Washington DC

From a guy's perspective, he did it and he's scared.
LordTakimoto 420 reads

Just my opinion, sounds like he scammed the girl, not his "friend".  Reading his profile, he likes blacks girls.  So coincidence?  I  think not.

It may take awhile, but scammers like him will make mistakes because they are cheap and lazy.  Like people who try to scam insurance companies on a car wreck.  You know how they often get caught?  Because they take off the good tires and put on cheap worn out tires before/after wrecking the car.  Amazing how much work 'cheap' dishonest people will put into scamming others.  

This one girl may let it go, just like so many hobbyists do with a bad date (whether bogus pictures, stealing out of the wallet while the guy is in the bathroom, or just out right, "I'm here for time only, lets talk only".  On that last one, the police finally went after that group of scammers.  Unfortunately, they got away with it for a very long time, but thats because so many guys were reluctant to report it.  I know why the cops finally went after them, but had nothing to do with the scam part.

Throw in bat shit crazy (BSC), and it will blow-up in his face sooner than later.  I laugh when he says its an 'illegal' hobby.  Yes, it is, and what makes him think somebody won't do something 'illegal' to him, like having her "friend" set-up a date and then trash his car, or worse.

I have no doubt he'll get his.  If he operates like this in the hobby, you know that spreads to everything else he does IRL

your own risk. Read the thread and tell me if you think it was a suppose friend that did that or someone trying to cover their own butt. Book at your own risk...

And by friend I mean him, he should punch his own face because this sounds as if he is telling his own story. Would a man really share that story with another man? Who enjoys bamboozling a young lady and then sharing it with other guys? He's a loser and it's because of men like him that we have to be so strict with how we accept donations and screen. He's a detriment to the business and he makes it harder for nice normal guys. I know he was in a slightly different arena but it's stil p4p. The girl should have checked the gift card value in the beginning of the date, a very costly lesson learned.  
The fact that he recorded it is creepy and disgusting.  

The whole thing wreaks

-- Modified on 1/13/2016 6:07:15 AM

I agree that whatever happened and whoever with it is just a nightmare.  The poor young lady provided as agreed and he planned the whole awful story from the get go.  She will never forget that lesson...hard to stay fresh and sexy when you have those kind of men around.  He should contact the young lady...offer her gift and hope for a better world in 2016.

Agreed. If he's a gentleman; then he should take care of it with a little extra.  

I agree that whatever happened and whoever with it is just a nightmare.  The poor young lady provided as agreed and he planned the whole awful story from the get go.  She will never forget that lesson...hard to stay fresh and sexy when you have those kind of men around.  He should contact the young lady...offer her gift and hope for a better world in 2016.  

LordTakimoto421 reads

Just my opinion, sounds like he scammed the girl, not his "friend".  Reading his profile, he likes blacks girls.  So coincidence?  I  think not.

It may take awhile, but scammers like him will make mistakes because they are cheap and lazy.  Like people who try to scam insurance companies on a car wreck.  You know how they often get caught?  Because they take off the good tires and put on cheap worn out tires before/after wrecking the car.  Amazing how much work 'cheap' dishonest people will put into scamming others.  

This one girl may let it go, just like so many hobbyists do with a bad date (whether bogus pictures, stealing out of the wallet while the guy is in the bathroom, or just out right, "I'm here for time only, lets talk only".  On that last one, the police finally went after that group of scammers.  Unfortunately, they got away with it for a very long time, but thats because so many guys were reluctant to report it.  I know why the cops finally went after them, but had nothing to do with the scam part.

Throw in bat shit crazy (BSC), and it will blow-up in his face sooner than later.  I laugh when he says its an 'illegal' hobby.  Yes, it is, and what makes him think somebody won't do something 'illegal' to him, like having her "friend" set-up a date and then trash his car, or worse.

I have no doubt he'll get his.  If he operates like this in the hobby, you know that spreads to everything else he does IRL

GaGambler343 reads

Trashing his face OTOH......

As I said on the original post on GD, the ladies should be thankful he posted this under his "real" handle, I don't believe he has a "friend" either and now all of the ladies know NOT to see this scamming douchebag.

I think Roxy should be commended for shouting this from the tallest building. The guy's name is now mud everywhere, I can't imagine any halfway bright girl seeing him after this.

LordTakimoto283 reads

You don't listen to country music, do you.  Listen to "Before he Cheats".

Classic chick response.  No matter what anybody says, they are the weaker sex physically - so actions by necessity are going to usually be passive aggressive.  Like burning her cheating boyfriend's clothes and what not.

he doesn't try to pull this detestable scam on a provider who has a boyfriend/pimp/paid driver/protector, who will seek him out & kick his ass beyond repair.  And what's he gonna tell the cops investigating his beating, this guy was after him because he scammed a hooker?  Behavior is stupid, detestable & dangerous all at the same time.  My advice is simple, if you can't afford to play in the game, get outta the game!  Otherwise play by the rules.

that he even put the $50 on the card.  

Terrible story. The SB world can be beyond amazing. Best comment I saw on the general board was about older men having a greater responsibility to look out for a younger (non-pro) woman. There's truth there, and I take this as don't use more "life experience" to maneuver for an unbalanced arrangement. This guy reminds me that we live in a world that must defend from the lowest common denominator. Now, if I were a tough guy, I could add "and someone needs to subtract his ass!"  

Karma is a bitch..

I know the FCK_TER got ahold of this, and the guy was stupid enough use that screen name in his personal life so he's already been outed. His twitter and instagram are locked.

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