Washington DC

Katie! 4957 reads
1 / 7

I wanted everyone to know that my new place is ready!  It is located in the DuPont Circle area, and very convenient to the metro. It's my version of a little oasis in the big city; you're going to LOVE it. Features include a gourmet kitchen and bar, dimmable halogen lighting throughout, and a great sound system. Plus my Katie touch on décor and style.
I hope to see you soon!

Xoxoxo, Katie!

PS: Did I mention the Pillow Room? It's not quite ready yet, but it's a small room that has nothing but a comfy futon and two feet deep in pillows. With sheer drapery and other touches it will be like being in Lawrence of Arabia's tent!  

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 4793 reads
2 / 7

Good reviews, great location, reasonable rates, a preference for email, alternate screening...

Wow! Your post is like an early Christmas present.

I hope we can manage to get together in the upcoming year. :)

Oh... almost forgot to ask... do you see bald guys?

JoeBaloney 6880 reads
3 / 7

yikes.. i'd bet if she didn't see us baldies, she'd be removing about 75% of the over 40 population.. ! hahaha..

I've always thought Katie was one of the real hotties here.. The few times I was down in her neighborhood, i was too busy to see her.. maybe with her uptown move, it'll be easier to hook up, but I'd bet she'd easily be an ATF..!

(Assuming she sees bald guys..:) Just do the Larry King and paint your bald spot..!


Guz 25 Reviews 5801 reads
4 / 7

You look and sound like a doll. I think I'm going to add you to my list of Hot Girls to see '05 :-)

Katie! 5199 reads
5 / 7

Thank you!  :)  Bald can work, but is that up above or down below...   hehe

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 6590 reads
6 / 7

Up above by nature, down below by request.

Ponzone 39 Reviews 6335 reads
7 / 7

Now I have to wonder WHICH bald can work.  It NEVER occured to me that the bald "down below" might DISQUALIFY.....

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