Washington DC

Re:Appointment SNAFU. Should I bitch?
Whippedwell 2589 reads
1 / 14

Wednesday evening I set up an appointment with a well respected local agency.  This is the first time I used the service and asked for directions.  I was given the address and told to look up the directions on the internet, call when I arrived at the building for the apt. #.  I drove 45 minutes to the place, when I called no one answered.  I called several times and left messages.   No one called back.   The next day I called and was told the owner was in an appointment.  Still no one called back.  Should I post the name of the agency here or chalk it up as my misfortune?

jpcdesign2002 41 Reviews 2285 reads
2 / 14

my two cents are stuff happens sometimes that is unavoidable.  Have you used the agency before without incident?  I would mark it an a snafu and move on - if you try the agency again it is up to you.

bhavinfun 27 Reviews 2244 reads
3 / 14

Boy does that situation sound way, way, way too familiar to me. Fight traffic to drive downtown, (in my case), only to have to turn around empty handed. Look at the bright side, they saved you money, you still have cash in pocket. A much worse scenario would be that you spent the money and had an awful time. If this is the first time, don't worry about it. If you choose to give them another try and it happen's again, why get ugly, just don't use them. They're advertising and providing so they can make money, if they choose not to do so that's their choice, no skin off your butt. Although the unnecessary driving is a pain in the ass.

bhavinfun 27 Reviews 2785 reads
4 / 14

I guess you're right a little head's up couldn't hurt, and would show a pattern forming, like frequent bait and switch agencies.

slipry 115 Reviews 2812 reads
5 / 14

I doubt it will have any affect, but feel free to let it out. Of course it would help with our understanding what to expect - and if repeated give notice to members that they are not reliable. But how many time have you missed an appointment? I wonder if they are keeping a list of those memebers and avoid booking time knowing they are not reliable...

I have been lucky - only once have I experienced a disapointment like this where I was called and told the provider changed the schedule and could not see me (at least they told me right).

Wish things like this didn't happen - but they do - then we learn and move on.

Lindsay Love 2216 reads
6 / 14

First, let me apologize for your inconvenience.  I'm always very sorry when something happens and people lose out on their valuable time.  What happened was that I thought I had given you the apartment number but I had confused you with the lady's previous appointment.  So when I swithched the phone back over to Sharon I told her no one else was working and that she only had to tell Bella's 5:30 the apartment number, and then she could turn off the phone since no one else was on.
I wasn't avoiding you, your messages are in Sharon's phone, not mine, and I only found out what happened yesterday.  Unfortunately she had already deleted your messages thinking I had your phone number.
Anyway, I am very sorry about this mess and would like to make it up to you.  Please feel free to shoot me an email and we'll work something out.
BTW, my posts are being moderated so I don't know when this will show up but it is now 9:45 on Saturday evening.

Whippedwell 2649 reads
7 / 14

....this time.  Thanks for the imput.  Both the agency and the provider get great reviews here.  The provider only knows me  as a no show.  If anyone needs to know, they can PM me.  I hope to see that provider in the future.  The frustrating part is I don't get a hall pass that often.

jpcdesign2002 41 Reviews 2198 reads
8 / 14

Change of heart . . . I have to agree with others on the post.  You should identify the agency that caused the problem and let their rep support the instance.  This board is to disclose the problems and cause an effect. If an agency did this once to each person there would be a pattern but we would never know.  Also, we can not PM you because you used a aliases.

tanman30 59 Reviews 1787 reads
9 / 14

we can not pm you because you used a different name. Just for your info.

This board is a great source on info for the people who use it on a regular daily basis, information like this goes a long way in making educated desecions.
That stinks what happened to you, lets try to prevent this from happening in the future to other fellow hobbyists.

GirlinDC 4 Reviews 2166 reads
10 / 14

As someone who peeks into other major city boards from time to time (the rest are snoozers), I truly think DC is by far the most valuable board on TER.  There might be a little home city bias here. :)  But this post is a great example.  Whippedwell had an issue which he explained civily.  He received several differing but reasonable responses back on advice.  Then the providing agency responded back with the reason.  No drama, issue presented, advice given, issue resolved.  This is not unusual here.    

Not so on other boards where "entertainment" seems to take precedence over exchange of information.  So while DC board isn't going to be the most entertaining to read, it has more discussions about different providers than any other board (even though other cities do have more providers, you couldn't tell it from reading their board).  If someone presents a good question, they'll get responses (alot of them I'm finding out, through PM).  The drama is pretty much kept to a minimum by both providers and hobbyists and stays pretty civil.

So thumbs up to DC board!  

Can you tell I'm in a happy place today?  It's gay pride weekend in DC and I had a fantastic night last night and will probably have even a better one at the festival today.  Hope everyone is having a good weekend too and yeah, if the traffic sucks downtown it's our fault.

123qqq 2221 reads
11 / 14

I suggest you contact the agency and let Lindsay make it up to you.Very sincern and customer friendly..

travelexec 41 Reviews 2392 reads
12 / 14

I agree with your decision not expose the agency/provider.  I feel the best approach is a direct one between the agency and you.  You knew the agency was reputable, even though your experience was unpleasant it could very well have been an honest mistake.  After the fact that seems to be the case.  Kudo's to Lindsey and her professionalism in addressing the situation on this board.

Whippedwell 2204 reads
13 / 14

That does it for me. You seem like a special person.  No wonder the great reviews.  Hope to meet you someday.

Whippedwell 2658 reads
14 / 14

S___ Happens!  I accept her explanation.  Only the strong step up right away and admit their mistakes.  Makes me feels worse that we missed the connection, but now I can't wait to try again and again.

Thanks for the info about the PM.  I did not know.  My user name is Jim21128 and I will use that henseforth.

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