Washington DC

Re: +1
jspter 8 Reviews 342 reads

Posted By: Dfusethesituation
Word to the wise, "making another VIP account" is not allowed per TER rules, however posting said provider's info or TER ID on the Reviewers Only board is.  At least as a heads up.
Posted By: jspter
I get not wanting to put this out there on shout, but you should either make another VIP account and PM the hobbyist in this forum and in this locality if you are going to put this out there.  That or email one guy and let him circulate the information.  I think there is enough of a code and if you pass that through to one person, you can wash your hands of it.  

Good information there.  

If you are posting under an alias...come out with the information then.  

SketchySituation2540 reads

I had had something happen the other day that caused me to pause and take a step back.  As a result of that experience, I cancelled an appointment that I had for today, I am doing some reflection, and I am genuinely interested in knowing what the right thing to do is in this sort of situation.  


I spent a decent amount of time searching for DC/VA providers and found one an established provider that had good reviews (8.5, 8.5 or greater).  I set up an appointment at her incall location.  I went inside of her incall location and it was very dark (not well lit at all), and was greeted by a lady that looked just like her pics.  Her pictures were obviously accurate (at least at one point in time).  Then we went upstairs.  Again, not well lit (for a reason).  I got comfortable.  She went to the restroom.  The she came back.  I touched and felt bumps.  So I looked a little closer (not wanting to offend) and gently slid my hand on her legs.  More bumps.  Given that it was dark, I couldn't tell if they were lesions or bruises, but I did see a lot of them when she got close.  Then I saw many other indicators that suggested that this lady had some sort of an STD.  Admittedly, I am not a medical professional, but I know enough to know that she was infected with something given the frequency, size, prevalence, and her general disposition/behavior(s).  That was confirmed afterwards when I saw a mix of lesions, bumps, etc.  


I let her massage me (and in hindsight maybe shouldn't even have done that).  Because I felt very awkward and I thought that there might be someone else downstairs (concerned about safety), I felt that it was the best course of action given the circumstances.  In other words, let her provide some sort of minimal service so that she feels as though she earned her money and then leave.  She wants paid, and I am too nice a guy to do what most would do and walkout.  So I paid her the full donation ($400).  


I have no intentions of exposing her or anyone, hurting her livelihood, or even reviewing her given that I don't believe TER rules would allow it (and I always do my best to respect any and all rules -- even if I disagree with them).  In addition, I value my safety and would think that there would be a chance of some sort of retaliation (people are people).  That said, what is the right and/or ethical thing to do here?  This experience freaked me out and as a result of being sick to my stomach, I cancelled a different appointment that I had set for today.   How should someone handle this situation?  What could have been done differently?        

SketchySituation648 reads

In the past, I would usually just walk out.  Whereas now I am more concerned about my safety.  When I walked out on people in the past, I noticed that often times they would provide negative feedback on me (and often times was unaware that feedback was floating out there in cyberspace) such as "time waster" or "just wants location address" or even completely untrue feedback that is more negative.  

that's not part of the deal.

Posted By: SketchySituation
In the past, I would usually just walk out.  Whereas now I am more concerned about my safety.  When I walked out on people in the past, I noticed that often times they would provide negative feedback on me (and often times was unaware that feedback was floating out there in cyberspace) such as "time waster" or "just wants location address" or even completely untrue feedback that is more negative.  

-- Modified on 4/6/2017 7:25:51 PM

Sounds creepy. Where were her lumps located? Sound like they could be enlarged lymph nodes (HIV and Syphilis can be associated with multiple enlarged nodes), or maybe syphilitic gumma lesions. Might also be entirely non-STD related.
Run away!

SketchySituation691 reads

These were located all over her thighs.  You couldn't see them in the dark unless your face was 1-2 feet away from that area of her body.  They were oval shaped of varying sizes (perhaps a few centimeters in diameter).  

I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like some other kind of disease, and not swollen lymph glands. Maybe she has fibromas or neurofibromas, or a genetic disease. Sounds like a big turn-off in any case. Dim lighting is usually a bad omen.
Who could've blamed you if you'd just bolted for the door? Unless her ad said " 5' 6", 125#, 36C-24-36 and covered with multiple lumpy soft tissue lesions", I think you'd have been within your rights to just bolt out the door. My two cents.

SketchySituation553 reads

1) She had 100-200 reviews (I think that it is best to provide a range here)
2) 10-20 in the past 6 months (again best to provide a range)
3) Previous reviews mentioned the lack of lighting, indicated that she focused on BBBJ vs. other services, and mentioned that she constantly went into the bathroom to use mouthwash (sort of indicators)
4) None of the previous reviews mentioned bumps/lesions

Dfusethesituation431 reads

Real quick, no time to play detective and search for such a wide range of descriptive hints.  First, it is your right to ask the provider can she turn the lights on.  Second, you shouldn't feel obligated to pay for anything that is not accurate as to what drew you to her in the first place.  Third, if you weren't going to say who this lady is so that others can stay away from her, then why post anything.  Google works just fine, it may not give a conclusive diagnosis but it may help better than a review board.  

It's funny how providers have no problem alerting other ladies if a client has some questionable issues going on but clients are reluctant because they don't want to "ruin her reputation" or "hinder her potential earnings."  In any accord, if you say she has anywhere from 100-200 reviews with no mention of these lesions or bumps then either it is a recent condition or there are a lot more cowards out there than I thought.  

Posted By: SketchySituation
1) She had 100-200 reviews (I think that it is best to provide a range here)  
 2) 10-20 in the past 6 months (again best to provide a range)  
 3) Previous reviews mentioned the lack of lighting, indicated that she focused on BBBJ vs. other services, and mentioned that she constantly went into the bathroom to use mouthwash (sort of indicators)  
 4) None of the previous reviews mentioned bumps/lesions

Without divulging more than you wish, about how many reviews did she have? How many were recent (last 6 months?)?  How many were really recent (last month or two)?  Did any of those reviewers make mention of the lesions, lumps or any of the dark, questionable circumstances surrounding your visit?

might have been the best way.  In any case, you had every right to be concerned and to walk out if you were alarmed and/or turned off,especially if she was charging $400 with an appearance like that.  You might have said, "I'm sorry, but I'm very concerned with those bumps -- they might be an affliction and you might be afflicted with something.  But I assume you acted in good faith, and although I am unwilling to complete our appointment, I will pay you half for your time and urge you to see a doctor.

I know this option also carries risks, but the highest priority was to get out of there as quickly as possible with a minimum of upset or conflict.        

SketchySituation551 reads

She was charging $400 because that is what the market bears.  Quite frankly, if most people saw her on the street they would think that she was a 9.  She looks fantastic with jeans on and no shirt.  

Posted By: SketchySituation
She was charging $400 because that is what the market bears.  Quite frankly, if most people saw her on the street they would think that she was a 9.  She looks fantastic with jeans on and no shirt.  
Ok, so maybe post a review with four scores (instead of two): one for looks, one for performance, one for health status, and one for "body contour".

Dreamcatcher346 reads

Why go directly to her having an STD? Professional providers protect themselves better than most! Maybe she has skin issues?Many people have Psoriasis and Exema. They are not contagious.  



NOTE: Sorry. This was meant to be posted as a response to the OP.

-- Modified on 4/5/2017 5:26:36 PM

Assuming you haven't divulged a ton of personal information in advance, I wouldn't be too concerned about backlash. I would be concerned about a top dollar provider who made you uncomfortable for any reason.

At the end of the day, you are in charge. If something is not right just say you aren't comfortable and leave. No need to be super concerned about feelings - this is a business and she knows that. You are not in a relationship here, different rules apply. She is misrepresenting herself and you discovered the truth. The situation may be recent or many others may have chosen to ignore it. Doesn't matter. It happened to you now and that is what counts. I would post a review btw; this is a service business and bad service should be made known.

SketchySituation362 reads

Here are my thoughts:

1) I'm still not sure what to think about the situation.  10-15 years ago, I would have just walked down the stairs and out of the house/apartment.  I have become more risk averse.  A few hundred dollars isn't worth the risk now whereas 10-15 years ago (lower 20's) it would have been.
2) I suspect that she wears long pants and does what she can to ensure that they don't come off during the session -- that way the problem is never known.  
3) Even if she does take her jeans/pants off, then she could still conceal the problem through her approach.
4) If she did have an STD (97% chance), then my concern is that there are also likely mental health issues (99% chance).  So if I told her that she had an STD, that could serve as a catalyst for irrational and/or delusional behavior.  
5) The condition of the apartment  suggested that finances might be becoming an issue.  Another factor that could have served as a catalyst for irrational and/or delusional behavior.  

Overall, even though I am a fit person, I just felt that it was best to avoid any sort of confrontation.  Especially given that there might have been someone downstairs (two level townhouse).  

What was her attitude like?  Was she erratic.

It does not sound like and STD unless leg herpes is a new thing.  Sound like some sort of other skin or inflammatory disease.  

SketchySituation484 reads

She was a little free spirited, but it seemed like she was trying to hide something.  It was more than just her legs -- bumps/lesions -- very suspect.  I'm not an expert on STDs, but I still think that it was some sort of an STD.  Sort of like a rash/breakout that was pretty significant.  Lower half of body.  

I get not wanting to put this out there on shout, but you should either make another VIP account and PM the hobbyist in this forum and in this locality if you are going to put this out there.  That or email one guy and let him circulate the information.  I think there is enough of a code and if you pass that through to one person, you can wash your hands of it.  

Dfusethesituation433 reads

Word to the wise, "making another VIP account" is not allowed per TER rules, however posting said provider's info or TER ID on the Reviewers Only board is.  At least as a heads up.

Posted By: jspter
I get not wanting to put this out there on shout, but you should either make another VIP account and PM the hobbyist in this forum and in this locality if you are going to put this out there.  That or email one guy and let him circulate the information.  I think there is enough of a code and if you pass that through to one person, you can wash your hands of it.  

Posted By: Dfusethesituation
Word to the wise, "making another VIP account" is not allowed per TER rules, however posting said provider's info or TER ID on the Reviewers Only board is.  At least as a heads up.
Posted By: jspter
I get not wanting to put this out there on shout, but you should either make another VIP account and PM the hobbyist in this forum and in this locality if you are going to put this out there.  That or email one guy and let him circulate the information.  I think there is enough of a code and if you pass that through to one person, you can wash your hands of it.  

Good information there.  

If you are posting under an alias...come out with the information then.  

darcyde430 reads

It doesn't sound like a std to me. Morel likely some sort of rash, dermatitis, acne on her leg.

Maybe she unfortunately has a drug problem? Heroin? HEroin users many times get cysts or boils on their skin and they can appear many times on the lower body. Or abscesses. But I do not know who you are talking about and maybe it could be anything benign or non benign.  


  I hope she is OK, and I am sorry you had a troubling experience. My guess would be MAYBE she has a drug problem over the STD.

SketchySituation280 reads

Definitely NOT poison ivy or poison oak.  Much bigger ovals.  Possibly related to drugs.  I could see heroine.  I suspect that in a well lit area it might look like the picture in the attached link (not as bad, though).  Except no holes in the skin - just a bunch of decent sized bumps.  

she could've had a bad case of poison ivy?  or poison Oak?

I myself have gotten terrible cases and it causes lesions and can be rather unsightly and it can spread very fast if the oil from the plants are not removed from your skin.  I've seen cases when people got it in their eyes and hear of getting it on the genitals.  In my case, I had it so badly on my forearms that I finally had to go to the doctor and be put on steroids.

A possibility perhaps?

It sounds much more likely to be a skin issue rather than a communicable STI, for her to have lesions as a symptom of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, or even HIV she would have to have had it for quite some time, and I would doubt she'd be well enough to work, or that someone else wouldn't have outed her as having caught something. It sounds like skin irritation - could be an allergy, bug bites, poison oak etc. I have very sensitive skin and if I use the wrong laundry detergent I'm a mess! Why don't you shoot her a kind, non-accusatory email and ask if there's anything to be concerned about. Maybe just give her a shot before jumping the gun and possibly outing her for something that may be untrue. Just a thought. Hope it works out for you, and her.

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