Washington DC

No they won't make sence.
SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 2174 reads
1 / 68

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 10:51:55 AM

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 1238 reads
2 / 68
STPhomer 176 Reviews 1215 reads
3 / 68

This has been a prob in DC for quite some time. Your experience is nothing new nor is it in any way specific to you.

It was so bad when I lived in DC a few of my fave touring ladies finally gave up and stopped visiting the city. Not that they did not have enough loyal clients to make their trips worthwhile but because so many ass wipes booked them fully up and then cancelled or NSd at the last moment....giving them no chance to recover the lost time.

I think jerks book ladies just to assure that IF they can make the appt the lady will be available for them.  At the time of the booking they really don't know or particuarly care if their personal schedule will allow them to honor the commitment. And obviously they don't give a crap how it affect the lady or the reliable hobbyist .
 We are pretty good on this board for calling out the ladies that NS or cancel. Wish the dudes were alson held accountable as their actions affect us all.

Hell Mya......drop DC and add Raleigh to your travel plans !  No southern gentleman would ever cancel on YOU !

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1217 reads
4 / 68

posting a diatribe on our board.  Frankly whether it is true or not, as a hobbyist with an impeccable reputation, who has only had to cancel on short notice extremely rarely and always compensated the lady at her full rate,   I find the rant offensive.  

It is not as though you are going to persuade the offenders to behave any better -    and seeking other providers to add to your rant about our area is not doing anything constructive -  it is only inviting others to support your negative emotions about our area -

the solution is really simple - if you do not find it adequately lucrative to visit DC -  don't -

SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 962 reads
5 / 68

Awwww poor guy  
Sorry you feel that way but I have a opinion and have the right to speak. Truth hurts I guess
Not all guys are in the BS category because I do have my guys who are true to their word but majority of guys in the area do play games. Even if I don't get answers at least any girl who does read this post they can at least think twice before they waste there time.  Good day!

SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 1124 reads
6 / 68
wrps07 811 reads
7 / 68

Many local providers are contacting regulars for deals. They do this a lot when visitors show up. Guys are getting a lot of unsolicited texts and emails from providers asking "when can you see me".

One provider told me today competition is fierce because demand is down.  She indicated that a lot ladies are giving it up for free because they are horny in the summer.  Never heard a comment like that before.  I believe it because my hobbyist buddy saw a lady he use to see as a provider for free this past weekend on Saturday and Sunday.  

I got an unsolicited text today and yesterday lol. A hobbyist can only do so much lol

TeedraDiora See my TER Reviews 775 reads
8 / 68

That's unfortunate to hear because I was thinking of visiting DC.

AngelinaDDD See my TER Reviews 1062 reads
9 / 68

First if all, DC is a great town for the hobby!  Great, respectful and awesome clients who are generous, considerate and appreciative!  I have worked here for eons, rarely tour!  Sorry, that you had bad luck here, but not indicative of the wonderful gentlemen here.

As to local ladies cutting breaks and giving it away for free, because they are horny in the summer, come on now?  Are you kidding me!  That is ludicrous and laughable!  Lol!

Every year someone comes on here and blasts DC!  This place is great and constantly great!  Timewasters everywhere, I guess but not indicative of Washington, DC!  This is a great town both to tour and as a home base.  

Rant over.... Peace

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 6:08:50 AM

ICantQuit 921 reads
10 / 68

Mya, I hear your pain.  HOWEVER, it amazes me how providers conveniently transfer between this is a "business" to "I don't appreciate the NCNS..my feelings are hurt."   I’ve been doing this a long time and NCNS (on both sides of the equation); no AA men rule/s; tire kickers; etc. etc. are par for the course and it comes with the territory.

And as stated, to now come here and “call out” all of DC cause you had some NCNS, tire kickers, etc is like……… really?!?!  IMHO, TER is for the client side of this equation.  You’re in a room full of Mongers hollering “kiss my ass you cheap, no show bastards!”  Really?  TER is the last place you would want to do that.   You may want to consider dealing directly with the NCNS, tire kickers.  I would think you have their contact info.  How about making these observations to them.  

I liken your post to Jimmy Choo going into a room full of shoe buying fanatical women and saying you bytches are trying on too many shoes and NOT buying them.  I’m positive many of those ladies would pull off those Jimmy Choo’s they were trying on, put on their sneakers and make their way down to Gucci; Christian Louboutin; or Steve Madden.

Enjoy your tour/s to other cities!

ICantQuit 1049 reads
11 / 68

Mya, you've been traveling to DC for sometime now.  How do I know cause I tried to contact you in your early days of traveling here and you didn't even answer on more than one occassion.  

You should know the answer to your question better than most as you're no rookie to touring DC.

JohnyComeAlready 697 reads
12 / 68

Pussy is pussy... but you do have to deal with the woman it's attached to.

PS I'm not talking about price.

JohnyComeAlready 820 reads
13 / 68

I'm holding out til you pay us.

wrps07 849 reads
14 / 68

What I posted was for bp providers giving out free services. They go crazy over rich clients.

AngelinaDDD See my TER Reviews 997 reads
16 / 68

What good is a rich client if you have to give it to him for free!  Just not understanding the logic, BP or not!  Maybe I am missing your point!

jhbaxter 9 Reviews 763 reads
17 / 68
Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 808 reads
18 / 68
Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 705 reads
19 / 68

How am I just now hearing about this? lol

I would love to get on your schedule on of these visits, and it wouldn't be for the traveling bar.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 1129 reads
20 / 68

There are provider only boards where things like this could be discussed, but TER is not really the place to bash hobbyist.

JohnyComeAlready 896 reads
21 / 68

You might be too, but after a while those freebies won't be able to support her habit.

... give a naive girl money, she will find something to get addicted to.

This is too stupid even for me, freebies because someone is rich, still don't make no sense.  
Not if she is running a business.
Posted By: wrps07
What I posted was for bp providers giving out free services. They go crazy over rich clients.  

JohnyComeAlready 638 reads
22 / 68

Except to laugh.  

I guess it could happen. There's just no logical reason.

AngelinaDDD See my TER Reviews 905 reads
23 / 68

What good is someone rich if you are giving it to him for free!  I give discounts during slow months, I give OTC time to clients who have become friends! Just the OPs statement made no sense!

JohnyComeAlready 492 reads
24 / 68

I believe you.

Could you explain the logic behind such actions?

I find this to be illogical... Unless you're ballin, of course how much ballin can you do with a dumb chick?

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 766 reads
25 / 68

They often don't make sence.

Being someone who spends more time with them than I should. I believe I can say that. lol

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 3:27:26 PM

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 819 reads
26 / 68

I can never understand half of what your attempting to say in your post.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 819 reads
27 / 68

Clearly not all them, but many of them are very new and have not had any guidance.  

Many of them have used their sex appeal to get attention or similar things in the past, and have just not gotten their heads fully the idea of making their sex appeal a business.

Yes, there are some great and very intelligent ladies who use BP, but there area also alot of newbies.

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 3:24:48 PM

JohnyComeAlready 615 reads
28 / 68

Reap my posts then read the posts I respond to, then reread my post.

That's not say I always make sense.

JohnyComeAlready 767 reads
29 / 68

I know it doesn't matter after the fact, I don't see many second dates, coming from a freebie.

I have a penis... From the male perspective this makes financial sense.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 896 reads
30 / 68

Is not a class that many girls (I say girls, because most of them have not reached the maturity level of a lady), who get started on BP have taken.  

Maybe you could start a class and teach the fresh fish the proper business practices, and that no one will buy the cow if you give the milk away for free.

JohnyComeAlready 768 reads
31 / 68
JohnyComeAlready 691 reads
32 / 68

They only talk money, that's why it makes no sense.

DCGent1968 45 Reviews 850 reads
33 / 68

While I've heard that DC doesn't have a great reputation, I would expect that NCNS is not a unique problem here. It's real easy for non-local ladies and guys to bash DC but remember that there are many good hobbyists here who enjoy seeing touring ladies.  

As for that story about providers almost giving it away for free, I think that is total crap, but I'm happy to receive any specials or discounts that ladies want to offer!  I'm horny too, so PM away, ladies.

JohnyComeAlready 790 reads
34 / 68

Modified on 7/23/2014 3:24:48 PM  

Posted By: Charlie Tweeder
Clearly not all them, but many of them are very new and have not had any guidance.  
 Many of them have used their sex appeal to get attention or similar things in the past, and have just not gotten their heads fully the idea of making their sex appeal a business.  
 Yes, there are some great and very intelligent ladies who use BP, but there area also alot of newbies.

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 3:24:48 PM

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 711 reads
35 / 68

....until I fall asleep before calling up a previously paying client to give out free "box" lunches.

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 4:04:09 PM

JohnyComeAlready 786 reads
36 / 68

it's embarrassingly weak.

I can't stoop to this level.

JohnyComeAlready 846 reads
37 / 68

I was going to post an ISO for freebie.

What planet are these guys from?

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 711 reads
38 / 68

I would know what you meant by this last statement in your post.  

"I have a penis -- from a male perspective this makes financial sense"

Having a penis as a maile makes alot sence. Financially, I am not so sure. Having a penis generally cost men money. No one has ever said I am a millionare today, because I thought with my penis and made decisions that were best for it.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 612 reads
39 / 68

I still have no idea what your trying to say.

Why don't you start a new thread and ask people if they understand your post.

-- Modified on 7/23/2014 4:38:32 PM

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 749 reads
40 / 68
Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 895 reads
41 / 68

Are you so weak that you think you have to run game on ladies that your paying to have sex with you?

I was not running game. I was letting a very attractive lady know that I would be interested in employing her services in the future.

JohnyComeAlready 826 reads
42 / 68

I have a penis means I think like a male. Keep in mind there are no teams here... Unless you happen to be married to a provider. Then you and her might be on the same team.

The freebie make sense from a financial aspect. Yes? No?

Posted By: Charlie Tweeder
I would know what you meant by this last statement in your post.  
 "I have a penis -- from a male perspective this makes financial sense"  
 Having a penis as a maile makes alot sence. Financially, I am not so sure. Having a penis generally cost men money. No one has ever said I am a millionare today, because I thought with my penis and made decisions that were best for it.

JohnyComeAlready 677 reads
43 / 68

Was sugar daddying on BP, we both commented with pretty much the same answers.

Then you went and sucked Julia's ass.

That doesn't look tactful... I'm well aware my opinion isn't really going hurt anyone's game

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 673 reads
44 / 68

give you some feedback, that your attitude was hurting you with your target audience -  that point was lost apparently -    whatever :D   -    

bottom line  -  if you don't like it here take it somewhere else -

might be a good idea - you've just gone on a whole lot of DNS lists with this post...

deionj70 128 Reviews 822 reads
45 / 68

a lady gives me any negative attitude while conversing.  
Mya, I am not saying you do this and I have never contacted you.  
Last night I made an appointment with a new to DC lady. When I contacted her to get the address so I could be on my way, she gave me some attitude. By experience, I already know there is a 95% chance I will have a bad time. I therefore cancelled the appointment and moved on, calling another provider. In some cases I just tell them "ok, goodbye."

On the other hand when I can't meet because something has come up, I make sure I let them know at least an hour in advance.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 809 reads
46 / 68

ot sure if you visit often Mya, but sometimes with the big cities you have to visit a few times so that the guys get used to seeing your name. I know girls think a guy will jump , thinking that a visiting provider might only visit that one time. In my touring experience guys like to see a girl coming at least once a month, with a good reputation and sticking to her travel plans.  

 Sometimes you just have a bad trip where it's a coincidence that guys are canceling and not keeping appointments. It happens from time to time for the local girls too. When it rains it pours and then sometimes it thunders. You just got to stick it out and do what makes sense for you.  

  It seems that every city has it's slew if providers damning it to hell for having BS clients. Goes with the territory and each girl is going to find success and no success in different cities and markets. Sorry you are having a tough time in DC. It had always treated me very well. When I moved away for three years I was like great, there goes my business. But after a few months of advertising and guys seeing I was local to the Philly area, I was doing just fine. Girls definitely need to spend time marketing and advertising for upcoming trips.  

  The market is doing great right now, business is great and there are many ladies in town but that doesn't interfere. There are clients for every provider. It's a great business!  

  Someone mentioned providers being so horny they are giving it away for free? Maybe a true clinical sex addict but a woman has no problem finding sex. Clients maybe. Free sexual partners? Nah

joecarter 763 reads
47 / 68

. . .rarely helps.  I suspect that many (like me) will avoid this one.  There are simply too many great, positive ladies in the area to see.

MissLizzieBeth See my TER Reviews 752 reads
48 / 68

I've been playing in DC pretty regularly for almost a year along with other major cities (Nyc, Boston, Chicago etc) and don't think it has some crazy number of BS or NCNS gentleman.  I think a lot of it is what you make it.  Are you advertising for your visit well in advance?  Staying in upscale easy areas?  Asking for references?  

If you're doing all of that maybe it's just not the place for you?  I didn't understand that idea when I first started but it does happen.  I remember asking on a different board about cities that might be good for me to visit considering my age, price, presentation, body type, etc. and a lot of people encouraged me to visit Boston but to stay away from Chicago.  As it turned out for me - Boston has never really been that great but I've always had a really awesome time in Chicago!

I think it's sort of counter intuitive to get on a board full of your target market and damn them :(  Maybe hobby away from DC for a while and when you come back after a while it might be a lot better!

Good Luck!

deionj70 128 Reviews 766 reads
49 / 68


I didn't say I cancel one hour before the appointment. I said I do it at least an hour in advance - I most of the time give more time.  
If a lady says 50% cancellation fee, it is understandable as long as the cancellation  
policy was explained when booking the appointment. I don't cancel because I simply changed my mind.
If one can't attend because something important came up at work or with one's family, what do you expect your client to do?
Sometimes things we can't control happend ;therefore, a cancellation fee should not be a problem

ICantQuit 664 reads
50 / 68
SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 749 reads
51 / 68

ho are you calling a hood rat- because i hope its not me. Truly if you read my reviews; i wouldn't be having great reviews if i was a hood rat... Coming from someone who is anonymous i think you need to check your self out the door

SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 804 reads
52 / 68

I do come here often but maybe im just having a bad time.. Thanks doll

SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 1048 reads
53 / 68
earthshined 775 reads
54 / 68

just because he thinks that way doesnt mean everyone will.  

ranting IS allowed on these boards

JohnyComeAlready 981 reads
56 / 68

in this entire thread, so you must not be stupid.

Therefore you must be able to realize you are irresponsible when it comes to maintaining a scheduled appointment. From a business perspective, I wouldn't book a lady who is irresponsible in maintaining her schedule.

I'm not convinced you go out of your way to cancel, just that you can't seem to manage your personal life in contrast to your hobby life. I'm making this statement based solely on this thread, and this thread only

deionj70 128 Reviews 674 reads
57 / 68

This probably only happens to me.
If I can't not keep an I appointment and have to cancel is because what has just come up can't wait and it is more important. It could be family or work mostly. Now it is one's responsibility to try the  best possible to keep an appointment, but if at one point one can't do it, it would be stupid enough give the hobby priority. In such cases I quickly contact the provider to explain and apologize or to pay a cancellation fee if any.

JohnyComeAlready 619 reads
59 / 68
deionj70 128 Reviews 836 reads
60 / 68
Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 673 reads
61 / 68

you've modified your original post, so I can only glean what you said from the replies.
I've never met you, but you did cancel on me last year 2 hrs before a scheduled appt. in a manner I hadn't exerienced before or since.  Wasn't a NCNS but was still a bummer.  It did help toughen me up a bit as a hobbiest though, and I learned to apply the "move on" adage

ladyjae See my TER Reviews 803 reads
62 / 68

I do too, I never have problems in the Dmv maybe it just wasn't good for you but that is one of my fav places to go! I was just there and did great! I have lots of regulars and the clients are so nice and very generous! I never have problems here...

idk about girls giving it away for free i have not heard that one but who knows.

Guarddog111 238 Reviews 698 reads
63 / 68

Ask anybody who works with Members of Congress, you NEVER assume they will show-up, just the opposite.  You always have a contingency plan for a no-show.

Not that I'm making excuses, but throw-in traffic and uneven work schedule, its amazing anybody shows up at all.

SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 719 reads
64 / 68

Understandable but 2 hours is a lot better then 5 mins or 30 mins which is why I'm referring too when I mention last minute.  
If someone gives me 2 hours then that's fine (I can potentially book someone) but 1 hour like some people do (in all cities) is not enough tim

sorryforthealias 709 reads
65 / 68

This is TER, not okCupid.  I thinks you have the wrong web site.

Posted By: wrps07
Many local providers are contacting regulars for deals. They do this a lot when visitors show up. Guys are getting a lot of unsolicited texts and emails from providers asking "when can you see me".  
 One provider told me today competition is fierce because demand is down.  She indicated that a lot ladies are giving it up for free because they are horny in the summer.  Never heard a comment like that before.  I believe it because my hobbyist buddy saw a lady he use to see as a provider for free this past weekend on Saturday and Sunday.  
 I got an unsolicited text today and yesterday lol. A hobbyist can only do so much lol

sorryforthealias 871 reads
66 / 68

She's already taken the time to get ready for you, physically and mentally.  Please don't tell me you cancel an hour before and think you haven't ruined her week/your?  That's not a good hobbyist.

Posted By: deionj70
a lady gives me any negative attitude while conversing.  
 Mya, I am not saying you do this and I have never contacted you.  
 Last night I made an appointment with a new to DC lady. When I contacted her to get the address so I could be on my way, she gave me some attitude. By experience, I already know there is a 95% chance I will have a bad time. I therefore cancelled the appointment and moved on, calling another provider. In some cases I just tell them "ok, goodbye."  
 On the other hand when I can't meet because something has come up, I make sure I let them know at least an hour in advance.

ICantQuit 809 reads
67 / 68
ICantQuit 679 reads
68 / 68

Granted you have a history of good ratings.  But given your/this negative post and that recent poor rating you may be suffering burn out.  

Take a break....this life may be getting to you now.

Register Now!