Washington DC

ROFLMAO...Now that's classic -E-teeth_smile
Tall6969 44 Reviews 449 reads


I just made arrangements with a well known Fairfax area provider to go visit her when I flew into town.  During the course of emails I mentioned that I would be taking a taxi to her place.  She told me that she "didn't allow taxis" because they could generate suspicion  I responded that I could use Uber ( their cars are unmarked) or perhaps she could come to me or that I could even rent a car.  She responded that we weren't a match and then radio silence.  Fortunately the DC area is blessed with an abundance of wonderful providers and I quickly found a better one.  My question is has this ever happened to anyone and can any provider explain it.  Thanks

adventurer2011594 reads

I don't really like to drive when doing these things so I use taxis or sometimes use the subway if more convenient. I usually don't tell the driver the destination I'm going to but some other place near by sighing a waking distance. This way I just walk up to the place as I get the room number.  
I would had probably tried to explain that.

..just tell her you were not born yesterday. Taxis are so much better and safer than driving in your own car, and as the adventurer suggested, you can get dropped at the nearby spot and just walk over.  

I would just appreciate and respect a plain, straightforward..."I don't think we are a good match" than the song and dance.  

Like one of the older members on TER used to say.. I will beg for pussy, I will pay for pussy, but I will not beg to pay for pussy.....

Not gonna discuss the topic of "I don't See Black Men" as it has been discussed enough over the years.

The bottom line is, ladies, WHATEVER, your reason/s are for not seeing someone simply say so.  If you're worried about hurting feelings simply say "We Are Not A Match."  And you could even include some other touchy feely language like..."I'm sure you're a wonderful guy; etc. etc..

But to give an obvious bullshit excuse which insults the intelligence and/or go silent (which is worst to me than a bullshit story) and say absolutely nothing after the guy has filled out all your forms; answered all your questions; provided all your references and you can't provide a simply "we don't fit" is absurd.

I especially like the I will not beg and pay for pussy.  Very funny.  Thanks

....she sounds weird. The fact that you offered and suggested you would/could use other options of renting a car or using Uber and she STILL said no screams biyatch with a capital B.  
Thumbs up you were able to find someone else.

...I would not be in business.  My incall location is downtown DC, and most of my gentlemen callers arrive by taxi, Uber, car service, etc; unless it is a beautiful day like today, and simply walk.

   I have never heard such a lame excuse.

Hugs and Kisses,

Or probably just flaky. If it's in a quiet neighborhood and she has clients coming to her house maybe she has had something happen and the neighbors are watching? You never know. I know a lady that sees people out of her condo but is cutting way back because the neighbors have asked her what she does for a living so she's a bit on edge. Understandable. But in your case this is not the case since you offered other options. Oh well sounds like you didn't luck out!

...needs to retire.  IMHO, the shelf life of a provider is/should be relatively short.  To think a lady can do this for say 20 - 30 years and retire as if she were working for IBM, GE, etc, w/o a psychological impact is a stretch to me.  It takes that special lady who is comfortable in her skin to pull that off.

Unfortunately, if Dr. Drew is correct, most sex workers hate men and have Daddy issues.  Hence, aside from making ends meet, "Providing" can be a bad career choice.

.... to the metro station by me every now & then. Anything to provide the best service/experience possible. Glad you found someone & it wasnt an entire loss.

Posted By: TamsenC
.... to the metro station by me every now & then. Anything to provide the best service/experience possible. Glad you found someone & it wasnt an entire loss.
I agree. I too have given clients rides. One client when I lived in Philly, had no car. My InCall was just across the bridge in south jersey. I drove and picked him up from his place and then later dropped him off! It wasn't a big deal , and another time I had dropped a guy off at the train station in Philly. We are all human beings here and sometimes we as providers go beyond our typical services.

thanks for everyone's support and I found a few interesting new profiles

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