Washington DC

Good Evening.
JessieYumYum See my TER Reviews 505 reads

I am happy to accommodate your massage request.


Ladies and Gents,

My apologies for asking this question again, I believe it was posted before but I was unable to find it and I hate wasting people's time.  

I've been looking for a Woman who is also an LMT/CMT, does anyone have any suggestions? I could really use an actual deep tissue and/or swedish massage to relax before the "relaxation"  

Thank you to all who answer, I greatly appreciate it. Good hunting and stay safe.

I am happy to accommodate your massage request.


I'm thinking to visit this coming week if there's interest. I'm also a reiki master, aromatherapist, & herbalist :) please email [email protected]

I've been licensed for 10+ years and very knowledgeable in a lot of different techniques and procedures.

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