Washington DC

Re: It is for entertainment. Get out the popcorn.
Life410 12 Reviews 744 reads

Posted By: wrps07
People like to post stuff on this board to cause fights and raise drama. You can go back and you will see this stuff happening years ago on different topics. Std rumors, LE crackdowns, over-reaching screening, providers complaining about guys seeing backpage/cl providers, providers/hobbyists complaining about hygiene, ncns (no calls/no shows), etc.  People will whine about anything.  
 You feed into the drama with your responses. Truly funny and of no value to the conversation.  

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 11:27:16 AM
So this a trivial issue? Are you purposely being obtuse to where such a mindset leads. It screams apartheid in terms of black men needing a pass/verification and anyone else can just show up. LAME!


...this new thing/ progress, lol? Even though she never had it in past ads & is a p411 girl if you will. But this the new trend?...even though it's the equivalent of airports only patting down guys with turbans, middle easterns, Hindus, etc lol... which airports don't do!  

Glad I wasn't able to set something up in the spring due to a phone issue on my end. exposed* wouldn't see anyone with that line of thinking!...how about "all with references?" And if I saw her I'd would have been the last time and I would be embarrassed to have such a reference.

And maybe I'll keep calling out obvious BS! That type of thinking got Trayvon Martin Killed!...it's dangerous thought IMO.  

Either your a references provider across the board or newbie friendly across the board if you had a situation...but to single out a race in that type of policy is BS! She deleted the ad cause she knows it sounded nuts....maybe she got wind of this thread. She's on p411...how about she uses it as intended? Lol.  

I'm glad I never saw her! Refuse to put $ in the hands of what I consider a dangerous person to society.

in your community?

Get off your black ass, and teach your young men something. You can't do it hear crying over the hookers who won't see you.

That does not change the fact that prejudice still exist in 2014; some taught, but alot due to plain ignorance.

I would agree with the original post that she should be asking everyone for refrences, as there are plenty of white, asain and hispanic assholes out there also.

I would also agree with you that the young black men, need strong positive role models to follow and look up to, just as white, asian and hispanic young men need these role models.  

I don't however, see how one of these things has to do with the other.

With who women see, and don't see.

Pretty pathetic coming from a man of any color

A woman's body is her own, and she can see whoever she wants. I was not saying anything different then that. All I was saying is that your comment about mentoring young men, has nothing to do with the original post.

IkeTurnout644 reads

Lol- it's discrimination, I get it, it's her body, yadda yadda - I don't wanna fuck a bigot with a pimp, anyway- because honestly, I'm a good looking, educated black dude , and I've never once had a Caucasian civvie say that she didn't like black guys

Posted By: IkeTurnout
Lol- it's discrimination, I get it, it's her body, yadda yadda - I don't wanna fuck a bigot with a pimp, anyway- because honestly, I'm a good looking, educated black dude , and I've never once had a Caucasian civvie say that she didn't like black guys
We will ignore the screening practices as in everyone else is a saint and doesn't need references beyond AA men? Thought it was pretty obvious that it's guilty until proven innocent for blacks. Hope you all that can't see it never have jury duty again!  

It's either references required for all...or none at all! It's clearly painting one race negatively. We all know it!....hence the deleted ad today!...she know she's wrong

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
in your community?  
 Get off your black ass, and teach your young men something. You can't do it hear crying over the hookers who won't see you.
Changing the subject, lol?  

It's about taking a stand, buddy! And you are labeling young black men ya damn self in a monolithic way...come on now! If it was discrimination against any race I'd take the same stand...because it's a sick mindset in which all black men are labeled guilty/unworthy until proven. If you want references...do it across the board! She deleted the ad this afternoon...clearly wind was caught.  

Maybe I'll make a weekly thread listing no AA just for you, homie. :-D


A Brotha in his 20s

it's not my problem. I'm not concerned with plight of the black man here on TER.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
it's not my problem. I'm not concerned with plight of the black man here on TER.
some of the realest thoughts come out in this world...And things said in this world is a microcosm of the thoughts a lot of people will not blatantly express day to day.  

If providers had true preferences we would see age, height, various race & weight restrictions all through ads...but that's not the case. The ladies want to be paid and appearances rarely matter otherwise the providers of young age wouldn't be interested in guys old enough to be their granddaddy. "Anyone but a black man " is not a preference...it's a result of stereotyping, fear, and thinking black men being a monolithic group

Posted By: wrps07
Thanks for point this stuff out. You can find the ad archived on this site.  
She took down the ad same day. I'm assuming she came to a realization so I wasn't putting her name out there beyond an ad. But yes, the girl in your ad is the subject of concern.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
in your community?  
 Get off your black ass, and teach your young men something. You can't do it hear crying over the hookers who won't see you.
If you a problem with young men of any color how about you address it as a human being? Stop trolling with "your people" BS!

... anything they don't want to hear.

You now sound beyond retarded.


How about a no retard policy She won't see me, and she won't see you, and the OP?

wrps07913 reads

Of course we don't know if she means Asian American or African Americans or Both.

She wants to be safe and secure without drama.

She also realizes there are lot of guys off all races around our region loaded with loot. I guess someone told her about all the rich preachers in pg county with the 4 garage houses, lol.

Are you sitting at home watching reruns of WWF, and decided you wanted to get rambunctious with people on the board? I know Hogan dropping that leg on the Iron Sheik gets everyone excited, but you need to calm down and stop trying to pick an argument.

Sounded like he was saying he was the preacher... and I've seen others bash him.

I thought he might be a "religious puke

If I'm a woman and I'm renting my body to a man, I think I have every right to be picky. It's a known fact young black men are more prone to violence. Why does everyone try to ignore this elephant in the room? Also, back in the day when I was friends with a few providers, I was told many times that the guys who ripped them off were usually black.

Posted By: Blowtorch333
It's a known fact young black men are more prone to violence.
That's some racist bull$hit. Poor people (of any race!) are likely more prone to violence b/c they are struggling to survive. It has nothing to do with race and one's race no more predisposes them to violence than any other. You're starting to talk about racial and socio-economic stratum and you have no idea wtf you are talking about. Get back in the shallow end of the pool with that nonsense.

When prejudging a person. When you agree to being screened, you are asking for predjudice.

You are  follish, to think any differently. Call LE if you want equal treatment.

Posted By: junglegym25
Posted By: Blowtorch333
It's a known fact young black men are more prone to violence.
 That's some racist bull$hit. Poor people (of any race!) are likely more prone to violence b/c they are struggling to survive. It has nothing to do with race and one's race no more predisposes them to violence than any other. You're starting to talk about racial and socio-economic stratum and you have no idea wtf you are talking about. Get back in the shallow end of the pool with that nonsense.

IDGAF what people do when they screen or who providers see or don't want to see... that's their prerogative and I have no issue with that.

My issue is with the statement that BT made re: predispositions of certain races... It is irresponsible at best and dangerously ignorant, offensive, and hateful at worst.

Posted By: junglegym25
IDGAF what people do when they screen or who providers see or don't want to see... that's their prerogative and I have no issue with that.  
 My issue is with the statement that BT made re: predispositions of certain races... It is irresponsible at best and dangerously ignorant, offensive, and hateful at worst.
You got an undercurrent of society thinking all black men are criminals until proven innocent and I will address it. It starts with the people...not a law. LE brings these prejudice to the job because it is being fostered in environments like this in which black men have to prove decency. LE doesn't change until people change.

The mindset of that ad got Trayvon Martin killed..it's a real issue! Black man walking down the street and minding his own business apparently has to be investigated because he may be some type of criminal...LAME!

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 9:30:54 AM

I assume every other lady who posts on BP with a no AA policy as well

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I assume every other lady who posts on BP with a no AA policy as well.  
Enough with the diversion tactics of the dangerous mindset that goes beyond the hobby. This is a  Public forum and I am talking about a public ad.

and relaying what I see in public... if you don't want me to see it? put it else where.

... a valuable lesson, it's like you are standing there blowing glitter out of your ass, while asking...

What are you looking at?

wrps07635 reads

People like to post stuff on this board to cause fights and raise drama. You can go back and you will see this stuff happening years ago on different topics. Std rumors, LE crackdowns, over-reaching screening, providers complaining about guys seeing backpage/cl providers, providers/hobbyists complaining about hygiene, ncns (no calls/no shows), etc.  People will whine about anything.

You feed into the drama with your responses. Truly funny and of no value to the conversation.

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 11:27:16 AM

Posted By: wrps07
People like to post stuff on this board to cause fights and raise drama. You can go back and you will see this stuff happening years ago on different topics. Std rumors, LE crackdowns, over-reaching screening, providers complaining about guys seeing backpage/cl providers, providers/hobbyists complaining about hygiene, ncns (no calls/no shows), etc.  People will whine about anything.  
 You feed into the drama with your responses. Truly funny and of no value to the conversation.  

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 11:27:16 AM

So this a trivial issue? Are you purposely being obtuse to where such a mindset leads. It screams apartheid in terms of black men needing a pass/verification and anyone else can just show up. LAME!

Just people whining to whine.  

The only thing that could come from this thread is the that the gal screens all her clients, for her own good. She can do that if she likes or not. I'm not genuinely concern as I'm sure the lady in question is of legal age.  

Other than that it looks like people are begging to pay for it. Which makes no sense IMO.

I don't think the gents here are whining to whine. I think they are stating that the feel like it is prejudice. And that the options of providers that AA men have is much less than anyone else. I've always noticed that on other ladies ads, and I made sure that I state on my website that I will see anyone. And long as their verifiable, nice and respectful. I actually get a slim amount of requests from AA men, but when I have, they have always been respectful and nice to me. One of my AA clients is one of my nicest clients ever.  


Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Just people whining to whine.  
 The only thing that could come from this thread is the that the gal screens all her clients, for her own good. She can do that if she likes or not. I'm not genuinely concern as I'm sure the lady in question is of legal age.  
 Other than that it looks like people are begging to pay for it. Which makes no sense IMO.

..............this issue has been discussed waaaay tooo much!  I was not going to respond till I read your sweet post cause it made me smile and brought to mind a reality I've experienced in the hobby.

A large % of the white providers I've seen rarely get AA gentlemen callers.  I can not remember the number of times, to my amazement, a white provider informed me..."you're me first/my second black client ever..."  Really?!?!  Wow?!?!?  Who knew!

At the end of the day.....this industry is not the place for affirmative action and being the victim.  The intimacy of the arrangement makes the race issue a moot point as this industry is not regulated by commercial code.  Everyone has their preferences and it's her body!!

GET OVER IT.  It's been my experience that for every 1 lady that has a no AA policy there are 5+ that have no issue with it.  Keep it moving!

Posted By: Tall6969
..............this issue has been discussed waaaay tooo much!  I was not going to respond till I read your sweet post cause it made me smile and brought to mind a reality I've experienced in the hobby.  
 A large % of the white providers I've seen rarely get AA gentlemen callers.  I can not remember the number of times, to my amazement, a white provider informed me..."you're me first/my second black client ever..."  Really?!?!  Wow?!?!?  Who knew!  
 At the end of the day.....this industry is not the place for affirmative action and being the victim.  The intimacy of the arrangement makes the race issue a moot point as this industry is not regulated by commercial code.  Everyone has their preferences and it's her body!!  
 GET OVER IT.  It's been my experience that for every 1 lady that has a no AA policy there are 5+ that have no issue with it.  Keep it moving!
Well the point of the thread is she will see AA with references and anyone else can come off the street as they are...
It would make sense to screen all, but she felt blacks needed to be screened and that has never been her policy in the past.  

Glad I never saw her...glad my phone acted up in the spring. She prolly had a bad experience and she labled blacks as a whole. If a Asian guy messed up or was an ass...would we see Asians with reference only? Lol.

-- Modified on 7/21/2014 5:55:00 PM

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Just people whining to whine.  
 The only thing that could come from this thread is the that the gal screens all her clients, for her own good. She can do that if she likes or not. I'm not genuinely concern as I'm sure the lady in question is of legal age.  
 Other than that it looks like people are begging to pay for it. Which makes no sense IMO.
whoever sees her is supporting and affirming her mind frame. Hitting her pockets sends a message as to that behavior is not tolerated and I question informed clients of the ad continuing to see her. I feel the message was sent...she removed the ad...and will learn from her mistake.  

Would you see a girl that had that policy for blacks? Or would you be like glad my ass ain't black? This type of behavior stops if the privilege group takes a stand

It's almost incomprehensible how racist and ignorant that statement is. I bet the funny part is that you don't even see yourself as racist. Asshole.

Posted By: Blowtorch333
It's a known fact young black men are more prone to violence.
*face-palming so hard* No man. Just no ....

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 2:43:23 PM

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
Posted By: Blowtorch333
It's a known fact young black men are more prone to violence.
 *face-palming so hard* No man. Just no ....  

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 2:43:23 PM

he's basic plus 2 now across the board. Deleted the ad & switched the p411.  

But overreaction to I'm assuming a recent situation and labeling a group of people I'm sure drove away some of her business yesterday as I don't think she is against seeing black men. This thread actually brought light to the situation and a change was made! And I assume any AA regulars may have taken offense as well & stood up!  

I'm not going to post her name to immortalize the situation, but those that caught the thread early know who she is and it appears to have been fixed.  

I'll Chalk it up to a lapse of judgement on her part. Either she realized the error or was shown the error with lack of clients yesterday.

That these ladies, while not doing it for this specific reason, are actually smart. Seems there is some loophole in the law, that if LE try to bust them, the case can be thrown out due to racial profiling specific to the ad.  He did add that the racial profiling aspect did not need be specific to AA men, but any race that has been historically prosecuted

wrps07921 reads

There is a possibility she could have been flipped and was told to put that in her ad to get guys busted who have access to all types of information. We do know LE has gone after high value targets in our region. In one instance they flipped a business man who was trying to get the ladies had seen before busted. Another instance they flipped a guy in DC back in the early 2000's who did the same thing.  

Busts in our region have got some high value targets (businessmen/VPs of Corporations, etc). Some have been outed, others not outed. Everyone one needs to be careful.  

I have left the races of the guys involved in being flipped. Let me say this was a Equal Opportunity crime. In one instance the guy was black, the other instance Caucasian.  You check the providers back channel for details.

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 10:05:49 AM

IkeTurnout931 reads

I use that meme all the time  

Posted By: MissCallieYork
That these ladies, while not doing it for this specific reason, are actually smart. Seems there is some loophole in the law, that if LE try to bust them, the case can be thrown out due to racial profiling specific to the ad.  He did add that the racial profiling aspect did not need be specific to AA men, but any race that has been historically prosecuted.  

Implies that she will see white men with OUT references. And that is strange. You'd think she'd want references from EVERYONE. And then if she doesnt want to see a group of people, I think it is much higher class, to ask in the screening process and then deny them. But when you put it on your ad like that I think it's hurtful. I agree that we're not talking about not taking an "AA" customer if you worked at a grocery store? But when it comes to allowing someone to put their penis in her. It may be because most male AA men have large penises and she doesn't like large ones. You never know, she doesn't always have to be prejudice because she has a preference about who will work for her. I personally will see anyone, as long as the treat me with respect.  


Posted By: SS.Sweets4you
Implies that she will see white men with OUT references. And that is strange. You'd think she'd want references from EVERYONE. And then if she doesnt want to see a group of people, I think it is much higher class, to ask in the screening process and then deny them. But when you put it on your ad like that I think it's hurtful. I agree that we're not talking about not taking an "AA" customer if you worked at a grocery store? But when it comes to allowing someone to put their penis in her. It may be because most male AA men have large penises and she doesn't like large ones. You never know, she doesn't always have to be prejudice because she has a preference about who will work for her. I personally will see anyone, as long as the treat me with respect.  
It implies she will see Asians, whites, Hispanics without references as well...aka as long as you ain't black you will not be patted down and given benefit of doubt to being a decent human being.

I do see your point...but if ladies have all type of preferences why are they not broadcasted in the ads and websites? The 99% preferences out there is "yes or no to seeing black men"...plain and simple

wrps07749 reads

She knows the bad guys won't offer references. She probably thinks if they give a references with no trouble in the session.  

In terms of penis size that is not always true. There are guys of all races who have dicks huge as a horse both in length and girth.  

She probably took her ad down because calls from this thread. Probably a lot of guys are getting "Sorry mailbox is full message".

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 2:59:57 PM

Posted By: wrps07
She knows the bad guys won't offer references. She probably thinks if they give a references with no trouble in the session.  
 She probably took her ad down because calls from this thread. Probably a lot of guys are getting "Sorry mailbox is full message".

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 2:59:57 PM

So if bad guys will not offer references...you're saying the bad guys are black! That means all bad guys are black...unless it's a referenced black and they don't really count as black...they are the few good ones. All other races are good guys and can be judged case by case....makes a lot of sense,NOT!!!

So the board rushed to call her out on her BS....or they were happy to see her be hard on black men? Why would someone rush to a blatantly racist ad?

adventurer2011938 reads

I just sent a text message to this lady, asking if she is ok with AA guys and she still does. Some AA ladies don't want to see AA men.  


Posted By: adventurer2011
I just sent a text message to this lady, asking if she is ok with AA guys and she still does. Some AA ladies don't want to see AA men.  
If it's all about the money...then it doesn't matter.  

Either bad experiences or stereotyping knuckles heads from their small circle. Or they don't want to run into someone they may know...which is a legit reason.

adventurer20111114 reads

These two ladies work together by the way, Lady B and Honey

they hire open minded to race as far as I know...and you don't see "no AA" with agency girls or crazy hoops that only "AA's 50+" allowed for agency girls.  


only racism I spotted was a a PV agency in Eden model in which one of the girls had on a confederate flag bikini (can't remember name)....she was very popular with the good ole boys around here and went indy, smh.  

Hence, I never deal with Eden as they allowed that to be displayed on their website and a reflection of their serve...they would have been better of saying no AA. But she soon left or they moved on from her.....but that turned me off when I considered trying them when my favs at ST moved on to greener pastures

Posted By: Life410
only racism I spotted was a a PV agency in Eden model in which one of the girls had on a confederate flag bikini (can't remember name)....she was very popular with the good ole boys around here and went indy, smh.  
Would you react the same way if an AA model had a Black Panthers bikini?

letmejustsay917 reads

What are we one step way from Whites only section on BP?  I certain wouldn't mind, I'm actually tired of coming across this offensive ads.  

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 12:20:50 PM

adventurer2011886 reads

because AA girls don't mind seeing white guys; however, white girls don't want to see AA guys.  
Check this link for this girl who instead of saying no white guys says I love them.  

I don't see white women with substance abuse issues.

Why? because there is a good chance there is a pimp on her tail, waiting to exploit her.

Granted race really isn't the issue. I'm profiling.

... as long as these folks are all consenting adults, I lose no sleep over their issues.

I don't get it.  Maybe because I am not being profiled.  If someone says no white guys then I would move on.  I am totally okay with it.  If something about her drove me crazy, then I might try to approach her nicely and see if I could convince her otherwise. It is not like we are paying to shake hands. If someone does not want to participate with my race, even if they are profiling, that's okay. It is their choice and I would make it a point to never see them/contribute to their income.

Posted By: EricWa
I don't get it.  Maybe because I am not being profiled.  If someone says no white guys then I would move on.  I am totally okay with it.  If something about her drove me crazy, then I might try to approach her nicely and see if I could convince her otherwise. It is not like we are paying to shake hands. If someone does not want to participate with my race, even if they are profiling, that's okay. It is their choice and I would make it a point to never see them/contribute to their income.
I didn't address the "preference " issue with this thread.

 I am addressing verification standards based on race. A brotha needs a top secret security clearance, two forms of id, jump through a ring of fire & a urine test. Everyone else is getting the benefit of doubt & can just show up in the case that I was addressing.  

That's a guilty until proven innocent mindset that is dangerous way beyond the hobby. And it takes a collective including the privilege to stop supporting someone like that in the future. Glad she took the ad down...and the clients that go "whelp glad I ain't black" are part of that problem.

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