Washington DC

Scammer in DC
srynotsry 1198 reads

Ladies I recently met an active TER member who shorten me by a great amount. Lied about amount in envelope. (hate to count in front of client but that now will change)  He mention he wants to run for office one day so he`s leaving the hobby soon. Maybe I was his last date so he didn't care. He will make a great politician with his characteristics ;-/
PM for details

ICantQuit734 reads

This is more a personal preference for me I guess.  I hate it when I provider counts the envelope in front of me.  MAJOR BUZZ KILL!!!!

I do my part by placing the envelope on the dresser/counter, wherever, in plain site.  I excuse myself for the requisite rinse/shower where she can count it while I'm in the shower.

But to count it in front of me.....guarantees I will never schedule with her again.

. . .  especially if it's someone I haven't seen before. It's not like she could repossess anything if she finds later that I shorted her. Maybe it's because I have a small service business and I hate getting stiffed. I usually go to the bathroom after leaving the money on the dresser anyway, so it's not an issue. But if I'm new to her I think it's Ok to count it in front of me. Or at least it doesn't offend me.

Then again, I remember once with Lila (who has retired), I saw her so much one time we both totally forgot about the money. And when I realized it I had to call her and come back. We both got a laugh out of it.

Not saying I count in front of anyone, but that idea that it's a buzzkill to check that the money isn't funny contributes greatly to this kind of thing. You may do that, but a lot of guys don't.  

Not fair to the ladies who want to make sure that aren't going to be shorted/have had bad experiences/wanna have a carefree time without a stressful money situation.

I don't personally understand how handing the envelope over is A-okay, but acknowledging what's inside isn't?

Exactly! If you short the woman you're a douche bag, plain and simple.

if that is one the first things she does when I arrive... not good.

 I excuse myself to bathroom after I place the donation on the table if that is not the best time to collect and check I don't know what is.

Posted By: YourMysteryDate
Not saying I count in front of anyone, but that idea that it's a buzzkill to check that the money isn't funny contributes greatly to this kind of thing. You may do that, but a lot of guys don't.  
 Not fair to the ladies who want to make sure that aren't going to be shorted/have had bad experiences/wanna have a carefree time without a stressful money situation.  
 I don't personally understand how handing the envelope over is A-okay, but acknowledging what's inside isn't?

!!!!!585 reads

That assures myself as much as her.

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