Washington DC

How Do You Read Between The Lines?
Pushn50 57 Reviews 8991 reads

I had a recent bad experience with a lady from an Agency that I use regularly.  I went in with high expectations, because one of the reviewers said he experienced three pops.  A HJ in the pre-shower, a BBBJTC, then a third pop in Doggie. I thought, okay maybe multi-hour session, so I sent an E-mail asking how long was his session, and he replied one hour. I went, and the lady had the enthusiasm of a turtle.  Declined to join me in the shower, no BBBJ, no multiple pops on the menu.  

I'm a member, but I'm starting to lose faith in some posters. In addition to the review I mentioned, there are guys giving a "9" or a "10" for a massage and HJ.

So, how do you read between the lines?    

Perhaps you should augment your Review research with backchannel intelligence?
Since backchannel intel is private one-on-one e-mail via TER or other e-mail forums, it is usually pretty accurate.
IMHO! :)
Good luck, and enjoy your weekend!

Feel free to TER e-mail me or direct e-mail me at [email protected] . Your reviews indicate you look for fine service at a fine rate, and that is a worthy Quest!

dogtrained10169 reads

I used your reviews too, push50 and it is helpful to me.  I saw two great ladies but I have no advise to offer you yet.  I Just want to say thank you.

Just a stupid question  from a novice computer guy.  discribe how to backchannel?

No question is stupid, friend! :)
To backchannel, simply TER e-mail me, for instance, or direct e-mail me at [email protected] , and I will quickly reply to you with a backchannel intel example! :)
Happy Sunday!


pushn50 - that must have been a bummer, even worse when expectations were so high.

I have faith in most posters, but still try to read between the lines. First I read the ladies reviews. If I see individuals whose opinions I have grown to respect, like jeopcon and dcmann, then I give their reviews a lot of weight. For instance, I know jeopcon likes ladies with natural breasts, that are in good shape...., which is similar to my tastes.

Of course, sometimes a lady will come along that might only have a few reviews and I don't know the reviewers. I then check out these posters other reviews. If they give 9's and 10's in all of their reviews and I know some of the girls are not that great that they have reviewed, then I ignore their reviews. If a guy only has 1 or 2 reviews and they are very high for girls that are new to the scene I am very wary, could be a self review or a review from a friend. May sound paranoid, but hate to waste time and money. If I am pretty certain the reviews were done in good faith, which the vast majority are, then I read the reviews closely, not just to see the ratings, but to see if the reviewers tastes are similar to mind. Some reviewers like more mature providers, I might like them younger. Have seen some reviewers mark a girl down for being too thin, which might be the perfect body type for me.

I am not that experienced, I am sure some of the more senior posters have more information. Good luck.

As you probably know from my reviews (and posts in here), I'm well POST50...  That doesn't mean I haven't been taken, though.  In general, I have to agree that you can't just solely depend upon one or two reviews.  Their "source" may be questionable and may not be objective.  I like the advice you received about finding reviewers with tastes similar to your own who you can trust (and I agree that jeopcon would fall into the category of being more than trustworthy).  I would like to hope that you could trust MY reviews.  Compared to jeopcon, I am still a novice (as are most of us here) review-wise.  I know as a reviewer that I was initially a bit generous with my ratings.  Having more of a base of comparison, I have now learned to "tone it down a bit".
   Let me tell you that I have had poor experiences with certain providers who seem to have an extensive number of good reviews.  In general, that is what YMMV is all about.  However, some gals seem to only connect with certain types of guys.  If they are predominantly the ones who write the reviews about her, then we are going to get a rather skewed picture.  Look at certain providers locally who get a lot of reviews and see if you find any that are counter to the majority.  Believe me, that doesn't necessarily mean the "counters" were spewing "sour grapes".  Their reviews (even though in the minority) could be MORE valid.  Varying reviews (even if predominantly good) could be a warning sign that the particular provider has high YMMV.  I would suggest staying away from them because you will have no way of pre-determining whether you have "the right stuff" for THEM (unless you just like rolling the dice).  Also, there are NO "sure things".  Although I seem to match up with jeopcon about 90% of the time, I have one prime experience in particular with a gal with whom jeopcon had a reasonably good time, and I had a very lousy time (prior to my TER membership).  These things just happen.  
   Also, the advice about mailing certain members to ask questions isn't bad advice either.

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