Washington DC

I think I can guess-timate!red_smile
Hello.Duchess See my TER Reviews 380 reads

1 -- 3 clients that I can remember. One was a preacher who gave me a sermon after. What a bummer. The other 2 well, the less said the better. Those are the clients I wish I never met. Fortunately, the exception rather than the rule.
2 -- Prob. a half dozen guys who for some reason or another, we didn't click. It happens.
3 and 4 -- Most clients fall into this category. A great time to a mindblowing time. I am so lucky.
5 -- Once in a lifetime. Just one client. Thank goodness it was just one. One is all I can handle of that.

We men get to make all kinds of somewhat demeaning comments about you in reviews: your bust size, your cup size, how much pubic hair you have, and where your piercings are located.

If you could rate YOUR clients? What characteristics would you use to describe your clients?  
Height, weight, beard or not, hairy chest, big penis, muscular or not?  Gentle/ rough, dominant/submissive, good kisser?

What characteristics would you use to describe your clients if you could write reviews of THEM?

I should interject that I always seek “personality, personality, and personality” in an escort

I wonder if they would use other descriptions such as silly, ugly, dumb etc. lol

Now...as I was starting off most that make it through aren't bad at all.  If by silly you mean funny well everyone is even when they're not, ugly for most I can't say that but I can find something attractive in almost anyone and focus on that (even if it's not a physical feature) and thank Flying Spaghetti Monster most aren't dumb (I get a lot of computer guys many being IT dudes if that matters).

I don't care for descriptions like 'Plain' so I'd say 'Decent' or instead of 'Nice' so i'd say 'kinda cute'. Personality type as far as dominant or submissive i'd probably say 'let me do what I want with him' or 'Alpha Male alert' lol.  I dunno what else to say but in general I think we'd probably be a lot nicer (not to mean less honest) than a lot of guys in how we describe our dates and how they looked/acted/smelled etc.  

Cutting it short I like jadalee's breakdown.

-- Modified on 8/5/2014 3:39:14 PM

...that were well reviewed on the boards. I called it "5 little known things..."
The guys got a great kick out of it and considered them "reviews". Some of you old timers may remember them ; )

The one below was of a guy who may ( or may not) be in the hobby.

5 little things known about CJF

1) He’s a sexier version of Mr. Clean, who can resist a baldhead!
2) He’ll clean you dry of orgasms, in more ways than one!
3) He exceptionally talented with his mouth. Great Kisser!
4) Who needs yoga when he’s around? He’ll keep you flexible and limber!
5) He has a nice tight muscular body. The guys must live at the gym!

CJF, thanks for the great time. I am honored to spend your Birthday with you! Let’s do it again next year, or maybe sooner! Just thinking about you makes me want to schedule a trip soon! Watch out! You may have mail sooner than you think!

True to form, there is a way of getting a point across with out getting too graphic.

Hmm this could drum up some very interesting answers...

Here is how I would rate clients...

1. Did he show up on time? Does he respect my schedule and my free time?
2. Was he polite and forthcoming with screening info from initial contact?
3. Was he too rough? or did he "handle with care"?
4. Hygiene. Did he smell horrible? Bad breath? Very hairy?
5. Did he leave on time?

Lets see how my answers differ from others...

Well, I like all types. But if I had to SCORE them, it might go like this

1 - NO. NO. NO. If you leave right now, I swear, I will pay YOU.
2 - Meh. It's a living.
3 - Whee! I have the best job EVAH.
4 - O.M.G. If it were not bad for business, I would totally do you for free.
5 - I think I love you and I have already named our future children.


1 -- 3 clients that I can remember. One was a preacher who gave me a sermon after. What a bummer. The other 2 well, the less said the better. Those are the clients I wish I never met. Fortunately, the exception rather than the rule.
2 -- Prob. a half dozen guys who for some reason or another, we didn't click. It happens.
3 and 4 -- Most clients fall into this category. A great time to a mindblowing time. I am so lucky.
5 -- Once in a lifetime. Just one client. Thank goodness it was just one. One is all I can handle of that.

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