Washington DC

Reach out to her... Here's what happened to me in Vegas when something like this happened...sad_smile
CarlyCrawford See my TER Reviews 1382 reads

This is what happened to me 3 years ago in Vegas ... I posted this on TER and tried to find him!!  

Dear Handsome Stranger....  
I realize this is not the "Missed Encounters" section of the newspaper nor is it the Miss Lonely Hearts Club but I would feel remiss if I didn't at least attempt to reach out to you in this manner. Last week I was dining at Gordon Ramsay Steak, I am a total slut for Short Ribs and GR braises the best ones in town (see below), and don't get me started on his Sticky Toffee Pudding (probably the best dessert on the planet) but I digress...    
I was the blonde sitting at the bar alone in the teal dress browsing TER on my tablet  (rather clandestinely I believed). You came up behind me, struck up a conversation and we had an exceedingly great chat, I even bought you a drink... Then you dropped the bomb that you noticed I had been browsing TER, that you yourself were a member and asked me if I was a "listed provider" there....  
Well I was caught so off guard by the question I lied.. claiming you must have been mistaken and I wasn't sure what you meant by "provider". You see I go to such great lengths to conceal my identity that when in a public setting like that I had assumed (incorrectly) that you were (most likely) just a single guy hitting on a single girl. So when the topic of my naughty little hobby was broached I just wasn't prepared reveal that side of myself to a stranger, especially since I had already given you my real name.  
You apologized and rushed off, I'm sure assuming you had offended me beyond reproach, and I am simply here to say you didn't. I just misread the situation and I recognize it probably took a lot of F'ing guts to even ask me that; now looking back I feel so badly that I might have made you feel stupid or embarrassed.  
So if that was you, again I am sorry and if you were just trying to figure out which Vegas provider I was, now you know. Conversely if you'd like to buy me that dinner you mentioned (strictly in a social context of course) you now have a medium to contact me and do so.  

...next to a lady whose posts, ads, or website you're 100% sure that you've seen, and who you've been eager to meet for a while, how would you handle it?

Send her an email while seated to her right or left explaining who and where you are?
(assuming that your flight offers wifi or allows you to use your phone)

Discreetly, and anonymously  slip her a note, commenting on her beauty?

Turn and introduce yourself without mentioning that you recognize her?

Wait until the two of you deplane and introduce yourself then?

It is a boundary that you would never cross?

Ladies has it ever happened to you?

OOooooo, that's a tough one!  However, the safest play would be to never cross that boundary.  And that would probably be my choice 80% of the time.  

However, at a minimum I would do the generic introduction and strike up the standard traveler conversation/s. If her body language makes it clear that she simply wants you to STFU so she can sleep or Veg till it's time to deplane then so be it.  BUT, if the body language is inviting, in that Courtesan kinda way, then I may roll the dice with conversation/s hinting at all things sensual and the hobby. Hell, I have NOT earned my membership in the Mile High club yet.  

Regardless of what happened on the plane ride, I would arrange an appointment ASAP!  When you meet, with the chances high that she will remember you from the flight, should make that session hot as hell for the both of you.  I know for my taste that shyt would be erotic as fuck.

Now if I were feeling adventurous and willing to risk the "creep" factor then I would do the Email thing in the spirit of being sensually adventurous.  

Fun question!

Newto1000838 reads

I would probably avoid mentioning anything that hints of the profession.  You may completely spook her in an environment that can be considered public.  There are other, much more discreet ways to contact fellow providers.

would love to be put in that situation to find out.

My second favorite answer so far!!!!
Sorry, can't share the other...it was a PM.

If.....If I were the lady in question, I'd be MORTIFIED if someone spoke to me during my "time off" about "business".

HOWEVER...I think you're on to something when you mentioned sending her an email. If a gent sat next to me on a plane, recognized me, and wanted to meet up at the destination city, a shot yet honest email wouldn't sit hard with me in the least. Below is such an example:

"Hello Angel,
My name is John. I've seen your ads, and have been eager to meet you for a while. What good fortune, for me! You are ( insert complement here).
This is going to sound crazy, but I'm sitting right next to you on flight XXX. I'm fighting the urge to speak with you face to face as I don't want to alarm or offend you in any way. I want to introduce myself, and express my intentions in meeting you, formally, thus this email.
I would like to schedule some time with you when we arrive in (said City) if you are available. I don't want to cross any boundaries, and I am at a loss as I am unclear of the proper protocol for a situation such as this. Just as you value my discretion, likewise, I value yours. Kindly advise on how we can proceed forth.
Thank you for your time,
John Smith"

I can only speak for myself, but discretion is KEY. Calling a lady by her stage name during her "off" time is crass and tactless.  That will ensure a " No cookie for you" glance. As every lady is different, it's best to error on the side of caution, as appose to putting your foot in your mouth.
My .02.
I hope this helps.

Only once did I say anything. As she was a lady I had met, and been to happy hour with a couple of times, plus she was alone, and I was shopping with another lady.  

Any other time, I didn't say anything, and just sent an email later asking if it was her.

This is what happened to me 3 years ago in Vegas ... I posted this on TER and tried to find him!!  

Dear Handsome Stranger....  
I realize this is not the "Missed Encounters" section of the newspaper nor is it the Miss Lonely Hearts Club but I would feel remiss if I didn't at least attempt to reach out to you in this manner. Last week I was dining at Gordon Ramsay Steak, I am a total slut for Short Ribs and GR braises the best ones in town (see below), and don't get me started on his Sticky Toffee Pudding (probably the best dessert on the planet) but I digress...    
I was the blonde sitting at the bar alone in the teal dress browsing TER on my tablet  (rather clandestinely I believed). You came up behind me, struck up a conversation and we had an exceedingly great chat, I even bought you a drink... Then you dropped the bomb that you noticed I had been browsing TER, that you yourself were a member and asked me if I was a "listed provider" there....  
Well I was caught so off guard by the question I lied.. claiming you must have been mistaken and I wasn't sure what you meant by "provider". You see I go to such great lengths to conceal my identity that when in a public setting like that I had assumed (incorrectly) that you were (most likely) just a single guy hitting on a single girl. So when the topic of my naughty little hobby was broached I just wasn't prepared reveal that side of myself to a stranger, especially since I had already given you my real name.  
You apologized and rushed off, I'm sure assuming you had offended me beyond reproach, and I am simply here to say you didn't. I just misread the situation and I recognize it probably took a lot of F'ing guts to even ask me that; now looking back I feel so badly that I might have made you feel stupid or embarrassed.  
So if that was you, again I am sorry and if you were just trying to figure out which Vegas provider I was, now you know. Conversely if you'd like to buy me that dinner you mentioned (strictly in a social context of course) you now have a medium to contact me and do so.  

But have you reformed?

If you were approached today by a different gentleman under the same scenario, HOW WOULD YOU RESPOND?

Also, for we gentlemen, if we spot a provider we recognize in a public setting, or simply see a lady perusing TER, how should we respond?  Should we just walk away, should we approach her suavely useing our stealthyist hobby skills, or should we approach our fellow hobbiest boldly?

Again, loved your story.

Take care,


Very awkward since i dont know him. I said no im not.. Then he explained himself saying he wanted to book me but i wasnt available bla bla bla.. Nice guy

Mya, because, well, it's obvious, OMG What An Ass!!!  

Posted By: SeductionMya
Very awkward since i dont know him. I said no im not.. Then he explained himself saying he wanted to book me but i wasnt available bla bla bla.. Nice guy

We, as Providers loth moments like this.

That's why we appreciate your discretion in situations such as these.  

Guys take notes:Gentlemen are privy to a lady’s reviews and all that they reveal – or don’t reveal. You will find that a ladies reviews will serve as your insurance policy, practically guaranteeing your experience with her. As she is discrete in screening and your personal information, you should also be with contacting her, irrespective of the means.

Sorry that happened to you Mya. Damn. *SHM*



And the gentleman could always make plans with me at a later date and then make mention of it. But if I were on a plane and someone said , or emailed me, Hey Sidney I see you. That would give me a few thoughts and reactions and none of them would be positive. I certainly wouldn't freak out and make a scene but I woudk be uncomfortable.

have polite in-flight conversation (never mentioning the hobby) as I would with anyone if she is seated next to me; if she is NOT seated next to me then let her enjoy her privacy. I then would just email her later mentioning my desire to request a date and not saying anything about being on the same flight; because she doesn't need to know.

There is absolutely no reason to interject the hobby world in public. Discretion is always the number one courtesy to hobbyist and providers when in public. I am sure that no hobbyist would want a provider he has been with to just approach him in public and strike up a conversation. We all must have mutual respect for each other whether in private or public settings. But this is just me.

I would strike up the usual 'seatmates on a plane' conversation.  Nothing more.  I'd be as talkative as she'd want, and shut up and be quiet when it was clear the conversation was over.  I would never hint at recognizing her at all.

After the flight and after we'd parted ways, I'd try to book a date.  I'd let her know at that time I was the guy on the plane with her, and was looking forward to continuing to get to know her.  It might add a little bit of fun to the date, being able to talk about our first encounter.  Asking if she suspected I recognized her.

Now, it would be very fun if during the flight she happened to say something like, "I think I know you from somewhere.  Do you recognize me at all?"  Giving me a chance to discreetly admit that I did recognize her.  I'd respond with something like, "I've seen you around, but we've never met.  I am glad we had the chance to here."   Then we could both continue the conversation with a juicy secret between us

!!!!!600 reads

If I've only seen her in photos, I would never be 100% sure that it's her.

Even if I were 100% sure, I would never acknowledge her if I've never met her.

I might start a conversation, but introducing yourself to a stranger is, in my opinion, kind of creepy

Just to give a different perspective from one hobbyist...

This is a huge fantasy of mine.  Gents, how many times have you walked down the streets and noticed a lady and said, gee, I'd love to get to know her better... or something to that effect?  Has a day in your life gone by when that hasn't happened?  Not for me.

Now, imagine if the next time you saw such a lady, it was actually possible?  That's kind of what it is like (for me) noticing a provider in public.  It's a huge thrill and has added some real electricity to the sessions that have followed.

When in doubt or really any time, discretion is key. I prefer discretion just as much as most of the men say they do and would not appreciate this type of interaction in public.  

I have had, on multiple occasions, gents recognize me and yell out "Hey Callia" at local restaurants/stores and I don't even show my face. Mortified doesn't even begin to describe the feeling. I have also had a gent recognize me in a public setting and I most certainly didn't recognize him, it apparently really freaked him out. Should a gent recognize me, unless we have met multiple times, I will more than likely not recognize him if I were to see him in a public setting. I am someone who is typically more focused on the things I have to get done or am in the process of doing than what everyone else is doing.  

Please also consider that we may be with a family member or perhaps an employer. For some providers, this life certainly isn't their only life.  

To the OP: You could reach out to her asking to meet up if it is advertised that she will be providing in the area in which the flight was headed without mentioning that you saw her on that flight. After meeting you could mention it but I wouldn't open with that it may freak her out.  

By the way GREAT post!


just too creepy when she doesn't know a thing about me, i.e. no screening done. That said, once I was on a flight with an agency girl I'd seen many times. We ended up in baggage claim together and while I would normally pretend not to know the girl something about the way she smiled at me told me it was OK to approach her, and I was right. We talked while waiting for our bags (nothing salacious of course) and I ended up riding with her on Metro to her hotel stop, which was on my way. Unbeknownst to her I had emailed her agency from the plane and set a date for that evening. I made no mention of this, but when she got off the train and said good-bye I said "see you later," which got a cute, quizzical little smile from her. Needless to say, when I showed up at her door later that evening we had a good laugh and a lot of great sex.

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