Washington DC

I'm sorry to hear that Ma'am....
LonelySailor4Fun 8 Reviews 705 reads

I wish I could say something more profound but really all I would like to say is that I wish you all the best and hope that the whoever is causing these issues gets a life and moves on. I wish you all the best.

Jenna361843 reads

y name is Jenna. I have tried to maintain a low profile and stay utr and have read ter posts in the past but refrained from posting myself. Now i would like to provide clarification and attempt to set the record straight.
Someone(now identified) has been posting on various boards either as me or about activities involving me to such degree as I was not aware. Recent ter posts led me to search for and find such email addresses, posts, pics(some real,some not) placed by this person whose addiction to such behavior has been at my expense(evident by some pretty harsh board posts).  
If I currently see you then you have my correct contact info and can be assured your contact with me has been confidential. If you think you have been in communication with me by any other means or venue then I apologize. Such communication was not with me.
This is not the place nor do I feel the need to respond to the many allegations or rumors but I will say to clarify that I see few friends(despite posts that I am high volume and attention driven). I do not have a place, I do not advertise and I do not to see new people. If in the future I decide differently on the last I will post/communicate in a manner that assures communication is strictly with and limited to me.
And while this request is probably futile, for those that continually post on forums and under alias handles(some of which are quite clever) in an intimidating and harassing manner, I respectfully ask that you stop

I wish I could say something more profound but really all I would like to say is that I wish you all the best and hope that the whoever is causing these issues gets a life and moves on. I wish you all the best.

mykel11713 reads

Some people on this board, and they know who they are, seem to like to spread false information about providers.  The innuendo, outright lies and posting of identifying information is a sad commentary on the sad state of their own lives.  Kudos to you for speaking up and good luck with keeping these trolls at bay.

lanier53942 reads

Jenna is dead on; attacking poster is a jackass troll. Jenna is a fine person and anyone attacking her is a low end loser who ought to be banned. Get a life...

Posted By: Jenna36
 My name is Jenna. I have tried to maintain a low profile and stay utr and have read ter posts in the past but refrained from posting myself. Now i would like to provide clarification and attempt to set the record straight.  
 Someone(now identified) has been posting on various boards either as me or about activities involving me to such degree as I was not aware. Recent ter posts led me to search for and find such email addresses, posts, pics(some real,some not) placed by this person whose addiction to such behavior has been at my expense(evident by some pretty harsh board posts).  
 If I currently see you then you have my correct contact info and can be assured your contact with me has been confidential. If you think you have been in communication with me by any other means or venue then I apologize. Such communication was not with me.  
 This is not the place nor do I feel the need to respond to the many allegations or rumors but I will say to clarify that I see few friends(despite posts that I am high volume and attention driven). I do not have a place, I do not advertise and I do not to see new people. If in the future I decide differently on the last I will post/communicate in a manner that assures communication is strictly with and limited to me.  
 And while this request is probably futile, for those that continually post on forums and under alias handles(some of which are quite clever) in an intimidating and harassing manner, I respectfully ask that you stop.  

Given this market, it is likely you know at least one very good lawyer.  Something to keep in mind Jenna3

Not seen posts claiming to be you.   My prior post are due to huge inconvenience you and your hubby caused me in vegas.  Others posted too.   Folks: pm me I can provide details. Hubby sent me 4 pics of her and him. From his personal searchable email    No need to say anything else.  Good luck jenna/kadie

I got 10 emails from her under travel name kadie carder that related to CL ads posted by her and husband. First response was from him. Rest from her. .she recalled me from TLC days.   So don't believe her story.  Its not true.  Look for on cl. You get her at 300.  Others via pm and posts on this board show same.  

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 9:07:12 AM

If she advertizes on CL, posts here, and when it's known by a fair number of civies in the area we live in, what she actually does.  Nephew pointed me to web info on sites owned by her and po box. Don't ask. I'm not sharing that here.  Biker, I'm not a VIP.  Can you give me an email address to share the info?

-- Modified on 2/6/2015 7:08:39 AM

lanier53739 reads

You trolls must have been banned by Jenna, and I am not surprised. Get a life. There's a reason ladies dump people like you, and it is generally because you are a**holes.

lanier53595 reads

Simple point, if you are unhappy with someone just move on. Unless you have been ripped off monetarily, posting complaints makes you look like you are about 12 years old. The world is too large and we are all too small to be this petty. And as all know, it is very subjective. My fine time might not be yours, and vice versa...

Posted By: lanier53
You trolls must have been banned by Jenna, and I am not surprised. Get a life. There's a reason ladies dump people like you, and it is generally because you are a**holes.

Thanks old man.   You get a discount for hiding the truth from our brethren and kissing up?   Email me people for the trutth.  If telling the truth makes me a troll, I am a troll kiss ass.

WKAliasShield728 reads

You were emailed pictures by her husband and by this action you now have "proof" she is someone else? In that case I am Cindy Crawfords husband, have pictures of her as "proof" and will gladly setup a MFM double with my wife and you for 250/hr.  

Listen you have a vendetta here, we get it and you will continue to post (and under multiple identities). People can choose to believe you and if that is the case then fine as it's a free country. But those people would also be missing out on potentially enjoying a beautiful woman if she does choose to come out from UTR. The old TLC was the past, it was drama filled and guys crossed a line that should have had them arrested. Plenty of women reinvent themselves, why does it matter? Instead of spending so much time harassing J you could be spending that time fulfilling your needs with someone else. Or continue to be a sad troll, whichever works for you. Just know the more effort you put into this you are not only showing yourself to be a sad person with a agenda but also giving her free advertising. So actually please keep up the fight, it's totally working out bro.

Braveheart: with the alias.  Her post indicated people were piosting and acting like ker, I thought. My point is she's not telling the truth.  I (and others from vegas board) got emails and pics from her, not someone claiming to be her. I saw her at TLC.  She's good looking.  But board people ought to know when I lady posts crying foul whether she's telling truth. That's all.  Board is to share info

WKAliasShield704 reads

So you are admitting that the "information" you have all revolves around something that could be someone posting as her, using her pics? So in your quest to "set the truth free" all you have are emails & pics from someone who may or may not be her...which is what she originally posted about? I have pics of Kermit the Frog, I could create an email and handle on a board and advertise as Kermit...does that mean it is Kermit posting and sending pics? What if I created an email account called BikerManofMD at gmail, I happened to know you in life as a friend on a social network and had pictures of you on a bike. So I sign up for a Men Loving Men In Leather message board and post as you...same difference right? I mean that's an email that could be you, those are pictures of you. Did you ever think in your quest to show J as a liar you might be proving she is telling the truth?


Posted By: bikerboyofmd
Braveheart: with the alias.  Her post indicated people were piosting and acting like ker, I thought. My point is she's not telling the truth.  I (and others from vegas board) got emails and pics from her, not someone claiming to be her. I saw her at TLC.  She's good looking.  But board people ought to know when I lady posts crying foul whether she's telling truth. That's all.  Board is to share info

She admiited in the email to me it was he (jennaGkadie carder), she recalled meeting at TLC, told me she still has a list of clients.   But her post , which covered a lot of ground but not clearly, indicated she had no involvment at all and was not her.   A lie. I imagine she knows clients won't like CL rate of 300 when she was insiting on 4 at TLC and I heard 8' for two hrs (per laura de leon).  She loves you blindly protecting her without knowing facts. If you did, you'd keep quiet.

The ladies prediction on futility was unfortunately right. Moderator, may I suggest that you close thread so the personal vendetta and mis and/or personal information spread by those that have done so, won't continue.  Also, since board rules say you can't share on the board personal information, including emails etc, seems to be that indirectly doing that by telling people to email the md guy is effectively the same (and a violation of the rules).  I, therefore, at a minimum, suggest a modification (if not deletion of his posts entirely) so people can't email him (i.e., by deleting his email address in his post).

Never mind Asianman.  No more pms

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