Washington DC

Re: Provider Runaround
4getu 2252 reads
1 / 16

This week, I attempted to make an appointment with a visiting provider who had numerous excellent reviews, mostly 9/9. Communicated via email and I provides references, whitelists, etc. There was supposedly some delay in getting feedback from my references, but then she offers me a same day, late night appointment, which didn't work for me. We eventually set up the appointment for the next day. Four hours before the appointment, she waves off, claiming to not feel well. Hours later, she offers another unworkable late night appointment, then goes into radio silence. The next day, she sends me an email offering a short notice appointment within an hour and a half of her email. I respond within a few minutes, asking for the location, but she doesn't reply at all. What the Hell is going on??  I'm feeling quite put out by the whole thing. Providers, what does this sound like to you?

priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 106 reads
2 / 16

Sounds like she's pretty busy on tour here and thus not really managing her schedule/time well.  

That's just my supposition.

AllyMoore See my TER Reviews 101 reads
3 / 16

In the DC area you always have clients playing musical chairs with their appointments- canceling willy nilly, moving their appointment around if they suspect you will be two miles closer to them in another location on another day, lots of shuffling and "maybes" that we are working around and against while still trying to provide the service and be on point.

She offered you an evening time after you screened and you couldn't take it. That isn't on her, that was your schedule limitations. If you were in a position to you and her would have met that night.

You make an appointment for the next day and she is honest with you and says she doesn't feel good. Maybe she was jet lagged, maybe she stayed up late with the client who took the evening appointment. Maybe no one booked her for the evening appointment and she had too many drinks by her lonesome. Maybe another client asking for a multiple hour appointment or a client she's met before  usurped your time.

Then she sends off the evening request and goes dark- maybe she realized you were the one who said evenings are no gos and she let it trail off.

Then she asks if you can come in an hour and a half - but maybe she fired off that email to three screened potentials at once after experiencing a cancellation and someone else scooped the appointment.

There are any number of reasons why a booking doesn't go smoothly when you're dealing with a touring provider. It isn't cheap to visit DC- sometimes there is no game plan and the independent provider is working against the limited amount of hours she has to work in a hotel room balancing the inquiries, trying to go home with a profit and not a loss.

I would say that if you don't like the fact that you've been unable to see her on this visit or are frustrated with her availability - wait until she comes back next time and isn't so frazzled. Sometimes it just isn't meant to be, but I say good guys who are really interested always circle back (it's taken several months to a year to meet with some clients the first time- and its always laughed about and forgotten about going forward).  

Relax and meet with someone else, this town has no shortage of visiting and local providers who aren't so harried and will see it through.

earthshined 98 reads
4 / 16

Could have just written the last sentence.

The appropriate response is to ignore her and never contact her again. The same thing a provider should do if they had to put up with that nonsense.

ANiceGuyToHookUp 107 Reviews 99 reads
5 / 16

Miss. Betty is awesome!

ShitHappensEventoU 117 reads
6 / 16

I've experienced this type of behavior often. You should expect it. Providers will double book and cancel at the last minute.  They will confirm appointments and go ghost after you arrive and request a room number. They will take your screen info and not reply to confirm or deny your appointment request.  They will concoct bullshit reasons for canceling and then have the gall to try and reschedule you and get pissed when you politely decline. Your expectations are to high. For every provider that is well organized, efficient, and honest there are five that aren't.  All you can do is take it in stride, don't reschedule, and try another provider. You can make a simple post, "(provider name) confirmed and cancelled at the last minute". Use an alias.  Providers can be vindictive and spiteful. Never give your name or other personal information for a screen. Get a P411 account with references or TER VIP account w/Whitelist.  This should be enough info to pass any screen. If not just move on. Lastly, don't take this shit personally. Providers don't give a fuck about you. It's all about your money.

samtwe 92 Reviews 95 reads
7 / 16

Funny, I just made a similar post. Lara Rose supposed had great reviews but she's a flake. I just came home after the second day of having to spend 3 hours on her parking lot. She kept giving excuses then bam, radio silence! I don't know if they think it's cute. It's so moronic. In my experience, the flakers are black. They keep saying they have bad experiences with black men but they're worse themselves. I'll just stick to my non-black providers, at least they don't give you the run around. I really which TER will let us review those fakers.

samtwe 92 Reviews 103 reads
8 / 16

True, but the time wasting is so infuriating!

priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 102 reads
9 / 16

I'm sorry this happened to you twice.  

I'm with Adrienne Baptiste- I want to keep my reputation as clean as possible and so I can't afford to "flake" on clients

I say it over and over again but I believe in mutual respect for time. We all have lives and yes things happen but there are very few reasons to NCNS when you set something up with ANYONE for anything... whether it's to see an escort or to have dinner with friends. If you don't want to see someone anymore? At least tell them instead of going radio silent.  

Here's my pitch :-)   -

My photos are well done, true to profile, and I am 100% the person you'll see when you open the door and the person you read about in reviews. I have multiple options for screening, including one that is newbie friendly. For the purpose of safety and secure handling of personally identifiable information (PII), I believe in personally managing the process of screening and scheduling. As long as you are honest during screening and I am able to verify that you are who you say you are (and thus safe to meet), I am happy to meet when our schedules line up.
In these incredibly polarized times, I kindly note that I never discriminate based on age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political beliefs.  

That's not to say I'm a perfect person. I manage everything from start to finish. But I give it my best.  

If there's anything that leads me to believe we would of be a good fit for one another, I would never mislead someone to believing we would meet at a date, time, and location and then disappear inexplicably. That is DANGEROUS and a needless invasion of a client's privacy plus a waste of his/her/their and my time.  

And my black lady friends in the DC area like Mia Paige and Lauren Barnett are the same. (Shameless plug).  

So if you are in or visiting the DMV area - DC, Maryland, and Virginia - and reading this, please don't be turned off by this person's account of our providers. I don't say this to invalidate his experience, but just to say - there are many wonderful black providers in the area who are beautiful, skilled, and professional.

Initforagoodtime 110 reads
11 / 16

You aren't the only one.  I scheduled and had a confirmed appt last month only to get told that she was busy when I arrived and never heard back.  Looks like she double books.  Too bad - according the the reviews, looked to be an interesting time....if they are accurate.

MissSophiaL See my TER Reviews 86 reads
12 / 16

You had dealt with bad providers, period.
Melanin production has nothing to do with my or anyone elses character, their ethics does.

pronational 90 reads
13 / 16

You sound ignorant as hell, and the girls probably became aware of it, which is why they flaked on you.  You didn't think of that did you?  It's interesting how people never look inward when they encounter the same issues with multiple unrelated individuals.  It's always 'those other people' who are the problem.

NorahLucille See my TER Reviews 112 reads
14 / 16

LOVE the idea that black providers are inherently more flaky. LOLOL

I can count the number of times I've flaked on 1 hand and I've been around for more years than fingers on that hand! Sorry that's been your experience but I think looking around the boards you'll find it has literally nothing to do with color. I also never complain about bad experiences with black men so maybe that's the common thread?

Good luck out there and maybe become a little choosier in who you spend your time with? I know I am and I never regret it.


2465305 70 Reviews 89 reads
15 / 16

How is he ignorant. He got the run around a few times. He has every right to be pissed, even if he isn't.

Posted By: pronational
Re: Lmao I'm not sorry this happened to you at all
You sound ignorant as hell, and the girls probably became aware of it, which is why they flaked on you.  You didn't think of that did you?  It's interesting how people never look inward when they encounter the same issues with multiple unrelated individuals.  It's always 'those other people' who are the problem.

pronational 100 reads
16 / 16

I assume that you mistakenly thought I was responding to the OP rather than the ignorant racist.  

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