Virginia (& WV)

No Shows, anything to do?
mattb447 1069 reads

I had a very aggravating no show recently.  I had driven a long way to see her, she texted 5 min prior to ask if I could postpone one hour.  I was able to make it work and agreed.  The hour came and went, no response.  She next responded about another hour later asking if I can come later, not even an apology.   I had left by then.

Should I bother posting this review?  Is it even possible to review a meet that never happened?  

I suppose this happens, maybe she had a bad feeling.

You seem like a nice guy...of course, something can happen that is just out of anyone's control occasionally.  Hopefully, she will contact you and somehow justify her behavior.  In the meantime, I do not think you can review someone you have not seen.  Perhaps she will do the right thing and make some sort of amendment for her no showing.  

Posted By: mattb447
I had a very aggravating no show recently.  I had driven a long way to see her, she texted 5 min prior to ask if I could postpone one hour.  I was able to make it work and agreed.  The hour came and went, no response.  She next responded about another hour later asking if I can come later, not even an apology.   I had left by then.  
 Should I bother posting this review?  Is it even possible to review a meet that never happened?    
 I suppose this happens, maybe she had a bad feeling.

mattb447385 reads

Thanks for the response.  I'm starting to realize I should have spent some more time in the newbie forum. I could have found my answers there.

Without knowing where you found this provider, it is hard to say what your options are.  If she was a BP girl, then you risk things like this happening a lot.  My guess is that she couldn't care less about standing you up and only cares about making her money.  Personally you could blacklist her as someone who is unreliable and not trust her word again should you choose to contact her.  Review wise, I do not think you can write a review on a provider that you have not seen.  Bad feeling or not, it is very poor professionalism, being that you drove a long way to see her, for her to do this.  I tend to stay clear of ladies that can not at the very least return a courtesy call/text.  That probably transfers to her service as a provider as well.  

Posted By: mattb447
I had a very aggravating no show recently.  I had driven a long way to see her, she texted 5 min prior to ask if I could postpone one hour.  I was able to make it work and agreed.  The hour came and went, no response.  She next responded about another hour later asking if I can come later, not even an apology.   I had left by then.  
 Should I bother posting this review?  Is it even possible to review a meet that never happened?    
 I suppose this happens, maybe she had a bad feeling.

mattb447339 reads

Thanks for the info.  I did find her on BP, but she has good reviews in TER.  

I'm over it.  I will go for a provider with a more established reputation next time.

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