Washington DC

Re: My old skills
Kellysfun See my TER Reviews 2930 reads
1 / 16

Hey guys! I had a couple questions. I know some ladies mass email and text when they are available or arriving in town soon. Is that a yay or nay in your book?

And then I was wondering about the guys who do like to be contacted. Is it because you like to write lots of reviews or is it just that you don't like to miss an amazing (or appears to be) lady?

Some feedback on this would be awesome!

Kellysfun See my TER Reviews 126 reads
2 / 16

My main reason for asking is I am seeking new talent and I know you all remember how good my friends are!!

STPhomer 176 Reviews 96 reads
3 / 16

Text or email me aaaaanytime  you want....lol

Actually I'm very appreciative anytime a fave alerts me via text or email that's she headed my way. Helps me with my planning.

I do however get a little suspicious when I'm contacted by someone I've never met.

BlackTajima 21 Reviews 107 reads
4 / 16

Blind courtesy copy (email) is fine or PM.   I know that I've missed out on several highly reviewed providers from D.C./NOVA traveling to Hampton Roads or RVA.  I missed out on them and would have gladly made every opportunity to visit.

anonymousxoxo 27 Reviews 88 reads
5 / 16

Yeah, I like a heads up when a provider is coming to town.  As someone else mentioned, it helps me plan.  

dunnandone 70 Reviews 77 reads
6 / 16

As long as there's an easy opt out and the emails are done discreetly, I feel like I'm in a special loyalty club when I get a notice, and I am more likely to consider booking on the announced visit.

niceguy030380 177 Reviews 95 reads
7 / 16

I enjoy getting emails from providers/agency Ive seen before anouncing their return. Especially when they include pictures.. :)

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 81 reads
8 / 16

And I always respond as I'm flattered someone wants me to come see them.  Of course I'll need to screen you and ask you for a couple of references lol, but seriously, this is what we're here for. I don't look for a chance to write lots of reviews - I just like finding someone I want to spend time with, and I am sure whomever might contact me see my history of donating to a number of good causes as a reason to see if I want to make a donation to their favorite charity.  

Short answer - anyone who wants to contact me, well fire away :)

tdc2760 17 Reviews 89 reads
9 / 16
KT0913 143 Reviews 90 reads
10 / 16

I like getting emails when providers are planning a visit as it gives me the opportunity to plan as well.

longislandboy86 17 Reviews 96 reads
11 / 16

email over text for sure. Even though my private hobbies are on a private line, it's annoying to get.

disd1 104 Reviews 98 reads
12 / 16

A message, text or email is fine. A mass emailer is not. I find it intrusive, wierd, and suspicious. I recently received a mass email from a provider that I did not see. If we have met, things may be different, but just to spam or mass email every contact is annoying and intrusive as I said. Personal notes or a heads up is cool, just not send mass text or ongoing mailers that are harder to get out of than your gym membership.  I sometimes get the mass email with other reviewrs info too.

ANiceGuyToHookUp 115 Reviews 94 reads
13 / 16

It saves me time, gives me a heads up/helps with planning, piques my interests, personalizes the experience, and increases the probability that I will schedule an appointment because I value the experience and not just a series of acronyms.  I have been getting more and more of these.  I don't mind getting them from ladies that I haven't seen before as long as there is a way to opt out.  I get too many to respond to all of them.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 102 reads
14 / 16

...I love it when one of my fav providers email me about what's going on with their schedule. I'm fine with them promoting other providers as well. Text is a definite no-no. My thought is that most people have hectic schedules. It can be a bit time consuming to look for my next hobbyist adventure, and sometimes I just don't have the time to spare. If a favorite emails me then that saves me a lot of trouble, and I'm more likely to make a date with a provider that contacts me directly through email then if I have to seek her out and schedule with her.

RCShobby 18 Reviews 84 reads
15 / 16

I don't like it.  Texts are ok if they're personal but group texts are an absolute no-no.  I don't want to be just another person on a long list of email addresses. I just don't like it. I check here or eros to see who's in or going to be in town.

I don't do as much hobbying appointments as I used to so spending time with visiting providers isn't a huge draw for me and I can pretty much find what I'm looking for using TER or glancing at the visiting eros ads.

disd1 104 Reviews 86 reads
16 / 16
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