Washington DC

Only a fool gives out PII to hobby; but obvs more than 1 is born every single day. (e)teeth_smile
JustLayingLow 138 reads


I've given PII before, and have felt like an idiot after the fact - to be so blinded by lust that led to an idiotic decision.

In this region, some of the most established ladies, or those visiting often demand PII for screening, many won't see you unless you give it up.

My thing is, PII is often requested over email or some screening form on their site.

I have no idea who handles this info or where it goes. How it can be used in the future

Ladies/Fellas I get it. Many will say if you don't like, move on. Or my business, I'll run it how I like, etc.  Got it.

I do my best to screen numbers, emails, photos, social media, EVERYTHING and it's resulted in finding real identities of many ladies.

I hate not knowing the idea a lady is trying to screen my real identity, meanwhile I can only read reviews and she stays a complete mystery. I guess I'm trying to level the playing field some.

Mean while, what if the Provider has been arrested for solicitation, drug possession, has a drug habit, or knows someone you know.  Relying on just her Provider info is only good if knowing what kind of service I'd get... and if that was all that mattered, just the service, should she only be concerned with my reputation as a client. Not my full name, number and where I worked.  Just saying. Its interested.

Care to comment? I'm prepared to get flamed, hear some egos speak out. Maybe a Knight or two or lady with GPS


I could see how you might be curious about some of the ladies that do this business.    

To do that, you would need to advertise yourself as available for an legally questionable service and field a gazillion emails/phone calls from people who purport want to engage in that act with you.  

Being a sitting duck for whoever comes calling is a hell of a lot riskier than contacting a girl or two whenever the urge strikes.  And you're seeing her photos, finding multiple ads and reading the details about her sexual encounters on a profile that stays relatively static.  She's not a "complete mystery" by any stretch of the imagination.  Yes there's risk on both sides of the transaction, but let's not pretend they're anywhere close to equal.  

Not wanting to hand over certain types of information is completely understandable.  And that's a discussion worth having;  but it can't be had intelligently if your premise about what's involved is completely wrong.  

imanalias97 reads

Private Investigator Information?  

And hey I never thought I would need an alias either lol.  

But it appears you've been bitten by having provided too much personal information. Or maybe you just can't get a date because you refuse to provide enough information to make a lady feel comfortable and safe? Which is it?

Get over it already please. Don't expect a tit for tat exchange here. You have made it clear you're skilled enough to delve into the deep dark web world and social media to find true identities of some.  

Maybe give it up to P411? Find a few who will accept someone with know okays and after use them as references.

Seriously it's not that difficult to get started. But hey, you're in this to experience and awesome time with some sexy lady right? So pick one of the highest rated and reviewed ladies to surrender your life to. After that, only see those who accept her as a reference.

Let me ask you, have you picked a good private and secure email service? I'm not even asking which one, but you probably use Yahoo don't you.

And the phone you use to connect, burner phone?  

There are too many dumbasses who give this site there real identity info, are you one of them?

If it's got you this upset, just go to a spa for happy endings or watch porn vids and save all ur $.

But don't expect it to be an equal partnered arrangement here. That's not happening unless you find one you can't stop seeing and fall in love with, it's happened.

Here to help you feel more comfortable, do you drive to see them and are you sure someone isn't taking pics of you parking? If you go to hotels have you looked at all the cameras taping you? Those images with good facial recognition software can find your real information easily, I know, I do this for a living.

So tell me really, what do you truly expect from this?

Dude, what are you trying to do.  It's ok to be curious about the ladies but unless you want to marry one of them, why would you care about their personal lives.  Love them and leave them.  

triage89 reads

but if you feel that strongly about it, there are ways around it


It certainly sounds like you've been burned recently and are seeking to level the playing field as some sort of guarantee against it happening again. If that is the case, I am sorry for what happened to you but while your view is understandable, I think it's just unrealistic for this hobby.

We all understand that there are people out there (men and ladies alike) who scam people all the time. I would guess that most of the people in this hobby are not like that though.  

How much personal information to give out is up to each person. How badly you want to see the lady, do you have an "SO", do you have a "classified" job you would lose if you got caught, etc.? These and many others are questions only you can answer on your behalf and everybody has different answers to these questions.

I have my own limits which include never giving out my personal information to garner an appointment (personally, I use references, White Listings and am on P411 and if that's not good enough for a lady, I move on). Simply too much risk for me. With all the beautiful ladies out here, there is simply no reason for me to go to that measure. Others feel differently and if what they do works for them, more power to them. When a lady insists on knowing my full name (as I have seen on many websites), I simply move on.  

Is it my loss? I don't think so since my goal is to see sexy women and there are many, many ladies to choose from (yeah, after all these years of hobbying, I STILL feel like a kid in a candy store). I have never gone without a date when I wanted one.  

Is it her loss? While I think so because someone else got my money (not to mention the repeat visits and those that I see regularly on a long term basis), she may think she "dodged a bullet" by not putting herself in a dangerous situation. It all depends on your perspective.

As far as a lady's screening, it is simply for her own safety. That does not mean that you should expect a "quid pro quo". You actually come off as kind of a stalker since you ".... screen numbers, emails, photos, social media, EVERYTHING and it's resulted in finding real identities of many ladies.". OBVIOUSLY, this is why you used an alias, I get it.

While I agree that leveling the playing field would be nice, as I mentioned before, it's just not realistic.

Been in and out of the game for over 20 years.  I can think of only 2 over the years that I gave personal information and found it to be a worthless visit (aka GPS).  Since then I ignore those ads and focus on those who don't care for PII with my whitelists and other references.  Do people know my PI, a few but longtime repeats.

In this town with all the security clearances,  I can see why no one wants to give out PII.

Overshare96 reads

Move on. Next. A provider will certainly move on from you if you expect something she's not comfortable with. There's plenty of safe options that don't require it. That goes for about every other aspect of the hobby.

Thanks for the responses as they've been amusing, entertaining and insightful regardless of how inaccurate.

Fortunately, I haven't been burned by any Provider in releasing my identity or threatening to expose me. There was this one time, years ago, but still - that was just a close call.

Anyways, my issue and concern with PII is it places me in a vulnerable position I'm not willing to go...anymore. And who knows how long this info is being stored, or where it goes. I was hoping a Provider would give her .2 cent.

Some require PII even if you have a P411 or TER.

I'll leave you all with this story. I recently saw a top DC lady (according to TER standards). Linking up with her was a headache considering one minute she was active then disappear from the area. She bounced around to the well known NoVA/DC spots. Through conversation, she leaked out she'd been arrested recently - solicited.  

I'm cool on her and many who claim to screen and request PII. Regardless of how far LE is willing to take anything, I couldn't help but think many many people could have potentially been at risk.

But whatever.

I don't think they ask for info. some back page ladies don't either...  although, If I were you, i'd be really concerned if someone agreed to meet without doing some sort of check.

good luck darlin', hopefully you'll find someone eventually.

Posted By: missymore
Re: you could take your chances with a street walker
I don't think they ask for info. some back page ladies don't either...  although, If I were you, i'd be really concerned if someone agreed to meet without doing some sort of check.  
 good luck darlin', hopefully you'll find someone eventually.
I think you're missing the point.

Do you need full name, phone number, and employment information to screen adequately or  

If someone is a reputable gentlemen on TER or P411could you screen using their handle name and the ladies they've seen as references. You can follow up screening and verification with their phone number they typically use and email. No?

Everything you're trying to discover about the individual you're screening is beneficial information to the gentleman also.

If we're measuring instability let's not act as if the ladies are inherently more stable then the men.

I see ladies regularly without the screening issues, screening is a dacade for a large group of ladies anyways, so guys enough with the move on, go to BP, SWs or he's been hurt comments.

Ladies -  
what do you do with all the info received?  
How is it stored and protected?
And how would you feel if a hobbyist knew/had your PII?

I've read and re-read your post several times...  what is your point?  

Is it that you want to know WHAT we do with the info?
is it that you want to know WHY we need the info?

if you have p411 and/or reliable and reputable references, then what's the problem?

Among other reasons, I will say that I do ask for certain things so that when I contact references, they have all the info they need in order to give me a swift response.  I can't just say "hey girlfriend, do you know this guy "joeblow" from ter?"  
not every lady has a photographic memory. I don't remember every handle, phone number, email address, name, etc, etc. (although I do remember most)

Norah's response is so spot on!  but there are many, many good reasons for why we ask what we ask.
it's ok if you're not comfortable sharing certain info. but that is between you and the individual you are hoping to meet.

i'm still not sure of your point, but hopefully I gave you a little more insight into why.  if not, please feel free to make an appointment to show me your point;)  I will do my best to sharpen, polish and drain it for ya. teeheehee,

References and P411 okays are all good until you start to require physical descriptions and someone says no, that guy is really short not tall like you mentioned. And you find out the guy has been sharing identities with his buddy. OR he's someone you've previously said no to who has changed identities.

No one is arguing that this is foolproof but don't for one second be daft enough to compare the bodily harm we are predisposed to in this line of work when anonymity is involved to the specter of "I don't know what's she's doing with my info"... no one who is outting guys lasts very long.  

But you know who can easily continue preying on us when we have no resources. Guys who've given no info. How many stories about serial killers and prostitutes are there? Like 10? I'm referring to a vague threat of we might get hurt. I'm talking about ACTUAL cases not to mentioned the violence that doesn't make the headlines.  

How easy is it to get a new email and number if that's all we have connecting you to your info? What guy hurts/shorts a girl then gives her as a reference for the next one???  

This is an exercise in mitigating risk. You do what you need to do and I'll do what I need to do.

A Woman Who Apparently Has GPS Because I'd Rather Not Be Murdered For You to Maintain Your Anonymity

Norah, don't be so mellow dramatic.

I'm complete understanding that there are risk from the ladies. I respect the actions they take to prevent being harmed.  

However I did ask. What do you do with the information? And how is it protected.

Because even though guys could play the switcharoo, a well reviewed lady could have been arrested or adopayed a habit.

I'm not trying to prevent anyone from changing their practices but just don't be so dramatic in your reasoning.

By any Provider not using backpage and using sites like TER and P411 reduces the likelihood of piss poor rude and violent  hobbyist tremendously.

I don't think Norah was being mellow dramatic at all. How was she being dramatic in her reasoning? Because she explained in detail why she personally feels that the information requested by many ladies is needed?... You obviously didn't understand why - which is why you made the post.  

Sure the ladies can switch and bait you, or have been arrested etc. But this hobby is definitely not on an equal playing field. There's way more risk for the ladies as far as physical violence/being assaulted so it only makes sense that they need as much info as they do.

I don't give up my personal info as I'd lose a clearance, my job, and my family. But I've dealt with a lot of different ladies and can say that a few references from well-reviewed girls alone almost always gets me through.

When people try and use worst case scenarios, create the most dangerous outcome to explain how and why they operate - yes, that is being dramatic.

I'll wait... and watch how some of you try and use the above statement against me. While I'm not saying don't put measures in place. I'm not saying take unnecessary risks, what I did in my initial statement WAS

Express displeasure toward giving PII
And through other comments asked what happens to the PII, how is it stored?
Is it really necessary to effectively screen? Yes or No?

Those there are questions for the ladies, not the knights.

Hi Lovely,

I understand your expressed concerns as far as giving out personal info to providers, and although I can't speak for all providers, I will explain my personal views on said discussion.

I ask for at least two references from upscale, independent ladies that a gentleman has seen within the past six months - a year AND your P411 ID. IF one doesn't have a P411, they may sign up for it through my website if they are booking significantly in advance - which is a good percentage of the time. However, there are gentlemen who request appointments a day or two before the requested date and therefore signing up for P411 isn't an option. I ask for full name, work info - official title/company, LinkedIn, company website, company email, etc. And although this may seem invasive, it's for two simple reasons.

1. The first reason being LE. LE isn't the norm, and it is highly unlikely I'd ever come across them and to date, I haven't had any close calls with LE... HOWEVER, let's just say that out of every 100 inquiries (just inquiries) maybe one of those is LE. I use the PI to make sure that I don't take that 1 in 100 inquiry. I require both references AND P411 (or work info/full identity) because references can be manufactured. I've had a few guys in the past provide me some shady references, the website for the gals looked cheap and last minute, and of course the numbers provided could and most likely were burner phones (therefore anyone could be behind the numbers) and the same is said for the emails provided. And of course, I understand requiring both is a hassle for some, so I just wouldn't see those gentlemen.

2. The second reason is that I need to have a good understanding of the individual before I choose to see them. I think this is a much bigger reason than number one, LE is very unlikely but having a rude or aggressive gentlemen try to book is not so out of the norm. Disrespectful clients, aggressive clients, clients willing to make a gal do something she doesn't wish to do are not at all outlandish concerns. Of course extreme concerns include serial killers, kidnappers etc etc. but the former concerns are very valid and very real. I require references so that I know that a gentleman's character is solid and require the personal info so that I can do my own assessing.

Again, I can't speak for all the other lovely ladies but that's just my two cents.

As far as storing info, once I have screened an individual, delete all information and keep only their hobby email address in a folder so that I know they've been screened and passed. Although I do remember everyone who has passed screening. *Note, I also access everything from a burner laptop through a secure browser and use a vpn. No info is stored on the laptop and is all deleted promptly after.

I'd say most girls just delete the info after using it to vet.

And yes, it is very necessary for us to effectively screen. This is a vulnerable business we choose to operate in, so we must treat it as such.

a. none of your business unless you make it mine and your business
b. YES!!!!!

Posted By: NverthoughtIdneedanalias
 And through other comments asked what happens to the PII, how is it stored?  
 Is it really necessary to effectively screen? Yes or No?  
 Those there are questions for the ladies, not the knights.


A great question would be this, if you are truly so concerned about where your personal information is stored, or where it is going, then why be in this hobby at all? If a girl screens that you can bet that you will be asked for some kind of personal info - if you don't want to give it, then go home to your wife or girlfriend. Or see one of the girls that require minimal to no screening.

That's not a great question.

I've already answered I've submitted PII before, however giving away PII is not something I practice.

client_number_994 reads

It's a question of how much risk you're willing to assume. Do I want my PII exposed to dozens of providers, or do I only want it exposed to P411? Tough call. Not really.  And to flip the script, you're paid exorbitant hourly rates to, at least in part, assume some risk in what is still an illegal activity most places in the US. If you want 100% guaranteed safety, I hear Starbucks is hiring baristas.  

I'm in this hobby because 80-90% of providers still accept stellar references and current P411 accounts without requiring D.O.B., name of first born, blood type and SSN. And yes, I'll continue to do a steady business with them rather than the the 10% or so who think I'm out to assault or steal from them.

I think the whole point of the answers the providers have given on this thread is that this business IS risky and the girls know and understand that, so occasionally asking for PI is just mitigating risk for some. I personally think stellar reviews from well-known providers is one of the best ways to go, and P411 is very convenient. I always prefer when gentlemen provide P411 ID's and two references, it's a very safe bet and references don't just let me know the client isn't LE but also let's me know they're a good guy (or not). However, if a gentleman doesn't have references, or doesn't have a solid P411 history, sometimes extra info is required. Occasionally gentlemen prefer to just provide references - and if they're well known girls that I can easily look up and find their activity/history, that's totally acceptable. But sometimes, a client will provide a couple references of girls that I can only find on foxylists, or backpackge, etc. and more info would be required.

All this being said... as a hobbyist, you should understand that some girls need more info to feel safer. To each their own.

And as far as flipping the script, that's a two way street. You could just sleep with your wife or girlfriend, or better yet, cultivate a low-key relationship and get yourself a mistress. But ya'll choose to pay the exorbitant fees. Find girls that are willing to take P411/References instead of your social security number. I don't believe shaming certain girls who ask for extra info is necessary, just because one individual doesn't want to give said info.

But all this aside, I would agree that stellar references from established providers are definitely the top way to go. As I said above, I think that PI is only requested when P411/references are lacking in credibility.

And I make all that argument not even being a person that screens via personal info only. I'm flexible but a lot of it has to do with the information I'm presented with and what I can glean from extra research. So I do not think that it's the end all, be all. I've been doing this for 6 years and have never required it in all cases, but if I'm not totally comfortable with what I'm given, I'll demand it. Has it saved me from being behind closed doors with people who I'd prefer to avoid? Absolutely. Do I prefer it? Yes. Will I require in all cases? Probably soon. But those who do dinner dates are generally not scared to give it up so I think I'll make out okay.

The vast majority of ladies are concerned for their safety first and foremost. References can help calm our fears but violent guys can get around that. Criminals (with backgrounds) are found via searching real info. People are deterred from bad behavior when they know their information is known. I'm done explaining anything else to the OP. I knew this was essentially feeding the troll, but was feeling a little bored and now I'm not.


IdentityCrisis85 reads

Tell that to the young woman in MN this week whose genitals were set on fire by a hobbyist who has posted on TER. How much you want to bet that he wouldn't have soaked her with lighter fluid and lit her on fire if she had his personal information.

Violence happens everywhere, in all settings under various circumstances.

A person who sets someone's genitals on fire doesn't care much about anything.

PII or getting caught

you just prove the necessity of asking for PI even more. Gentlemen that DON'T offer to provide what a gal asks for usually sends a red flag, as the man who light that young lady's genitals on fire probably refused info (or she didn't ask). As guys who DO provide PI like full name, work info, etc. are generally deterred from doing harmful things to the provider as she does in fact have his full info.

Why not ask for name and phone number they will be contacting you from

You can confirm ID on site

Giving up unnecessary PII is not wise - even if it does put your mind at eas. There's a line

sinfin81 reads

This POS has ID from TER, reviews & whitelist. Reason why ladies are asking real life information. Genitals set on fire, another escort murdered this week, another one raped, one robbed, and I can keep on and on.

I do ask for full name, along with P411/two references. However, I would say 4/10 guys that request dates don't have P411 and therefore full work information is required. I don't ask for social security, blood type, etc. or anything else unreasonable. A vast majority of the gentlemen who ping me DO comply with what I ask for.

Agreed sinfin. There's a ton of reasons right there why providers SHOULD be asking for at least some personal info. I don't even accept TER as a form of verification because it can be easily falsified. I ask for references and P411, and if someone can't provide that, then I ask for PI.

sinfin38 reads

just few days ago a provider was tremendously hurt because a "coworker" took TER clients phone; use "his" TER to access to her and "verify the account" and later on she end up in the HOSPITAL!

So guys, men up, wanna play? Do it, but don't complaint when providers ask RL information because they just want to be SAFE. If you don't like it; don't play or play with your wife (or your hand).

... and I'm not saying every women has GPS but it does exists.

I have GPS on my phone, thought it meant global positioning system.

I'm actually pretty freaked out by this whole conversation!
is that the point you were getting at? making us all paranoid because you are?  if that's the case, score for you!
for real dude! WTH???
have you ever heard this word? discretion???  
are you seriously trying to goad people into publicly sharing their screening process and reasoning?
that's so messed up. if you wanna meet someone and you have a question about their processes, you should ask directly. some will divulge, and some will avoid.
not only that, but you are posting under an alias!!!

please don't get me wrong, I'm not a prissy, picky bitch, but your questions and responses are really fucked up!

really! your inital response was that of amusement.... wtf??? these people gave you real and sincere responses and you found them amusing!  
you're just trying to stir the pot aren't ya???? Lol
makes for an interesting board though, doesn't it?

-- Modified on 9/27/2017 2:27:22 PM

Silly that is...  

I like to call it maintaining a fun and positive attitude while throwing out my 2 cents

Overshare47 reads

If a lady asks something you're not comfortable with, politely decline and move on. There's always someone out there at your comfort level.

Mea culpa, I've emailed ladies who clearly required information that would have identified me and I would never give. Some bent their rules based on reputable p411 OKs. Some said no. I said ok, good luck, enjoy your visit and moved on. If you're cool handing out your real full name and LinkedIn profile, go right ahead. If thats off limits find someone else or just jerk off

This is question that does not have one answer. Some people are comfortable sharing their info, most are not, in my opinion.

As far as I'm concerned, with 411 okays and TER contributor, I've not had the need to provide any PII. Of course I stay away from anyone who asks for PII, IDs etc. those requests are just not my thing,

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