Washington DC

I don't talk politics
priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 182 reads

I don't discuss controversial/polarizing topics with clients who I do not have a strong, established rapport with.  
I will typically redirect the conversation. Although we are all supposed to be adults who respect differences in opinions without being offended/mildly annoyed, some people are incapable of doing so.

What if you discovered your provider was polar opposite of you politically? Is that sort of a buzz kill, or something worth exploring?

I can't tell quite how I feel about it.... There is a provider new to me I'm about to set a date with

miijolaw351 reads

Two separate conversations, both supported the same presidential candidate - Trump.  One was an interesting conversation, made sense, at least it was an intelligent conversation.  The other, the usual rhetoric, paired with her tattoos and 'country' upbringing was a real buzzkill.  As in I just paid champagne price for beer quality.

I would avoid.

... me to say anything to kill your boner then don't go out of your way to dry up my vagina.

Fyi and posting this just because ... I'm an Atheist, pro-choice, Democrat-leaning, slightly left of center, pro-gun but believe there needs to be better gun reform, not stoked on voting for Hillary Clinton but most likely will, yada yada yada. If you're all 'oh hell no not meeting her' ... that's fine.  

I wouldn't hold you voting for Mr. Orange against you though. The only thing I want to hold against you is my body :).

I dont think her views on politics should sway you from making the decision to hang out with her. Not like you are making plans to spend the rest of your life with her. Besides, politics are the LAST thing im thinking of when im with a beautiful woman lol

There was a Provider in DC a few years ago.
For some reason she felt the need to proudly identify herself as a # ( insert political party here ) .
Her affiliation is the exact opposite of me. And frankly it was baffling as to why she chose to include such info on her site. Only thing I could ever figure out was since she was an international she was afraid of deportation...lol

At any rate I finally just had to see her.  Never wrote the review but she was just kinda weird. Also a definite milfy type.

As I left she thanked me for seeing her. My response was
" Hey , pleasure is all mine. Anytime I can F a # for only $300.00 I'm a happy guy "!

I don't think she got the joke. But I certainly cracked ME up .

it's just a short comment on a story or issue.

I have found most people can't have a discussion without letting emotions get the best of them. The longer you talk about it the better chance someone gets offended. leave it alone.


Posted By: Dcpixel
What if you discovered your provider was polar opposite of you politically? Is that sort of a buzz kill, or something worth exploring?  
 I can't tell quite how I feel about it.... There is a provider new to me I'm about to set a date with.  

I think in this town people can default to talking about politics as small talk. It can come up even when dealing with people who don't work on the Hill, haha.

Recently, during post-session cleanup, my client brought up the presidential election, without me prompting. I responded that, as a trans women, it should be pretty obvious who I supported. He was a big Trump supporter, and he would not let the issue go. I tried deflecting and we eventually did wind up at, "Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree" but it was definitely awkward!

miijolaw232 reads

Republicans? I just thought it was funny a "conservative" is seeing a trans, and then arguing about supporting Trump.

How many of my clients vote Republican? Eh, probably a decent number, if not the majority -- although I really don't talk politics with most of them. The vast majority of my client base is made up of professional older white males with the disposable income to afford my fees. Demographically, without attempting to factor in "desire to see a trans provider", that client base is more-likely to vote Republican.

There are many Republican voters who are not hardcore moralizing, Evangelical, LGBT-haters. They may vote Republican because of strong feelings about national security, gun control, taxes, financial regulation, or a host of other issues, and they might not feel very strongly about the Evangelicals' anti-LGBT position. They might even find the Evangelicals' positions distasteful, but not distasteful enough to push them to vote differently.  

Bottom line, there are shades of grey everywhere.  

Posted By: miijolaw
Republicans? I just thought it was funny a "conservative" is seeing a trans, and then arguing about supporting Trump.

Some of my best friends are, politically speaking, from "the other side of the aisle".

Sometimes we just agree to disagree and move on.

Are you in the hobby for political debating or for getting physical satisfaction?  

If your political leanings are that important to you that you make decisions on what lady to see by them, maybe you need to re-think what you're in the hobby for?  

And remember, most politicians love screwing the "other side".....LOL!!

It's not a situation of talking campaign small talk, but rather realizing the difference before first meeting.  In general I don't overthink these things... But this was a case of another little voice inside questioning.

Posted By: Dcpixel
What if you discovered your provider was polar opposite of you politically? Is that sort of a buzz kill, or something worth exploring?  
 I can't tell quite how I feel about it.... There is a provider new to me I'm about to set a date with.  

Open the envelope and write a check for tha amount to her preferred candidate which in turn will guarantee their win..

Relax, it's just a little escape from reality. Have fun!

As a teen talking politics & religion was easy....people just become fools w/ age and close their minds.  

Once you get to college the close minded people started to come out from either sides imo

Trump is anti wall Street

I thought Republicans were mad working class white folks making cogs at the factory?  

Hillary is pro wall Street & Bill Clinton created the greatest growth ever in the 90s

miijolaw259 reads

And started wondering who FICA, Social Security, Federal, State, and local tax were taking all their money.  You get conservative really quickly that way.  Those freeloading, welfare, stay at home moms, and others who live off the system stay liberal.

I don't discuss controversial/polarizing topics with clients who I do not have a strong, established rapport with.  
I will typically redirect the conversation. Although we are all supposed to be adults who respect differences in opinions without being offended/mildly annoyed, some people are incapable of doing so.

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