Washington DC

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 1781 reads

Good advice.. I think those ladies has there own agenda and I would leave them along..lol I would stil keep an eye out on them but I wouldn't fuel the fire over there.

dragoon72293 reads

only has 33?  I would think that LA would attract at least as many summer visitors as DC would.  I'm surprised to see that DC has almost 4 times as many as LA?  Any thoughts on that?

-- Modified on 9/1/2005 5:27:47 PM

Well for one thing LA has other sites. Cityvibe is bigger out there. I suspect a lot of the DC ones are not really visitors, too, and a lot of scams.

less than 20% providers on the DC board are legit!

dragoon72785 reads

real lucky while I lived there because I only got ripped once (in about 20 tries) and that was from a DC Exotics listing.  in fact, I saw mostly visiting girls.  Go figure

These days, that's the SAFER thing to do around these parts....

DC is a great city, fewer cancellations, booking for multiple hours are not uncommon, there is better public transportation, the guys dress well, and the hotels are right smack in the middle of everything.

LA: you need a car. Traffic. People are late. LAX is congested. Subway? Sure but it is short and goes nowhere near the beach. I feel bad for all the Priceline ho's that end up in Century City. It sucks there, and there is nothing but movie studios and concrete there.

dragoon71698 reads

thing when I posted this qurie on the LA board.  LA is just harder to get around in and there are more cancellations in LA than DC

...an LA local and a touring provider in LA.  Difficulty of transportation is an EXTREMELY valid point; LA is about the size of Connecticut, and it's impossible to get around without a car.  Wonder what causes the high cancellation rate, though.  Don't doubt that it's true; just wonder why more in LA than in DC?  And, while we're at it, what's the high/low reputation of other cities?

...that they all come here to see me!

Did I just say that? OMG! I've had an attack of ego... someone get me a mirror, stat!

Of COURSE you have, Lex.  After all, you're havin' a bangin' time with those "ladies" who dis me on "that other board"....~~/;)

-- Modified on 9/2/2005 7:55:26 PM

-- Modified on 9/2/2005 8:19:39 PM

Still don't understand that. Slamming hobbyist on this board but it a "badge of honor" to get approval from them. What a bunch of crap. Still a little bitter about that.

Bigdaddy, haven't you heard?  Not only do we have to PAY for the session, but we have to be great fucks and hunks TOO!  Paying to get slammed.  Who wouldn't be "a little bitter about that"?

...just a matter of wanting to know if I'm doing something wrong when I'm too clueless to pick up on the lady's signals.

There are a few out there that despise me too, but thus far they've been gracious and kind enough to spare me the rod I doubtless deserve.

Lex; trust me we know if we are doing something wrong with the ladies. Most of us are outstanding guys and we don't need the re-enforcement that you are looking for in Marliyn blog. Marilyn has taken guys to task and it's not right. Then for some guys to wanted to be graded by them I have a problem. They don't think much of us because we post or particate(sp)on this board or review ladies. Not going to bash you or Jeop on this but like I told him it's wrong and I don't agree with the review thing. Just my .02..

...when a dragon (or dragons) would be doing their dragon thing -- burning villages, absconding with maidens, destroying the crops, and what not -- the brave knight would not just stand in some random field hoping the dragon would inadvertently blunder his way. Now, he'd march straight into to the dragon's lair for a showdown. That, I believe, is what our Jedi Master is doing. Brave man indeed.

In my case, well...I'm just an idiot.

You are funny..I think these maidens mean you a little harm..lol

Bigdaddy, we all know the saying about: "being careful what we wish for".  Well, I didn't WISH for it, but I got it anyway, TWICE!  You didn't see me going "in there" looking for any more trouble.  All I have to do is post and review HERE, and the trouble just seeks me out!

 Guess what?  If they think they are going to intimidate me into stopping, then they truly ARE as delusional as jeop and others claim.  To make any comparisons between TER and what goes on "in there" would constitute the ultimate in delusion.

 I'll tell you what they HAVE accomplished though.  Even though they don't think they need it, they have cut off a big chunk of their lifeline.  Many hobbyists in here are VERY good at "comparing notes".  We can and do network BC, just like providers.

-- Modified on 9/3/2005 7:39:42 PM

-- Modified on 9/3/2005 7:41:50 PM

How can they spare you what they insist you all ready HAVE??  I agree that you better watch your SIX, though....;)

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