Washington DC

Habitual lateness is proof of disrespect
noagenosage 277 reads

I know it's difficult if the lady is a turn on, but habitual lateness is nothing less than insulting.  It's your dime and your time, but I'd move on and never look back.

So we all know we can be late for a variety of reasons from time-to-time.....got caught up at work, Metro trains running late, traffic, kids, family issues, et. al. Most of us however are not ALWAYS late and using the same lame excuse every time.

There is a particular lady I have seen a few times and she has been late every single time. Not just 5-10 minutes late but usually 45 minutes to an hour late. Now because I actually work for a living, I cannot always stick around and wait for her. Here is the scenario.....

She confirms the appointment time either the day before or morning of the appointment. I have always responded promptly and gotten an OK back from her so I know she got my confirmation. She texts the hotel location and asks me to text upon arrival for the room number (pretty standard stuff to this point, huh?). Here's where things get different (or the same)....

I text my arrival about 5 minutes prior to the confirmed appointment time. I get a text back from her saying, "stuck in construction on 95" and sometimes with an added, "GPS says I will be there in __ minutes". This usually happens 2-3 times until she finally arrives. One rare time, when I had nowhere else to be, I simply waited in the parking lot of the hotel and did some paperwork. I saw her arrive and about 10 minutes later, I finally got the message with the room number.

I have never been disappointed during a session with her but the habitual lateness and same lame excuses has led me to consider to not book with her any more. How do I know her excuses were lame? Well, this last time, she told me where she was coming from to get to the hotel. I used two of the many trusty, handy dandy apps on my phone and checked for construction on 95. There was none, nada, zilch, zero, bupkis (being an outside sales rep who drives the greater Baltimore / DC Metro areas everyday, I need and use these apps). I have confronted her about the situation but she holds firm on her excuses.

I could speculate as to the real reason for her habitual tardiness but I do not wish to put that much effort into this. I have a few choices:

1) Do I simply stop seeing her?

2) Do I charge her for wasting my time? (i.e. - ask for a discount)

3) Since the sessions are good, do I just plan accordingly and figure to arrive 45 minutes after the confirmed appointment time?

Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

NOTE: I will NOT reveal the lady's name but I would bet any hobbyist who has seen her has experienced the exact same thing with her....I know of at least two others who have

FatVern400 reads

Arrive an hour later, and you will only have to wait 5 or 10 minutes.  

If I don't have all day to waste, I don't bother booking appointments.  

Posted By: ILoveSexyWomen
So we all know we can be late for a variety of reasons from time-to-time.....got caught up at work, Metro trains running late, traffic, kids, family issues, et. al. Most of us however are not ALWAYS late and using the same lame excuse every time.  
 There is a particular lady I have seen a few times and she has been late every single time. Not just 5-10 minutes late but usually 45 minutes to an hour late. Now because I actually work for a living, I cannot always stick around and wait for her. Here is the scenario.....  
 She confirms the appointment time either the day before or morning of the appointment. I have always responded promptly and gotten an OK back from her so I know she got my confirmation. She texts the hotel location and asks me to text upon arrival for the room number (pretty standard stuff to this point, huh?). Here's where things get different (or the same)....  
 I text my arrival about 5 minutes prior to the confirmed appointment time. I get a text back from her saying, "stuck in construction on 95" and sometimes with an added, "GPS says I will be there in __ minutes". This usually happens 2-3 times until she finally arrives. One rare time, when I had nowhere else to be, I simply waited in the parking lot of the hotel and did some paperwork. I saw her arrive and about 10 minutes later, I finally got the message with the room number.  
 I have never been disappointed during a session with her but the habitual lateness and same lame excuses has led me to consider to not book with her any more. How do I know her excuses were lame? Well, this last time, she told me where she was coming from to get to the hotel. I used two of the many trusty, handy dandy apps on my phone and checked for construction on 95. There was none, nada, zilch, zero, bupkis (being an outside sales rep who drives the greater Baltimore / DC Metro areas everyday, I need and use these apps). I have confronted her about the situation but she holds firm on her excuses.  
 I could speculate as to the real reason for her habitual tardiness but I do not wish to put that much effort into this. I have a few choices:  
 1) Do I simply stop seeing her?  
 2) Do I charge her for wasting my time? (i.e. - ask for a discount)  
 3) Since the sessions are good, do I just plan accordingly and figure to arrive 45 minutes after the confirmed appointment time?  
 Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?  
 NOTE: I will NOT reveal the lady's name but I would bet any hobbyist who has seen her has experienced the exact same thing with her....I know of at least two others who have.  

If you try a restaurant a few times here in DC and the food is good, but the service is habitually bad; do you keep going back to that restaurant?

My feeling is that there are plenty of other restaurants that understand that their business depends on more than just the food

I saw that lady.....or am pretty sure we are talking about the same lady.

Word for word the exact same excuse about I95 and construction......I waited an hour for her to arrive.

Per your PM, we are speaking of the same lady

n fact, I'm habitually early! Anyone who has seen me, and has arrived up to 30 mins early can attest to this. I have never made someone wait for me.  

Honestly, I find being late for an obligation to be the rudest thing you can do to someone. (it's up there with some nasty cell phone habits people have these days). Inside the hobby and out.  Time is a valuable asset you just can't get back. Nobody can, unfortunately.  

In the past year of so, I've given up 3 doubles partners because of tardiness, no shows, etc. I just can't handle the unprofessional habits of some people. And because of that, I haven't done a doubles in over a year.

The reality is, if an employee is habitually late at a "real job"....I can assure you, they won't be employed long.  

Honestly, if a gent was habitually late to come see me, I wouldn't allow him another opportunity. But, that's just me ;)


And I can attest to your punctuality having been a very satisfied client for a very long time.

Thank you. I understand getting caught in traffic once in a while, but I've experienced many situations of ladies not being ready at incall, or showing up late to outcall, and quite frankly it's a mood killer.

Posted By: alisha
 In fact, I'm habitually early! Anyone who has seen me, and has arrived up to 30 mins early can attest to this. I have never made someone wait for me.  
 Honestly, I find being late for an obligation to be the rudest thing you can do to someone. (it's up there with some nasty cell phone habits people have these days). Inside the hobby and out.  Time is a valuable asset you just can't get back. Nobody can, unfortunately.  
 In the past year of so, I've given up 3 doubles partners because of tardiness, no shows, etc. I just can't handle the unprofessional habits of some people. And because of that, I haven't done a doubles in over a year.  
 The reality is, if an employee is habitually late at a "real job"....I can assure you, they won't be employed long.  
 Honestly, if a gent was habitually late to come see me, I wouldn't allow him another opportunity. But, that's just me ;)  

I to have faced this a lot with different ladies. It's as if our time is not important.

Obviously OUR time isn't......have any of the late ones ever offered you a reduced rate for YOUR time wasted.  

Posted By: baseballplayer
I to have faced this a lot with different ladies. It's as if our time is not important.

noagenosage278 reads

I know it's difficult if the lady is a turn on, but habitual lateness is nothing less than insulting.  It's your dime and your time, but I'd move on and never look back.

to me the significance of the lateness is a huge issue.  again i'm not saying i'm perfect and yes i have been late to meetings and appointments on occasion but never 45-60 min on a consistent basis.  to me there are plenty of wonderful ladies out there willing to give you a great experience at the time and date you both agree to.

Some things bug you and are deal breakers, some things don't.  In my case, I leave the hotel/area if the provider is more than 15 minutes late. I hate waiting. It makes me feel jerked around and unappreciated.   But that is just me.  For other people, it may not be a big deal

In Europe something like this would be the end of her career and reputation.



You are so right!! This would never be tolerated in London. They would laugh at you if you told them you were going to be 45 minutes late, they may even flog you for even trying to show up that late. That is of course a joke but they certainly would have another lady there just as hot if not hotter than the lady that was running 45 minutes late. :-)

How ever I have noticed the guys have a issue with time in DC as well, well let me rephrase that not DC guys actually I have never had a issue with them arriving on time or it has been on the rare occasion they were running late, but they gave me plenty of notice and even sent me a picture of their arrival time according to their GPS but MY GOD Tyson's Corner Gents Damn (Some not all but more than anywhere else we tour :-(  always late, lots of canceling and  NSNC.  

Just a side Note: My good friends in Tyson's know the above isnt directed at them. They have heard me vent, feel my pain and are wonderful. We at BAC love you, you are awesome.

Certainly move on to a young lady that is more respectful of your time specially if this happens every time. We have worked with a few young ladies that have tried to do this I am running 45 minutes late thing, it wont stop if anything if you continue to allow it, it will continue ti get worse and she may even make you wait longer for one of her clients that will not tolerate.

You have been more than fair and have shown your loyal despite her continued tardiness she is very disrespectful of your time. There are so many beautiful and professional independents in your area that would respect your time. Seek and you shall find the woman of your dreams and needs.

I have interacted with many beautiful Independent providers in DC exchanging references and gladly share my favorites you should see if you like my 2 cents Gladly help you start a new bucket list/TDL LOL ;-) They are all awesome girls  

Have a lovely evening all

I would love to see some new ladies and will gladly pay you 3 cents for your favorites list....LOL!!

Although her reputation and business probably will suffer based on the number of messages I've received about her.  

Seems that she has done this, repeatedly, to at least 7 other gents.

Oh well, que sara, sara.

Okay ... I understand that it can be very frustrating when someone is late. I do my very best to be a punctual person. So much so that when I am running late I have a mini panic attack about it. I have noticed, especially in this industry, that almost everyone is late, usually not much but sometimes.  

So, since you are having this issue with one lady- I would ask her if you can chat (whether it be by phone or face to face or email) and tell her that her being consistently late is causing an issue for you. Then if she is late again the next time, I would stop seeing her. I don't think that it is cool to just stop seeing her without a warning, because maybe she figured since it wasn't a problem the first time that you didn't mind it all that much.  

Personally, when I have to either cancel or reschedule or am running late, I try to offer some sort of "compensation". Usually, I do it when I am unable to make it altogether. I try to give the option of either 30 minute extension on me or X amount off the session. But, I think it is uncouth to just ask for a discount.

I did bring the issue up with her on my last visit and she held to her excuses, not even really apologizing.

I have decided to simply "vote with my wallet" and spend my time and money on another lady who will appreciate things just a bit more.

your choice of companionship,  It obviously bothers you enough to write this lengthy post, so why continue to buy frustration?

Based on the length of your post I would guess at this point she isn't.  I have a regular in San Diego that I see everytime I'm out there.  She only offers outcall and is never less than 2.5 hrs late.  I just plan for it and expect it at this point, I'd prefer she be on time but she's soooo worth the wait every time.

I've been on a semi regular basis with other providers before this, if they have an annoying habit and the sessions aren't worth it I just move on.

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