Washington DC

And that's exactly why y'all are the only agency I'd EVER consider working for.
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 404 reads

I think it's rad that City Girls goes to such lengths to protect themselves, their employees, and their clients. It's always refreshing to see someone who values safety over the almighty dollar. Kudos to you, City Girls! :)

What is with more and more agencies and independents requiring work phone numbers or email addresses?  I understand agencies and independents wanting to be careful.  But City-Girls required that I provide my TER handle, four references and my work phone number.  But since I am an independent consultant, a work phone or address is impossible, which I explained to them.  But it seems to me that more and more are requiring work information.  Do you agree?

Don’t these people know that some people do NOT want to give out their office phone or email.  Especially for men working at government agencies, handing out that kind of information could be dangerous.  References and handles I understand, but I would NEVER give out my office phone even if I had one.

So within two week I have been turned down by City-Girls and RedFlowers69 because of no office.  Well, that are lots of agencies that want my money

are those two places agencies or providers?  You have links?

Dont you know that they are an agency and a huge target for LE? Don't you know that there have very recently been several high profile busts and an active move towards more of them? Are you not aware that some states are actually upping the charges for what we do, especially agency owners? Did you not pay attention to all the trafficking talk lately and how focused the powers that be are on that?

Are you unaware that you are asking a woman to lock herself in  a room with a stranger? Do you not think they at least deserve to know who it is, in case something goes wrong? If YOU were the one risking getting robbed or beaten, wouldn't you want some way to find the fucker afterwards? If you were a target for serial killers, wouldn't YOU like to do a little googling beforehand? Don't you know that guys, especially in big cities like DC, will be fine with some, but do outlandish things to others, and never have to worry about it cause they just don't use those girls as a reference or change their contact information? How do you propose we track violent criminals and avoid them? What? You think we should just take your word for it? Not a chance.  

"Don't these people know that some of us don't WANT to give our information"? Pffft. It doesn't really matter what you want, our safety is much more important, and that is why we screen. If you have a problem with a woman or an agency making sure that she is safe and at least covered if she's not, by all means, find someone who doesn't care as much. But complaining that women with sense won't see you isn't going to get you anywhere. There are PLENTY of people who want your money. That doesn't mean they find it worth taking though.  

Posted By: WillOckham
What is with more and more agencies and independents requiring work phone numbers or email addresses?  I understand agencies and independents wanting to be careful.  But City-Girls required that I provide my TER handle, four references and my work phone number.  But since I am an independent consultant, a work phone or address is impossible, which I explained to them.  But it seems to me that more and more are requiring work information.  Do you agree?  
 Don’t these people know that some people do NOT want to give out their office phone or email.  Especially for men working at government agencies, handing out that kind of information could be dangerous.  References and handles I understand, but I would NEVER give out my office phone even if I had one.  
 So within two week I have been turned down by City-Girls and RedFlowers69 because of no office.  Well, that are lots of agencies that want my money.  

You are right on the money Charlotte !
References are just one part of screening. They are not the Gospel according to Mark!
I don't ask for a work number, but I do ask for real world info: first and last name, age, city of residence, occupation, favorite author lol!
smooches from LA!!!!!!

LucasHood721 reads

And you wonder why you have no biz?

Posted By: babylaura
You are right on the money Charlotte !  
 References are just one part of screening. They are not the Gospel according to Mark!  
 I don't ask for a work number, but I do ask for real world info: first and last name, age, city of residence, occupation, favorite author lol!  
 smooches from LA!!!!!!

If you find that too threatening, then maybe you should find another line of work (but where else can you find a REAL job that pays so well with limited marketable skills?). Also, we are not asking you to take our word for it; we are asking you to take your fellow providers' word for it, and that's what references and P411 OK's are for. If you are not taking anybody's word for it, then why should we take your word for it that you will not use our employment info to blackmail us? I heard enough horror stories that hobbyists being put on blacklist for getting on the provider's bad side and having their reputations destroyed

Yes, we are all stupid with no skills and just need to get another job. YAWN.  

I love Johnny boys who can't even be original. They are the easiest money ;-)

Don't tell me it is because you love having sex with strangers. Can you tell me if you have any degree? And if you do, what is it? History, psychology, social science? Now I have nothing against these fields, but the fact is you can't get a good paying job with this kind of degree in today's economy.

Notice I only replied to your post but not other providers', because your post reeks of self-entitlement as if it was a privilege to see you and we had to jump through the loops to pay to see you. No, it doesn't work like this in a business transaction when we are the paying customers. Trust is a two-way street. If you don't trust us, why should we trust you? You are going to google our names to see what you can find out about us? Talk about invasion of privacy.

But don't worry, there are plenty of manginas like Turdy who will give out their real names and work info to see you. They are so scared that no one will see them that they will brown nose any chance they get. Just read his posts. The biggest laughing stock on the GD board.

BTW, we sure have a lot of out-of-town providers posting on our DC board these days. Business must be booming here.

-- Modified on 6/26/2014 12:27:29 PM

Posted By: tomcat0360
Don't tell me it is because you love having sex with strangers. Can you tell me if you have any degree? And if you do, what is it? History, psychology, social science? Now I have nothing against these fields, but the fact is you can't get a good paying job with this kind of degree in today's economy.  
 Notice I only replied to your post but not other providers', because your post reeks of self-entitlement as if it was a privilege to see you and we had to jump through the loops to pay to see you. No, it doesn't work like this in a business transaction when we are the paying customers. Trust is a two-way street. If you don't trust us, why should we trust you? You are going to google our name to see what you can find out about us? Talk about invasion of privacy.  
 But don't worry, there are plenty of manginas like Turdy who will give out their real names and work info to see you. They are so scared that no one will see them that they will brown nose any chance they get. Just read his posts. The biggest laughing stock on the GD board.  
 BTW, we sure have a lot of out-of-town providers posting on our DC board these days. Business must be booming here.  
Notice I'm only replying to you because your post reeks of fucking asshole. Not to mention rejection and the worst cologne on men bitterness. Lemme splain to you papi…  

Just because it's business doesn't make it guaranteed. I know, I know. In real life many of us are out of your reach and those willing to date you require so many annoying things. LIKE MANNERS.  
So you finally hunkered down and decided to enter the world of p4p and low and mutherfucking behold… MORE HOOPS TO JUMP THROUGH!!!

Everyone should screen at their own comfort level. If what you're willing to share is less than what she needs to screen...too fucking bad. Move on and lose the attitude. Yes you signed up for blahblah website and have blahblah references and a pocket full of cash, that still doesn't give you instant access to any provider you want. Sorry but the business model for providing is a thing of individual discretion.

Why you feel the need to put down a lady or feel sure that IF she has a degree it must be a useless one says way more about you and your view of providers. Or perhaps the caliber of your experiences. Who cares what she majored in or if she has no degree at all. What does that have to do with anything? Other than your perception… Most touring providers make well over a grand a day. I don't need an English degree to spell WINNING. It's time you consider this a smart option and not some depressing last option for a girl with a bad degree. Wake up.

The sad (for you) fact is that most of us turn down as many if not more than we see. Even when you have bitten the bullet and decided to that money IS worth being with a woman, we still get to sift and choose and yes…reject. Based on attitude, phone voice, lack of screening, bad punctuation-you name it. Sex is still a woman's world and each of us are the gate keepers to our pussies. Money or not. There are still WAAAAY more of you than us, gifting us with the chance to spend time with the men who we feel are properly screened, who send wonderfully polite, and thorough emails REQUESTING time with us. To which we are grateful and happily give. Your envelope entitles you to nothing.  

"a business transaction where we are the paying customers"… wow. I'm not a deli or a dry cleaners and this ain't burger king mofo. You can have it…but it'll be MY WAY.



Posted By: tomcat0360
"But don't worry, there are plenty of manginas like Turdy..."
-- Modified on 6/26/2014 4:53:30 PM

How hilarious that these men don't even understand the words they use. *I* am the entitled one because I want to be safe and pointed out the PLETHORA of risks taken by providers and agency owners every day, but he's gonna bitch and moan and project his own failures onto me because HE HAS MONEY DAMMIT!! Priceless.

And for your information, you unimaginative little twat, I am in the process of getting a THIRD useful degree and have held a decent job since I was legal working age. ;-)

Oh, and PS - it IS a fuckin privilege to see me, or any other girl. That's why you work hard to pay for it. I don't see shitheads who have an entitled attitude because I owe it to the guys without one to not be all man Hatey and burnt out. Appreciation goes many ways, and until you learn how to show it, you're going to keep arguing with hookers on the internet over something as stupid as who she will sleep with.

-- Modified on 6/26/2014 1:21:46 PM

LucasHood748 reads

"Third useful degree?" Too funny. Headed to DC next week. Via I95 S. Thanks for taking yourself off my list too.  

Posted By: OhCharlie
How hilarious that these men don't even understand the words they use. *I* am the entitled one because I want to be safe and pointed out the PLETHORA of risks taken by providers and agency owners every day, but he's gonna bitch and moan and project his own failures onto me because HE HAS MONEY DAMMIT!! Priceless.  
 And for your information, you unimaginative little twat, I am in the process of getting a THIRD useful degree and have held a decent job since I was legal working age. ;-)  
 Oh, and PS - it IS a fuckin privilege to see me, or any other girl. That's why you work hard to pay for it. I don't see shitheads who have an entitled attitude because I owe it to the guys without one to not be all man Hatey and burnt out. Appreciation goes many ways, and until you learn how to show it, you're going to keep arguing with hookers on the internet over something as stupid as who she will sleep with.

-- Modified on 6/26/2014 1:21:46 PM

Listen, I don't give my work info either (and I stick to providers who accept refs, P411, etc as their main screening source) but I'm not going to bash any provider that requires it as part of their process. This is how they prefer to run their business and they have every right to do things as they see fit. When you're shopping for anything you ultimately will choose what you want to buy based on how it satisfies your needs. If a provider's requirements make you uncomfortable don't see her--simple as that!! There's plenty of choices available out there!!

 Not sure why this has become such a huge debate---and I'm not trying to "brown nose"---just looking at it from a common sense perspective. Bottom line: if you're participating in this hobby (either provider or client) make your choices on what you're most comfortable with--like anything else in life!! It's unrealistic to expect every provider out there to be exactly what we want them to be.

LucasHood722 reads

And the great thing about this is I can scratch off half my DC to see list thanks for your condescending arrogant attitude. Makes life easy.  

Posted By: sophiaLA
Posted By: tomcat0360
Don't tell me it is because you love having sex with strangers. Can you tell me if you have any degree? And if you do, what is it? History, psychology, social science? Now I have nothing against these fields, but the fact is you can't get a good paying job with this kind of degree in today's economy.  
  Notice I only replied to your post but not other providers', because your post reeks of self-entitlement as if it was a privilege to see you and we had to jump through the loops to pay to see you. No, it doesn't work like this in a business transaction when we are the paying customers. Trust is a two-way street. If you don't trust us, why should we trust you? You are going to google our name to see what you can find out about us? Talk about invasion of privacy.  
  But don't worry, there are plenty of manginas like Turdy who will give out their real names and work info to see you. They are so scared that no one will see them that they will brown nose any chance they get. Just read his posts. The biggest laughing stock on the GD board.  
  BTW, we sure have a lot of out-of-town providers posting on our DC board these days. Business must be booming here.  
 Notice I'm only replying to you because your post reeks of fucking asshole. Not to mention rejection and the worst cologne on men bitterness. Lemme splain to you papi…  
 Just because it's business doesn't make it guaranteed. I know, I know. In real life many of us are out of your reach and those willing to date you require so many annoying things. LIKE MANNERS.  
 So you finally hunkered down and decided to enter the world of p4p and low and mutherfucking behold… MORE HOOPS TO JUMP THROUGH!!!  
 Everyone should screen at their own comfort level. If what you're willing to share is less than what she needs to screen...too fucking bad. Move on and lose the attitude. Yes you signed up for blahblah website and have blahblah references and a pocket full of cash, that still doesn't give you instant access to any provider you want. Sorry but the business model for providing is a thing of individual discretion.  
 Why you feel the need to put down a lady or feel sure that IF she has a degree it must be a useless one says way more about you and your view of providers. Or perhaps the caliber of your experiences. Who cares what she majored in or if she has no degree at all. What does that have to do with anything? Other than your perception… Most touring providers make well over a grand a day. I don't need an English degree to spell WINNING. It's time you consider this a smart option and not some depressing last option for a girl with a bad degree. Wake up.  
 The sad (for you) fact is that most of us turn down as many if not more than we see. Even when you have bitten the bullet and decided to that money IS worth being with a woman, we still get to sift and choose and yes…reject. Based on attitude, phone voice, lack of screening, bad punctuation-you name it. Sex is still a woman's world and each of us are the gate keepers to our pussies. Money or not. There are still WAAAAY more of you than us, gifting us with the chance to spend time with the men who we feel are properly screened, who send wonderfully polite, and thorough emails REQUESTING time with us. To which we are grateful and happily give. Your envelope entitles you to nothing.  
 "a business transaction where we are the paying customers"… wow. I'm not a deli or a dry cleaners and this ain't burger king mofo. You can have it…but it'll be MY WAY.  

Losing a potential client,who's name includes "hood" who's "to do" list I'm on though I've been coming to DC two years is the LEAST of my woes. I'll miss you in spirit. Sorry…not sorry.

Posted By: LucasHood
And the great thing about this is I can scratch off half my DC to see list thanks for your condescending arrogant attitude. Makes life easy.  
Posted By: sophiaLA
Posted By: tomcat0360
Don't tell me it is because you love having sex with strangers. Can you tell me if you have any degree? And if you do, what is it? History, psychology, social science? Now I have nothing against these fields, but the fact is you can't get a good paying job with this kind of degree in today's economy.    
   Notice I only replied to your post but not other providers', because your post reeks of self-entitlement as if it was a privilege to see you and we had to jump through the loops to pay to see you. No, it doesn't work like this in a business transaction when we are the paying customers. Trust is a two-way street. If you don't trust us, why should we trust you? You are going to google our name to see what you can find out about us? Talk about invasion of privacy.    
   But don't worry, there are plenty of manginas like Turdy who will give out their real names and work info to see you. They are so scared that no one will see them that they will brown nose any chance they get. Just read his posts. The biggest laughing stock on the GD board.    
   BTW, we sure have a lot of out-of-town providers posting on our DC board these days. Business must be booming here.    
  Notice I'm only replying to you because your post reeks of fucking asshole. Not to mention rejection and the worst cologne on men bitterness. Lemme splain to you papi…    
  Just because it's business doesn't make it guaranteed. I know, I know. In real life many of us are out of your reach and those willing to date you require so many annoying things. LIKE MANNERS.    
  So you finally hunkered down and decided to enter the world of p4p and low and mutherfucking behold… MORE HOOPS TO JUMP THROUGH!!!  
  Everyone should screen at their own comfort level. If what you're willing to share is less than what she needs to screen...too fucking bad. Move on and lose the attitude. Yes you signed up for blahblah website and have blahblah references and a pocket full of cash, that still doesn't give you instant access to any provider you want. Sorry but the business model for providing is a thing of individual discretion.  
  Why you feel the need to put down a lady or feel sure that IF she has a degree it must be a useless one says way more about you and your view of providers. Or perhaps the caliber of your experiences. Who cares what she majored in or if she has no degree at all. What does that have to do with anything? Other than your perception… Most touring providers make well over a grand a day. I don't need an English degree to spell WINNING. It's time you consider this a smart option and not some depressing last option for a girl with a bad degree. Wake up.  
  The sad (for you) fact is that most of us turn down as many if not more than we see. Even when you have bitten the bullet and decided to that money IS worth being with a woman, we still get to sift and choose and yes…reject. Based on attitude, phone voice, lack of screening, bad punctuation-you name it. Sex is still a woman's world and each of us are the gate keepers to our pussies. Money or not. There are still WAAAAY more of you than us, gifting us with the chance to spend time with the men who we feel are properly screened, who send wonderfully polite, and thorough emails REQUESTING time with us. To which we are grateful and happily give. Your envelope entitles you to nothing.    
  "a business transaction where we are the paying customers"… wow. I'm not a deli or a dry cleaners and this ain't burger king mofo. You can have it…but it'll be MY WAY.  
-- Modified on 7/3/2014 5:06:48 PM

Even if you gave me your social security number, a DNA sample, a bag of diamonds, and a blood oath sworn upon your firstborn child, I still wouldn't see you. Why? Because your arrogance and sense of entitlement is straight up appalling. If you don't like the way a lady (or agency...whatever the case may be) screens, just move on. There are literally hundreds of ladies out there who don't require your precious work info. Problem solved.  

The fact that you'd come on here with your incredulous attitude about screening, then insult the ladies who responded is pretty ridiculous. If you're so worried about the potential consequences of getting on a provider's "bad side," here's an idea: don't act like such a twat. Good lord.  

Here's the good news: you've likely added yourself to the DNS lists of plenty of ladies once they've seen this little meltdown of yours, regardless of how they screen. Nice work, bro!

Edited to add one more thing: I've seen clients whose careers put them in VERY high profile positions (pro athletes, politicians, etc) and they have no issue complying with screening. Trust me, dude, you're not nearly as important or exciting as you think you are, and neither is your job.  

Posted By: tomcat0360
If you find that too threatening, then maybe you should find another line of work (but where else can you find a REAL job that pays so well with limited marketable skills?). Also, we are not asking you to take our word for it; we are asking you to take your fellow providers' word for it, and that's what references and P411 OK's are for. If you are not taking anybody's word for it, then why should we take your word for it that you will not use our employment info to blackmail us? I heard enough horror stories that hobbyists being put on blacklist for getting on the provider's bad side and having their reputations destroyed.  
-- Modified on 6/27/2014 7:17:49 PM

Unlike Turdy, I don't worry about not being able to find someone to see me. Tobi, when was the last time you posted here? Back in March. The GD board is your playground. So someone must have called in the reinforcement, otherwise I doubt you just happened to browse the DC board and found this thread. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was Turdy. He is always kissing your ass on the GD board. And he always cries to the admin to have posts removed when he doesn't like what was said about him. I guess you ladies really want to make this thread a train wreck. I thought we were finished after I replied to Sophia, but you ladies just wouldn't quit. Fine, bring it on. It's now at least 3 against me, but I can handle it.

You need us but we DON'T need you. Don't you get it? It's only a hobby for me, but it is a livelihood for you until you can find a good-paying job (and good luck with that). I can stop this hobby today if nobody would see me anymore, but the truth is I can always find someone I like to take my money. This thing will blow over soon, and everything will be back to business as usual.

BTW, I noticed you, Charlie and Sophia are all 21-25 (at least that's what your profile says). It just reinforces my belief that many young providers really think their shit don't stink, and they are actually doing men a favor by fucking them for money (It is a privilege to pay to have sex with you as Charlie and Sophia said. ROTFLMAO). Wait another 10 years after your body has had enough wear and tear from this business and you have no way out, and we will see if you still feel the same way.

-- Modified on 6/28/2014 1:25:13 AM

-- Modified on 6/28/2014 1:30:28 AM

Actually, I really did stumble upon this thread. DC tends to have some lively conversations. Rod didn't say shit to me.  

As for the rest of your meltdown, you sure do like to inject some irrelevant shit into your arguments, don't you? When someone has to resort to ad hominem nonsense, it's clear they know they've lost.  

P.S. If you didn't care about whether or not some lady will see you, you wouldn't have gone to the trouble to start this thread in the first place. Someone call the WAHHHHHmbulance!

Posted By: tomcat0360
Unlike Turdy, I don't worry about not being able to find someone to see me. Tobi, when was the last time you posted here? Back in March. The GD board is your playground. So someone must have called in the reinforcement, otherwise I doubt you just happened to browse the DC board and found this thread. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was Turdy. He is always kissing your ass on the GD board. And he always cries to the admin to have posts removed when he doesn't like what was said about him. I guess you ladies really want to make this thread a train wreck. I thought we were finished after I replied to Sophia, but you ladies just wouldn't quit. Fine, bring it on. It's now at least 3 against me, but I can handle it.  
 You need us but we DON'T need you. Don't you get it? It's only a hobby for me, but it is a livelihood for you until you can find a good-paying job (and good luck with that). I can stop this hobby today if nobody would see me anymore, but the truth is I can always find someone I like to take my money. This thing will blow over soon, and everything will be back to business as usual.  
 BTW, I noticed you, Charlie and Sophia are all 21-25 (at least that's what your profile says). It just reinforces my belief that many young providers really think their shit don't stink, and they are actually doing men a favor by fucking them for money (It is a privilege to pay to have sex with you as Charlie and Sophia said. ROTFLMAO). Wait another 10 years after your body has had enough wear and tear from this business and you have no way out, and we will see if you still feel the same way.  
 -- Modified on 6/28/2014 1:25:13 AM

-- Modified on 6/28/2014 1:30:28 AM

LucasHood819 reads

Do you ever tire of telling us how awesome you are and how lucky anyone is to see you? No, I didn't think so.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Even if you gave me your social security number, a DNA sample, a bag of diamonds, and a blood oath sworn upon your firstborn child, I still wouldn't see you. Why? Because your arrogance and sense of entitlement is straight up appalling. If you don't like the way a lady (or agency...whatever the case may be) screens, just move on. There are literally hundreds of ladies out there who don't require your precious work info. Problem solved.  
 The fact that you'd come on here with your incredulous attitude about screening, then insult the ladies who responded is pretty ridiculous. If you're so worried about the potential consequences of getting on a provider's "bad side," here's an idea: don't act like such a twat. Good lord.  
 Here's the good news: you've likely added yourself to the DNS lists of plenty of ladies once they've seen this little meltdown of yours, regardless of how they screen. Nice work, bro!  
 Edited to add one more thing: I've seen clients whose careers put them in VERY high profile positions (pro athletes, politicians, etc) and they have no issue complying with screening. Trust me, dude, you're not nearly as important or exciting as you think you are, and neither is your job.  
Posted By: tomcat0360
If you find that too threatening, then maybe you should find another line of work (but where else can you find a REAL job that pays so well with limited marketable skills?). Also, we are not asking you to take our word for it; we are asking you to take your fellow providers' word for it, and that's what references and P411 OK's are for. If you are not taking anybody's word for it, then why should we take your word for it that you will not use our employment info to blackmail us? I heard enough horror stories that hobbyists being put on blacklist for getting on the provider's bad side and having their reputations destroyed.  
-- Modified on 6/27/2014 7:17:49 PM

Not particularly.  

Seriously, though, send me the link to one post anywhere on the internet where I have said anything to the effect of "anyone is lucky to see me" and I will suck your dick for free.  

I don't deny saying "I'm awesome" at least twice, though.  

Posted By: LucasHood
Do you ever tire of telling us how awesome you are and how lucky anyone is to see you? No, I didn't think so.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Even if you gave me your social security number, a DNA sample, a bag of diamonds, and a blood oath sworn upon your firstborn child, I still wouldn't see you. Why? Because your arrogance and sense of entitlement is straight up appalling. If you don't like the way a lady (or agency...whatever the case may be) screens, just move on. There are literally hundreds of ladies out there who don't require your precious work info. Problem solved.    
  The fact that you'd come on here with your incredulous attitude about screening, then insult the ladies who responded is pretty ridiculous. If you're so worried about the potential consequences of getting on a provider's "bad side," here's an idea: don't act like such a twat. Good lord.    
  Here's the good news: you've likely added yourself to the DNS lists of plenty of ladies once they've seen this little meltdown of yours, regardless of how they screen. Nice work, bro!  
  Edited to add one more thing: I've seen clients whose careers put them in VERY high profile positions (pro athletes, politicians, etc) and they have no issue complying with screening. Trust me, dude, you're not nearly as important or exciting as you think you are, and neither is your job.    
Posted By: tomcat0360
If you find that too threatening, then maybe you should find another line of work (but where else can you find a REAL job that pays so well with limited marketable skills?). Also, we are not asking you to take our word for it; we are asking you to take your fellow providers' word for it, and that's what references and P411 OK's are for. If you are not taking anybody's word for it, then why should we take your word for it that you will not use our employment info to blackmail us? I heard enough horror stories that hobbyists being put on blacklist for getting on the provider's bad side and having their reputations destroyed.    
 -- Modified on 6/27/2014 7:17:49 PM

LucasHood607 reads

No thanks I'll pass. I don't need any lectures.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Not particularly.  
 Seriously, though, send me the link to one post anywhere on the internet where I have said anything to the effect of "anyone is lucky to see me" and I will suck your dick for free.  
 I don't deny saying "I'm awesome" at least twice, though.  
Posted By: LucasHood
Do you ever tire of telling us how awesome you are and how lucky anyone is to see you? No, I didn't think so.    
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Even if you gave me your social security number, a DNA sample, a bag of diamonds, and a blood oath sworn upon your firstborn child, I still wouldn't see you. Why? Because your arrogance and sense of entitlement is straight up appalling. If you don't like the way a lady (or agency...whatever the case may be) screens, just move on. There are literally hundreds of ladies out there who don't require your precious work info. Problem solved.    
   The fact that you'd come on here with your incredulous attitude about screening, then insult the ladies who responded is pretty ridiculous. If you're so worried about the potential consequences of getting on a provider's "bad side," here's an idea: don't act like such a twat. Good lord.    
   Here's the good news: you've likely added yourself to the DNS lists of plenty of ladies once they've seen this little meltdown of yours, regardless of how they screen. Nice work, bro!    
   Edited to add one more thing: I've seen clients whose careers put them in VERY high profile positions (pro athletes, politicians, etc) and they have no issue complying with screening. Trust me, dude, you're not nearly as important or exciting as you think you are, and neither is your job.    
Posted By: tomcat0360
If you find that too threatening, then maybe you should find another line of work (but where else can you find a REAL job that pays so well with limited marketable skills?). Also, we are not asking you to take our word for it; we are asking you to take your fellow providers' word for it, and that's what references and P411 OK's are for. If you are not taking anybody's word for it, then why should we take your word for it that you will not use our employment info to blackmail us? I heard enough horror stories that hobbyists being put on blacklist for getting on the provider's bad side and having their reputations destroyed.    
  -- Modified on 6/27/2014 7:17:49 PM

You are so full of yourself.  Giving an a TER handle and four current references, some of which I have been using for five+ years,  pretty well ensures that NOTHING is going to happen to the to the young women.

I just wonder if these agencies at too LAZY to check the references?  I have many times sent references to providers, and I KNOW they are no checked because I asked the references.

LucasHood510 reads

Ya that's totally relevant. Why he's got 98 reviews mostly from top tier women not mid tier like you.  

Posted By: OhCharlie

-- Modified on 6/26/2014 1:03:09 PM

Wow four references are a bit much but I suppose agencies need to take as many precautions as they can to stay safe for the clients and workers. Don't give up im sure there will be plenty of places you can find to accept the things you can provide.

....work phone number, and corporate web site, I am also a realist.  Many gentlemen I visit with are contractors, and cannot provide such information tying them to the company they are currently employed with.  I have enjoyed this profession for quite a few years, and have always asked for a gentleman's place of emplyment, as have many other ladies.  This is nothing new.

   I assure you, there are many options when it comes to screening.  

   What in God's name would I have to gain by outing/harrassing a gentleman I have visted with?  I have too much self respect to go down that road.

Hugs and Kisses,


-- Modified on 6/25/2014 4:43:15 PM

if, as I, "are contractors, and cannot provide such information tying them to the company they are currently employed with. " What am I supposed to do?  

If I provided you with four current references would that be sufficient?

TER  P411 and / or date check and occasionally an independent provider reference or two and have never been turned down for screening.....

I might provide personal data to an independent with a stellar reputation and track record whom I really wanted to see, but there is just NFW that I'm going to provide it for an agency.

The reason is that agencies provide nice, juicy targets for Johnny Law. Every time there's a big bust it usually involves an agency. And hey, look, they have the client list and lots of big, important names are on it! Gee, who would have thought?

I understand and appreciate the point that providers want to mitigate as much risk as possible, but the possibility of my personal data laying around at a busy agency that presents an way-too-inviting target for LE is too much risk for me to assume. I simply and silently take a pass on doing business with them, and would recommend you do the same.

Hahahaha!!!! Thank you ladies for showing the REAL you and I promise I'll stop liking your photo board posts effective immediately. I'm truly sorry for liking your pics all month - had I seen your attitudes and craziness earlier, I wouldn't have bothered. It's OK, none of you have a snowball's chance in hell of winning, lol.

I have one pissy-ass comment back. Not one of you ladies would be doing this disgusting job if you didn't have to. Some of you are funding your college degrees and if you're going for a useful degree that will land you a good job at graduation, good for you. Too bad I keep hearing about advanced degrees in fields that have little chance of employment let alone making decent money. But keep bragging about your advanced degrees and how much you like fucking strange old men for money. The fantasy is gone for me, all that's left is the reality of why you do this job. Many of you have lazy-ass pimp b/f's or husbands that you support by lying on your back. I'm glad you love your work and those lazy asses you call your SO"s. They're SOOOOO deserving of you.

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