Washington DC

Re: Great Evasive Maneuver. I Wish I Had Saved Those Screenshots
Jaimee_AME See Agency Profile 377 reads

Why are you so angry?  Anyway.  I will respond with the same,  read my response as to why things happen.  Cleanliness, politeness go a long way.   Good luck with your future endeavors.  

I know several other places put up with such behavior just to make a buck for fear of review retaliation, we always hear "your side of the story"  but god forbid someone stands up to an abuser of the system.  You  don't hear her side, because typically their employer tells them to put up with it and shut up.  

You see we don't do things without purpose.  When an abuser is identified, we check our facts with other places and other providers, and make a decision on that, 10 out of 10 times we agree that the same abuse occurs from the same people all the time. Resulting in the removal of privileges.  Some places are more passive than others.  To US, the ladies are human beings with feelings, emotions that just ask for respect.  

It is too bad that you and some of your friends who have been slapped on their hand don't share this mentality.  

Hobbyist friends, do you ever wonder why some girls never come back to the area, regardless of them being independent or with an agency?  You can thank the abusers.  

Posted By: whodat3
To prove how deceptive and conniving your responses are here. Your true colors have been shown and your bluff called.  
 You have slandered and lied on countless members here. And now the tables have turned on you with facts and truth.  
 If nothing else, hopefully you have used this as a learning opportunity and learned some basic, fundamental business practices and how to be a decent human being. This has been a free education. You're welcome.

rinton2362495 reads

A few days back there was a thread about a local agency that retaliates against bad reviews.    I figured it was likely exaggerated some as they've always seemed professional to me, and there's always two sides to every story, but now i'm not so sure.  Yesterday i received an email from this agency to their mailing list that was meant to simply embarrass a TER member by calling out his TER ID, and saying the guy had:  "shit breath, foul body odor, and shit stains in your underwear".  The point of the email was that you shouldn't say that a girl is not GFE in a review if you have poor hygiene, and then calling out the members TER ID as an example.    I personally have never had a problem with them but I also don't recall leaving a bad review.  This was clearly revenge for that earlier TER post on the message board and did not appear meant to simply state their side of the story.   it's a bit concerning that the agency got that upset from the review mentioning that she wasn't GFE, and was willing to hurt their business by potentially scaring off individuals simply to embarrass someone.  I wonder how far they'd go with a worse review, considering they have all of our personal information.  I have to admit that I'll continue using them as they have someone that I really like, but am certainly turned off by this.  The previous thread provides a hint as to who this 3 letter agency is.

Tippecanoe747 reads

I had heard the same, wow.

-- Modified on 10/6/2016 9:22:37 PM

Not sure the reaction was called for as the review wasn't actually all that negative.
But , like  you said , the agency has a good rep. No history of probs or dramas.

Keeping that in mind I think the reaction was toward an individual so clueless that he was shocked that he arrived to an appointment with filthy undies , body odor , bad breath and did not receive an enthusiast GFE session.
I get it and have no prob with someone standing up for his employees .

FatVern323 reads

That there are that many unsanitary individuals out there patronizing escorts who charge current market rates.

I realize there some weirdos who might try to session while disgustingly dirty.  


Seems like a PR stunt to me.

whodat3564 reads

Hate to say I told you so. You see how this guy reacts. I can guarantee that the "filthy underwear, foul body odor" BS is just that - BS. The owner flies off the handle and acts like a maniac if you say anything other than glowing praise for his girls.  

If this guy has your private info, you should be worried.

Their girls are hot and have always delivered the goods for me. The owner has also given references to other girls for me on several occasions. They are timely with communication and I have had nothing but good experiences with them. I'll take their word for it all day long if they called out someone for writing a shitty review when the clients hygiene may have prevented a better experience.  

Not white-knighting here by any means... Just saying that the agency in question's rep is good in my book and if you don't think there might be some nasty dudes that these girls sometimes have to put up with, you are living in a fantasy world.

I've had great luck with this agency and have heard from several of the ladies they are good to work with.  I heard long ago that a good session starts with a shower weather you need it or not.

Shane_Falco447 reads

More recently I have noticed a change in the overall attitude of the owner.  

In the past I have always been incredibly pleased with the owner and the accommodating nature; however, more recently I have noticed the owner becoming testy over things that were at one time not a big deal. Perhaps the popularity of the agency and the growth of the agency has over whelmed the owner a bit and the stress of handling it all if starting to take a toll.

Dear friend -  

Thank you for making a comment.   Things do get busy at times and sometimes we may have time to chit chat and sometimes we may be so tied up that our answers will be quick and to the point.   For that reason don't take that as a sign of disrespect towards you, rather treat it as a simple time constraint we are facing.   You know very well that we develop high level of personalized treatment and at times we may even end chatting for  a while about regular things.  We just ask that you do not take offense if sometimes do we do not include a smiley in our responses :-).  

Again if you have any issues, you are always free to ask directly.   A simple question goes a long way.  

Posted By: Shane_Falco
More recently I have noticed a change in the overall attitude of the owner.  
 In the past I have always been incredibly pleased with the owner and the accommodating nature; however, more recently I have noticed the owner becoming testy over things that were at one time not a big deal. Perhaps the popularity of the agency and the growth of the agency has over whelmed the owner a bit and the stress of handling it all if starting to take a toll.

rinton236329 reads

I felt this way too, even after seeing that previous thread, but things changed when I saw that email come in.

whodat3744 reads

Of course it's all sunshine and rainbows if you are staying on his good side. Ask yourself: after you have clear evidence that he is unstable, retaliatory, and spiteful for anyone that speaks honestly and openly about his business, why would you continue to patronize said business?  

Let me tell you what GOOD agencies do with girls that aren't up to par -- they no longer associate with the girl, apologize publicly, and assure that it won't happen in the future with their agency. I have seen this several times from reputable agencies.  

The agency in question, however, does the opposite and attacks the customers. Do we need to have a discussion and class on Business 101 for this fool? You attack customers, word of mouth spreads, and all of a sudden you are in the hot seat.  

The owner behaves like a petulant child. He's the Trump of agencies - thin skinned, fickle, fictitious, and dangerous with a little power.  

If he behaves this way with unsatisfied customers, imagine what he'd do the day he experiences a bust or something of the sort. Anyone he has info on is getting thrown under the bus to the maximum extent

Imo i don't necessarily think a one-time call-out constitutes "evidence" that the owner is retaliatory and unstable. If the agency in question had a pattern of calling out mongers every time they received a bad review, then maybe I might be more inclined to side with your version of events. To my knowledge, this is the first email of this type I have received from them.  

I wasn't there and I'm going to assume, neither were you. It may have been an overreaction to call out the reviewer, but these businesses live and die by these reviews, so like STP said, I don't have an issue with the owner sticking up for her(?) girls. If it gets to a point where there's a clear pattern of an owner targeting mongers for bad reviews, then maybe I will change my mind. Until that time, imo your reaction/accusation seems unsubstantiated.

To the person that started the thread:  If you have questions or concerns stop the speculations and feel free to ask directly as to what happened.  To your comment about security, it is unfounded and malicious at best.  Also your comparison is incorrect and the threads are completely separate items.  Again you can avoid doubts and confusion by simply asking directly instead of posting an irrelevant comment with lack of actual analysis and feedback from the source.  It confuses people.  

To anyone that has any questions, again feel free to text or e-mail. Simple as that.  

To the loyal clients out there, you know us very well and we do not need to prove it.  You have written reviews with great feedback as well as negative feedback, but you demonstrate the traits that normal educated human beings should have which is mutual respect and that is why we still have this mutual relationship and you continue to use our service.  

I am not afraid to say things the way they are.  If we say something it is because it has been thoroughly analyzed and reviewed from both sides, never knee jerk reactions.  

As with any educated adult in this hobby, this is supposed to be fun!!  However when the line of respect is crossed (i.e. rudeness, poor hygiene, aggressiveness, overstaying your welcome) it needs to be noted, it needs to be called out for sake of everyone, specially for the ladies out there that do their best to provide an unforgettable experience.  

Esteemed hobbyist do not forget that the other side (the ladies) is human and you must take that into consideration.  Respect goes along way.   Your ability to see a lady is a privilege, however that privilege is relinquished when you violate basic human standards that as a grown adult one should have mastered, but sadly there are stragglers out there.  

As with most respectful gentlemen that peruse these boards, you need not worry, you are in good hands because you are educated human beings that are respectful.  

For those choose to continue posting without background information. Do your homework before making assumptions, stop speculations, and as with anything, just simply ask?  Is that too much to ask?

Then again, the comments stated by us should not bother any respectful gentleman out there

whodat3461 reads

Answer one simple question: did you or did you not send threatening, intimidating emails/texts to users who gave critical, truthful, reviews on your providers, AND you tried to have those users blacklisted from other agencies?  

There have been multiple people who have said you have over the years. Each one has left a critical review, and each one reports the same treatment from you. They have absolutely no reason to lie, but you have every reason to.  

You can put on the best front you want in public, but the multiple users who have been the recipient of abusive behavior from you know the truth.  

Good attempt at evading the issue. Bravo.

whodat3515 reads

To prove how deceptive and conniving your responses are here. Your true colors have been shown and your bluff called.  

You have slandered and lied on countless members here. And now the tables have turned on you with facts and truth.  

If nothing else, hopefully you have used this as a learning opportunity and learned some basic, fundamental business practices and how to be a decent human being. This has been a free education. You're welcome.

Why are you so angry?  Anyway.  I will respond with the same,  read my response as to why things happen.  Cleanliness, politeness go a long way.   Good luck with your future endeavors.  

I know several other places put up with such behavior just to make a buck for fear of review retaliation, we always hear "your side of the story"  but god forbid someone stands up to an abuser of the system.  You  don't hear her side, because typically their employer tells them to put up with it and shut up.  

You see we don't do things without purpose.  When an abuser is identified, we check our facts with other places and other providers, and make a decision on that, 10 out of 10 times we agree that the same abuse occurs from the same people all the time. Resulting in the removal of privileges.  Some places are more passive than others.  To US, the ladies are human beings with feelings, emotions that just ask for respect.  

It is too bad that you and some of your friends who have been slapped on their hand don't share this mentality.  

Hobbyist friends, do you ever wonder why some girls never come back to the area, regardless of them being independent or with an agency?  You can thank the abusers.  


Posted By: whodat3
To prove how deceptive and conniving your responses are here. Your true colors have been shown and your bluff called.  
 You have slandered and lied on countless members here. And now the tables have turned on you with facts and truth.  
 If nothing else, hopefully you have used this as a learning opportunity and learned some basic, fundamental business practices and how to be a decent human being. This has been a free education. You're welcome.

FatVern385 reads

However I have seen you come to your own defense on more than one occasion on this very board.

Personally I can't say that is a positive thing for a potential customer to see.

Really?  We rarely post on the board.  Stop hiding on a alias or alternate screen name.   Stop making silly and unfounded comments and accusations.  Could it be?  Is it you? Nah...it would be too convenient? Don't hate  

hum.....makes sense ;-)

Posted By: FatVern
However I have seen you come to your own defense on more than one occasion on this very board.  
 Personally I can't say that is a positive thing for a potential customer to see.

whodat3321 reads

Multiple usernames and alias on the same thread are against the TOS and users are  banned for this. Therefore, If you are insinuating that the gentleman you are responding to is myself or any of your other critics - wrong again.  


Posted By: Jaimee_AME
Really?  We rarely post on the board.  Stop hiding on a alias or alternate screen name.   Stop making silly and unfounded comments and accusations.  Could it be?  Is it you? Nah...it would be too convenient? Don't hate  
 hum.....makes sense ;-)  
Posted By: FatVern
However I have seen you come to your own defense on more than one occasion on this very board.  
  Personally I can't say that is a positive thing for a potential customer to see.

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