, the temptation here is to tee off on the obvious irony of someone choosing "Moocher" as an alias complaining about someone who might be a Republican, and who, one might infer, otherwise parades as a champion of "tolerance." But that would be too easy.

Better to suggest common sense: if a lady's political views, advertised in advance, rub you the wrong way, DON'T SEE HER. There are lots of ladies out there who can cater sincerely to your tastes as well as your opinons. Why the need to attack someone with views that differ, and whose votes count equally with yours in the voting booth?  This attack almost sound like compensation for a . . . never mind.

-- Modified on 8/28/2015 8:25:27 PM

...and classless. Just because Kelly's  views (or anyone else's for that matter) may be different than yours and she's well versed in what it takes to defend her beliefs, does not make her controlling, or a nut job.

posts like always drum up interest.

the only people who liked that post are
1) women with an ulterior motive
2) men who have no interest in seeing her anyway

someone posting that is only going to peak others interests and look in to her.

so really, she can thank him and he can go sit back in his corner wondering where in life he went wrong. :)

i have never found her posts to be anything but magnanimous and civil.

i'm willing to bet she does not waste her time replying to his churlish post.

Posted By: ANaturalBeauty
...and classless. Just because Kelly's  views (or anyone else's for that matter) may be different than yours and she's well versed in what it takes to defend her beliefs, does not make her controlling, or a nut job. [/quote

Newto10001059 reads

She's a republican.  That automatically disqualifies her from being smart.

Posted By: Ric330
Smart and conversant over a wide range of topics.

the idea of the political construct of republics?  

Or did you mean she is  a Republican, a member of the more conservative political party in America's two-party system?

Though I have not yet had the pleasure of making her acquaintance, I am confident from her posts that she knows the difference a capital letter makes.

A former Republican, now Libertarian

You are correct that Kelly is a passionate (in all senses of the word) Republican. I see her regularly, and I am definitely left of center. I make the following observations:

(1) Intelligent conversation about politics is among the most interesting, and it is best when both sides don't share the same views. My political discussions with Kelly have been quite stimulating.

(2) She being right of center and I being left of center is convenient for letting us know from which side of the bed to start....

-- Modified on 8/27/2015 10:34:14 PM

You'll make the rest of us lefties sound like dicks.

classy. I believe her to be conversant on many issues.

Is she the smartest of all providers in DC? I dunno. I haven't seen them ALL (yet...lol).

Perhaps the OP meant, who's the most intelligent one you have seen

But I'm smart enough not to answer this question.
ALL the DC treasures I've met are brighter than me.  
Nuff said

"And the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe"

 or "goat and cabbage fed intact"

 Very wise.

 I want to see what a provider who be left out of being call NON intelligent  what would be  her reaction when you try to book with her

 Above where  Russian folk sayings translated  and here  you may find of translation of Fyodor Tyutchev ;s poem



Speak not, lie hidden, and conceal  
the way you dream, the things you feel.  
Deep in your spirit let them rise  
akin to stars in crystal skies  
that set before the night is blurred:  
delight in them and speak no word.
How can a heart expression find?  
How should another know your mind?  
Will he discern what quickens you?  
A thought once uttered is untrue.  
Dimmed is the fountainhead when stirred:  
drink at the source and speak no word.
Live in your inner self alone  
within your soul a world has grown,  
the magic of veiled thoughts that might  
be blinded by the outer light,  
drowned in the noise of day, unheard...  
take in their song and speak no word

leads to a transition to another topic and an informative fact that raises eyebrows or initiates laughter D:
And a lot of my reviews do say I'm a witty sassy lady. :)

Mia is an ex of mine and despite her tattoos, this girl is extremely cultured. She knows world news internationally, stays current with popculture and politics, has a degree in Biz, minored in Psychology, and knows a lot of legalese that confuses me. Despite being a Republican, she is very open to opposing idea discussions and most recently read America: A Citizens Guide by Jon Stewart.

Cayden Vaughn always seems smart as a whip in her posts and in person. Not so much facts, but just in her ability to know what to say at the right time in the best way.

I've known Rae for years when I use to go by Sierra. She is extremely intelligent, just read her steamy sex stories and you'll see. She's one of those women you can talk to about anything and she comes across as an expert in the field.  

I've never had the pleasure of meeting Zoey Zaquery but I've relied on her advice lately and she is incredible. I swear she must have a masters in Business and/or marketing. She is very articulate, her thoughts are well organized and she is so positive and uplifting. She's a smart cookie! If I was a guy I would be submitting my screening info Lol  

I've added myself to the list because I believe I'm pretty smart

I recently had the immense pleasure of spending some quality time with Ms. Amber Affection. I found her to be very smart, witty and engaging. We had a couple of fascinating conversations, ahem, between rounds. And she is hot as hell too!  

Overall, she's a spicy little firecracker of a gal who will impress you with her brains while she totally rocks your world!!

There is a line from Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America" where the prince said, "I want a woman who will arouse my intellect as well as my loins." Well, in my book, Amber Rae would be the one.


Posted By: AmberAffection
leads to a transition to another topic and an informative fact that raises eyebrows or initiates laughter D:  
 And a lot of my reviews do say I'm a witty sassy lady. :)  
 Mia is an ex of mine and despite her tattoos, this girl is extremely cultured. She knows world news internationally, stays current with popculture and politics, has a degree in Biz, minored in Psychology, and knows a lot of legalese that confuses me. Despite being a Republican, she is very open to opposing idea discussions and most recently read America: A Citizens Guide by Jon Stewart.  
 Cayden Vaughn always seems smart as a whip in her posts and in person. Not so much facts, but just in her ability to know what to say at the right time in the best way.
-- Modified on 8/27/2015 11:17:24 AM

-- Modified on 8/27/2015 11:20:11 AM

joecarter979 reads

advanced degrees in both hard and soft sciences, international perspective, aware, witty, and funny.  A good sense of humor is a sign of intelligence.

sexy as all get out, skilled and insatiable too.

The total package. Comfortable and functional in any environment or setting.

Abby Mustang, who comes to town only occasionally.  Her official title is "Dr." after spending time advertising herself as a "Grad Student" and now a "Former Grad Student"

She's also a pretty nice person with decent reviews.

But you need to follow the TER Ad boards carefully looking for "Former Grad Student"

You are one of the most and best impressive providers I have met!  

   I still remember being struck by your Ads and your clever writing style when I decided to want to get in touch with you. We were both just starting out but your eloquency and style were and are so unique that I felt a instant connection to want to know you.  
   In my provider years, you are the one I am very happy to have met and continued to stay in touch with all this time.  
You are a great person all around and I admire your quick wittedness, humor, input, participation and honesty.

   Brainy or iest is superlative but I do consider you to be a very intelligent person and always appreciate our communication.

Caressa is pretty smart.  She made a number of jokes, some at my expense ;), when I was with her.  Being humorous requires observation and creativity

!!!!!835 reads

I am impressed by intelligence, but I revere wisdom

Always felt Elaina (retired I think) was one of the brightest providers I have met. I'm sure there are several, several cerebral providers in DC but this is only based on many conversations with Elaina. Always told her she should write a book.
Would love to know where she is and how she is doing if anyone knows please email...thanks

-- Modified on 8/28/2015 4:01:13 PM

If I want intellectual stimulation, I can talk to my professors at the university.

I mean, what you mean to say is that you don't want intellectual stimulation, but if you ever found that you did, you might try talking to one of "your" professors -- as opposed to lowering yourself to talk to say, a provider, who you can't imagine stimulating anything on you above the belt.

Fair enough...

But professors are busy professionals, aren't they? Professors have classes, and meetings, and lives. I can't imagine they live to chew the fat with their students or random ex-students. But maybe you are a different case. Maybe they see you coming down the hall and they immediately begin to think of clever things to discuss with you.

Somehow I just don't see that happening.

Dear Baggio:

I am not sure if you will see this reply but since you have mentioned my handle a few times, please feel free to shoot me an email @ my old email address.  Thanks and I appreciate that I am in your thoughts!


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