Washington DC

Ladies- Your opinion please?confused_smile
funEone 3 Reviews 581 reads

I sent a date request weeks in advance to a provider via P411. I'm well reviewed and have not had any previous issues getting a response: let's get together, I'm booked, does a different date/time work, etc. I get the notice that she's reviewed my profile, and nothing but crickets! I am wrong to expect a response of some kind?

MyBadSry248 reads

Ask if she needs you to anything more. I would also include location, dates you are available, times you are available, & duration of session.

If no response within 2 days, I would look elsewhere and contact her again at a later date. Personally, I frequently have outside responsibilities that prevent me from reasonably accessing my hobbying accounts.

Those P411 messages get stuck in promotions folder.  So I agree that it's possible that the lady didn't see the message.

I took your suggestions and contacted her and we are all set!

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