Washington DC

She pleasured YOU?
Ponzone 39 Reviews 3218 reads

Well being clean isn't the only two-way street here.  I have met numerous providers who derive a great deal of pleasure from their encounters.  Did you seriously think that men are the ONLY ones who enjoy sex?  Just because it is repeated doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable.  Personally, I would love to be able to have it a half dozen times a day.  Think the girls do it that often all the time?  Some never do.  Even those that do take their breaks as well.  No use to burn out.  Those who are best at doing their "jobs" are the ones who enjoy doing them.

When dealing with men (personal & professional), looks often factor in, but do not seal the deal. If the chemistry is good, then how he looks seems somewhat insignificant. So my question to the hobbyists and providers out there, does the way a person looks affect your experience with them? Could you have a great time with someone who is not your fantasy/type?

-- Modified on 7/3/2005 11:47:16 AM

KamulRogue2686 reads

A fantasy type can be very attractive. If she has a bad attitude she won't get repeat business from me. Attitude is reflected in the following: the provider is one time, is she clean (did she wash, did she brush her teeth and use mouth wash, pussy clean), how clean her incall situation is (changing bed sheets), does she complain if you go over just a few minutes, and how well is the performance.

The other thing is courtesy. Does the provider return phone calls. Does the provider send a thank you note for a previous session. There was a provider that gave me a great session, she failed to respond with a thank you email note, I went to the next provider on the shopping list. Later on I found out the provider had some serious issues.

Never ever take things for granted. Pay attention to detail. Sometimes it is helpful to ask the client how was everything. Remember you don't want clients to be singing "It is Never good as the first time".

In terms of going over, if a client realizes he is go over he will be more likely to book extra time for the next session if the provider does not complain.

I can not understate the importance of being clean. My very first experience seeing a provider was pretty bad. It was so bad that I had to make the provider take a shower and brush her teeth before seing her. As a result I quit the hobby for 3 years. In both personal and professional relationships make sure that you are clean as a whistle no matter how fine you are. If you don't have the time to take a shower before hand, ask the client if they can take a shower with you. Don't forget to brush those teeth & tongue and use the mouth wash.

What... are you crazy?? You owe a thank you to the provider in my book! She's the one that's taking all the risk. And as far as being clean--- I can only imagine how many stinky guys providers have to deal with. It's a 2 way street if you ask me. I'll be fresh, and I expect the same.
I can't believe you actually expect a TY note....after all... she pleasured YOU!

KamulRogue1677 reads

I always send a thank you note. Since I am paying money for service I expect the thank you for the money paided. Provider should be thankful that I selected her and not someone else.

I can now understand why some service is so poor around here in the DC area. The local providers don't appreciate repeat business. Now wonder visitors are making a killing.

Pamper me2504 reads

It's a good business practice.

If I send them a thank you note saying I had a great time, I hope I would get a response back saying how much they enjoyed themselves, and thanking me for seeing them, and how much they would like to see me again. If they personalize it by using my name somewhere in the email, or commenting on the gift I gave them, even better.  Unfortunately I rarely see that among young providers (under 30 yrs), even though it is so easy to do.  The more experienced providers (over 30) are much better about these basic courtesies. They understand the value of establishing a personal connection and keeping a relationship going when they cannot compete with the younger ones on looks and body.

Well being clean isn't the only two-way street here.  I have met numerous providers who derive a great deal of pleasure from their encounters.  Did you seriously think that men are the ONLY ones who enjoy sex?  Just because it is repeated doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable.  Personally, I would love to be able to have it a half dozen times a day.  Think the girls do it that often all the time?  Some never do.  Even those that do take their breaks as well.  No use to burn out.  Those who are best at doing their "jobs" are the ones who enjoy doing them.

Point well taken, I mean, I don't necessarily disagree... but Pamper Me says it in a nutshell with her post "It's the whole package"....

Some of my best experiences have been with women who are not the drop dead gorgeous fantasy girl. But if something cliks, you keep cumming back for more.

Who defines what beautiful really is?  And once that determination is made on what scale are we basing the looks on?  One being Craig Mack or Pat from Saturday Night Live, or ten Pamela Anderson (the younger version) or Denzel Washington.  People are unique and beautiful in their own ways.  I pride myself in the fact that no matter what .....how pretty you may think I am or not... that I will always be me.  I will always be one seperate individual, different from everyone else.  And once you begin to appreciate that... you will no longer need to worry about how much looks really matter....

Egypt of DC

123qqq2173 reads

Looks are only part of the fantasy.Adittude and eagerness to please goes a long way.But fake pics will break the fantasy as soon as the door opens.

...Some days I like gym bunnies, other days I like 'em curvy, sometimes I like long hair, and sometimes shorter is sooooooooo damn sexy.

So, the answer is: I'll have to get back to you when/if I come across a woman is not my fantasy type.

Everyones fantasy type is different. When I'm looking at Eros ad's, I tend to ignore ladies too far from my 'type'. That said, sometimes you wander into a situation that shows you someone you might not have noticed, and the next thing you know you've had a great time with them. So my answer to your question is yes, although maybe it's a luck thing (timing, etc.). This has happened to me a couple of times, so maybe my type isn't as well defined as I might think.

Pamper me2560 reads

It's attitude, looks, attitude and attitude :-) It's how the guy is treated before, during and after the session. Girls, make the guy feel important, like you want to see him again, that you had a great time with him.  Thank him for his little gifts, respond to his emails in kind, use his name in the emails. Make it easy for him to see you, especially if he is an old customer - quickly return call, respond to emails, ask him what he wants for the next meeting - and he will think you are the most beautiful person in the world.

For me a good bit, if I'm not initially attracted I'm not going to go for it. However, I've been with nice looking women who weren't my absolute fantasy type, but still sexy, that were out of this world. At the same time I've been with women that I found to be gorgeous who more than likely weren't into me so the session was only so so, and sensing that my performance was pretty bad also. Everyone has their own idea of what they find attractive and that's all that matter's. The key is finding someone who can fulfill both fantasy and chemistry. Or at least can look and act the part, LOL.

-- Modified on 7/4/2005 3:23:26 PM

... and chemistry is a very mysterious and unpredictable thing. You just never know until you meet with someone one-on-one.

I won't lie and say that looks are unimportant, but chemistry matters a lot -- probably more -- to me. Beauty will not redeem being a bitch or shallow or stuck-up or being difficult/uninterested. My attitude in those cases is always, "Why should I waste my time here then?"

The best times are always with those people that you feel most at ease with, that you have a connection with, that are interested in you personally. Or at least make you feel that way.

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