Washington DC

Re:Don't know about S.F., but D.C is great
Tigerguy 2080 reads

I have never hobbied in SF but I disagree that DC doesn't have enough rich people who can afford hobbying often.  DC has a large transient population from conference visitors to diplomat and congressional staff who have high turn over every few years.  There are many high paying government employee who have more time and disposable income to hobby.  Based on my hobbying experience between NY to DC, I have to believe that there are more providers per capita in DC than anywhere else, the choice is abundant, and the rate at average $$1/2 is a bargain compare with Philly where I came from. Moreover, the LE action here is almost non-existence which enables providing to florish like weed.

zanzi_br3318 reads

I have been traveling a bit recently to both coasts - San Francisco and Washington DC. As a hobbyist I have tried to check out the scene in both places. My experience is that in DC mostly agencies and lot fewer independents. Not much choice in terms of providers and most want to do intrusive screening and the rates are $$$+. Comparatively, San Francisco has many independents  which leads to a lot of choices and the providers a lot more easy going - in fact no one that I have seen wanted any kind of screening like work numbers and provider references and they provided excellent GFE+ service for $$-$$$.

Does this have something to do with the cultural differences between east and west coasts?

The simple answer is, “yes”.  As in any region, there are differences in the culture of the industry.  Several years ago, The Washington DC City Paper reported that there are more providers per capita in Washington, DC than in any other city in the nation at 1500 (this includes streetwalkers, transgenders & men).  Because of the extremely high occurrence of providers in this region they control the industry, unlike San Francisco where the clients control the industry.  In addition, because there are so many providers in such a small fishbowl many have turned to agencies to help in their marketing & screening.

This is flat out BS.

Does the phrase "supply & demand" ring a bell?

I am in no position to contrast DC Vs SF, but if there is an abundance of supply (providers) then the customers are in a better position.

That San Fran tends to be lax about enforcement, not to mention even wealthier than the DC area.  For this reason, there is a large proliferation of ladies working there, many of whom are independent.  Compare it to LA, or more specifically OC county, which has a reputation of the highest rates in the country and the toughest screening, possibly because of a reputation of a very enforced area.  Even though LA is not even as wealthy as San Fran, my guess is the situation causes a raise in rates.  

I think there's alot of independents in DC.  But DC seems to be a touring town, and more agencies than independents tour in general.  Maybe that's why you think so.

I can only think of one or two real agencies inside the DC beltway these days.  In the past it seemed like there were more.  There are plenty of independents around, you just have to look.  As far as the screening goes, they are going to do as much as they can get away with without their business.  Trust me, I'm sure most ladies would rather not have to waste the time doing it but it's an option they don't always have.  Most of the touring girls seem to come from agencies.  But I don't really consider an agency located in Florida to be local.  San Francisco used to be home to the largest gay bath house in the country, of course they're going to have a different approach to all of this.

My experience is just the opposite. The girls in DC are much more open to all facets of the sexual experience. I have found girls in SF to be somewhat closed minded. Rates are higher in SF if you compare apples to apples. For example, I have found Carissa Valencia to be open minded but she starts at $350. Compare that to Simone DC or Robin at $250 and there is a major difference. Please backchannel me if you have a major performer in SF.

KamulRogue2431 reads

I have found that the pricing in the dc area has come down from what it was a few years ago. You need to look into the multi-hour rates. I have noticed that some touring providers are matching the local providers prices. Sometimes a touring provider will go under the market rate. The number of quality providers in the market is much higher than it was back in 2000.

For those providers who want to much for a 3 hour rate. I go for the 2 hour rate with them. You talk to them and find out that they don't get appointments over 2 hours.

You will see some DC providers go on a tour and charge alot more in places like PHilly. The PHilly market is saturated also.

There are dozens of women who are looking to come into the market because they can't find a decent paying job in the dc area.

Enjoy the low prices while they last.

You can criticize our traffic and politicians, but no one can ever complain about the great ladies in the D.C. area. I have found the D.C area to have a plethora of wonderful independents. At the same time there are also a handful of excellent agencies in the area.

To be honest, I don't really think about whether I am seeing an independent or a lady from a local agency, all I think about is the special lady with which I want to spend time. The one advantage I have found working with local agencies (whether it is East Coast Elites or Lindsay Love) is that they are very helpful in coordinating scheduling.

I don't know alot about pricing, but do know I have had some out of this world GFE's with awesome ladies starting at $$1/2. Someone above already mentioned that we are also fortunate to have many top notch visiting ladies drop by for short visits with reasonable prices.

-- Modified on 10/18/2005 2:14:28 PM

I agree with JC. I was trying to figure out what type of providers you were looking for?  We have plenty of variety in this town.

Tigerguy2081 reads

I have never hobbied in SF but I disagree that DC doesn't have enough rich people who can afford hobbying often.  DC has a large transient population from conference visitors to diplomat and congressional staff who have high turn over every few years.  There are many high paying government employee who have more time and disposable income to hobby.  Based on my hobbying experience between NY to DC, I have to believe that there are more providers per capita in DC than anywhere else, the choice is abundant, and the rate at average $$1/2 is a bargain compare with Philly where I came from. Moreover, the LE action here is almost non-existence which enables providing to florish like weed.

I apologize, but I must respectfully beg to differ with you, sir? I just re-read through my 74 Reviews, and 73 of those girls offered better GFE experiences at better rates than all the girls I have seen over the years in San Francisco, South San Francisco, Burlingame (two girls there ripped me off...), San Jose, Sunnyvale, Milpitas, Alameda, Napa Valley, etc.
IMHO! :)
Good luck on both coasts!
And Happy Friday!


AnaisDC2450 reads

Just to add to all the other responses, you need to do your homework. There are PLENTY of indy providers in DC who IMHO rival many providers in the country in terms of what they offer and $$$.
Yes some do require an extensive screening but that is up to each individual.  But for the most part a contact number and 1 or 2 references from a well known provider is all that is asked for. Personally I think it is nieve not to ask for some sort of reference..very Darwinian..Survival of the Fittest!


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