Washington DC

Aw, dammit.sad_smile
Captain Midnight 35 Reviews 2796 reads

Dammit, and I'm already booked for that time period.  I'll have to catch you next time, I guess!

brynn2844 reads

After getting a lot of requests to pleeeeeeeease come out to the BWI area, I've finally blocked out a couple of days and will be visiting next Tues and Wed.....please check out my site and drop me a line in order to set something up.  Please remember to provide me with verifiable references!! Stay warm out there!! xoxo Brynn

Dammit, and I'm already booked for that time period.  I'll have to catch you next time, I guess!

brynn2531 reads

Things are taking me in the opposite direction, so I'll be breezing through DC instead of BWI this time, but will be making a BWI visit sometime after the holidays!! xoxo B

Hey Brynn, Is there any reason why you won't return my e-mails? I have sent a couple and no response at all from you.

Just curious, I haven't done anyting wrong that I know of.


brynn3021 reads

...why you would ask in a public "business" forum why I haven't answered your non-business related email.....I am busy and I have to prioritize what I answer, etc...sometimes things do get put on the backburner when one has 100 different things going on in life..it is not intentional, it is just what happens when one travels, works, schedules,references, holiday shopping, and has other things to tend to...sometimes you have full intention of getting back to a personal email...then it gets flipped to the next page when other emails come in...and it's out of sight and gets lost in the shuffle...I'm not sure what good calling me out on not answering your email (that had nothing to do with making an appointment, etc) serves on here though.  I'm not trying to be nasty as I've always thought you to be a nice and respectful guy...just think that it's the wrong forum to ask why I haven't gotten back to your "hi, how are you" email..Happy Holidays

WOW, I didn't realize just asking a question would get such a response. Yes I wasn't inquiring about an appointment. Just was trying to say hello and see how you were doing. I wasn't trying to call you out, but at least this tells me you received the e-mail and you are ok. I apologize for upsetting you, I just thought you would send me something saying, hey I am fine I will e-mail you when I have more time. Take Care.

-- Modified on 12/21/2005 5:42:52 AM

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