Washington DC

Ladies....Email addy is ....to contact me
ScarlettMooon 8066 reads

Hello ladies....if you would like me to share how I screen and am extra careful then email me at [email protected]

I am happy to be helpful....just email me and I will email back....that is easier for me....sorry if there is a delay ...I am just busy at the moment...but I will get to each and every one of you.Promise.

Please Please Be careful. I will try to get more intel .....in the next few days.....as much as I can. ok.


Please email me , then I will send you an address for an encrypted email address and the PGP code to decode it, but you must prove to me your site first...for my own safety....I have had a VERY close call and something VERY weird happen lately and I want to know if anyone else has expieranced this....

I have some info that could relate........aside from just the girls working on the streets I need to know about agency set ups.....please send info ...the links on the DC boards do not work.

please I am stressing out here.

thanks so much.

And girls be leary...if you cant get 3-4 references, aside from just contact info forget it..also I can send you a link to a site to trace IP to their front door and a site for a small fee that does a backround check....its worth the fee........its your life....some of us are students or parents or anything else...and cannot risk this. most of us dont even have freakin parking tickets...lol.

Email me I will tell you how i screen...your quantity will slow up ....but you will be safe. Be smart ladies....when we get desprete we screw up...Listen to your intuition thats what saves our lives with this job......

BE Safe.....Dont let anyone make you feel like you arent worth the extra screening! YOu are worth everything....otherwise they wouldnt be trying to get near you!

Kisses and Hugs to all who are a bit nervous....We should all stick togeather. ITs SOOOO hard to trust in this world.

Lets all be kind.

Please Email me. I wont let you down.

licklover10750 reads

Everyone and there brother can e-mail you. How do you know which providers and/or clients are working with LE?

Sorry, just playing the devils avocat I do not want you to go through what I went through_only to find that it was the providers that were setting me up all the time. Guess what, most of them live on those escort only boards. Yes, they write long post (on the ladies board) that say, trust me, I know best, I am your friend, call me, I will help you with anything, just do this, then that, then the police will be there to arrest your a**.

You might want to stop providing for a while, because if LE got that close to you. They are too close to you, now they will harass your regulars until you are arrested. Good luck, my prays are with you.



I am not saying "I am your best friend"...I just have a few screening resources that are very very helpful in protecting yourself further and wanted to share.

I am indepenedent but before I went that way...I applied to an agency.....and there was some weird things going on and this person freaked me out....and invited me to work the SUN of all the busts in DC and NOVA....and she just happened to forget to call...and didnt notice I had emailed her saying I had a bad feeling and no thank you..She replied Mon with a VERY NASTY email and insulted me in every paragraph then gathered her bearings and still invited me to come work for them....but her nature was suspect...her behavior and practices was not of the norm or of someone who wanted to protect their girls.....its a long story...and thank god I didnt do it....

But I have a different screening process than others and I do not make as much as you girls but thats ok with me....I also am more new and don't have the regs you girlies have....sO I have to watch my ass....

the purpose of my post was to get your attention to offer my resources and suggestions to protect us girls further. Thats all....This info is meant for the GIRLS only....I am very leary about giving it to the men...I can help them some...but I am interested in protecting myself and other providers first.

And yes they are going up the food chain so to speak....first walkers...then incalls , now indies and travelrs....and upscales.....and ther clients.....

Not trying to confuse anyone. Just want to help. I am part of this world as well and it affects my business too.


If you want to email me at [email protected] please do so I will get back to you promptly.

I have canceled my DC visit.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please e-mail me, I will keep on file for my next visit.

CharlieHorse9398988 reads

If you have access to the ladies message board on the other site, you can get the details.

In the other message board someone disclosed a good location for providers and clients to hobby at. That got exposed and LE came down hard.

First it was Anne Arundal County, MD. Then various parts of Montgomery COunty MD. Then Northern Virginia, now DC. It seems like they are going up the chain after the higher class providers and clients.

Warning: Just because a clients references check out or have checked out in the past that does not mean anything. People will protect their own skin first.

Wanted to say Thank you for the 411 update!!!!!!
I was looking forward to my visit...

WOW.... Must be an election year!!

Please send me an email as well.

[email protected]

Thanks darlin for sharing :)
We all appreciate you taking the time to help keep us all safer.


or please send me an email
[email protected]


-- Modified on 6/9/2004 10:58:59 PM

Hello ladies....if you would like me to share how I screen and am extra careful then email me at [email protected]

I am happy to be helpful....just email me and I will email back....that is easier for me....sorry if there is a delay ...I am just busy at the moment...but I will get to each and every one of you.Promise.

Please Please Be careful. I will try to get more intel .....in the next few days.....as much as I can. ok.


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