Virginia (& WV)

Degrading Reviewssad_smile
Vessyl301930 See my TER Reviews 2192 reads

I've gotten so many reviews that were not bad reviews in totality in regards to my services or performance for that matter but in fact clients attack my character, physical appearance (the prominent mole that I have on the right cheek of my face) and my racial and ethnic background (my accent and kinky hair). I am a beautiful mixed Hispanic and Black woman. Although every one might like and prefer different things if you do not like me, my mole (as displayed in my pics), or my accent please make that apparent prior to scheduling an appointment to save us both the dissatisfaction. Me with my disrespectful review and you with my disappointing appearance. Or at least be assertive enough to inform me so that I could provide you with a reference to another provider that would better suit your racial standards and physical preferences. There's a thin line between constructive criticism and just being blatantly uncouth and classless. Some comments are just meant to be kept to yourself. Clients need to be more aware and take into consideration how a statement could affect a providers self esteem. Some of us actually take pride in what we do and work hard try to provide the best service as possible. Don't come and see me, have me bbbj you until my throat is raw and then complain about a mole that's been on my face since I was 2 yrs old lol MUCHOS GRACIAS PINCHE GRINGO

Best Regards,
Amber Rodriguez xoxox incapable of appreciating true beauty, Amber. Do not allow the misery of others to affect your journey. There are those of us who are grateful to have the opportunity to spend time with you.

what I thought Amber the exactly the same thing when a no so nice review was posted not too long ago, but then again... I know what I do, I know what I provide and the rest of the reviews speak for themselves and my repeat friends.  
Unfortunate my case was a upset younger person that didn't like the idea of me closing the computer after I am almost sure he was trying to record the session.  
I never in the past meet the younger type of gentleman and after the session ended I thought... THAT'S the exact reason, but live and learn and never again!  

Don't sweat it, good gentleman know when a review is written out of despite, anger or just because personalities don't match.  

Unlike you I could not say "muchas gracias pinche gringo"... (because I even was lied about the ethnicity on the booking form) HAHAHA  

Regardless, we still gonna get call, we still gonna get good gentleman around.  

Have a beautiful day beautiful lady!  


-- Modified on 11/3/2016 7:28:36 AM

Thank you so much for your kind words. I think sometimes I just take what I do a little too seriously. I have to remind myself what's common sense to me isn't common sense to everyone and that men mature slower than women do so at 23 I'm still more mature than these 40 something year olds lol I also have to keep in mind that men that are willing to pay to cheat on and lie to their wives don't have the best moral perception and I must expect their ethics to be a little jaded. With any job or career there's always that group of individuals that feel entitled to treat you any kind of way just because they are paying you. It's purely ego and a little boys failed attempt at trying to compensate for a lack of penis by belittling me and what we do when in all actuality we have more balls and are more dominant and alpha then most of the members on this site. Bad reviews are written out of insecurity sadly lol. It's nice to come on this site and know that other providers can relate and empathize it really means a lot. I hope you have a blessed day beautiful. Xoxox

-- Modified on 11/3/2016 7:38:23 AM

I am far from naive I've been doing this sine I was 16 so I know expectations are high its not the high expectations that bothers me it is the fact that men have the liberty to see any provider they want and yet choose to see me and complain about insignificant things that have nothing to do with my performance or hygiene or any thing that matters lol They pick something out that I have no control over and degrade me for it when they have had time to investigate my pics (appearance), my reviews and sites prior to meeting still make the decision to see me knowing I have a mole on my face knowing I am of mixed race as stated on my profile and in my reviews. It's not like I'm false representing myself they are well aware and see me and donate regardless. I just need to screen my clientele better is all. I appreciate the feedback ☺️

Did you just say "BBBJ until your throat is raw"? My kind of lady!

... the same douchey and nitpicky pattern in their other reviews too.  
You have 4 brand new reviews....PM me which one you are talking about if you don't mind.

Just brush it off!!! You know whom you are & obvi guys like you since they are seeing you but......  Did I read it right on your current review that the guy claimed to have done BBFS ????  Ggggguuuurrrrllllll ..... 😑😑😑.... Be SAFE!!!

While it may seem degrading, the reality is that most who partake in this sort of thing have high expectations... I'm not excusing the information being shared, or agreeing with the reviewer in any way. However, if you are going to advertise yourself in a profession like this, which is predicated on looks, you have to be willing to expect that not everyone will be satisfied no matter what you do for them. If I'm paying $300 - $1000 to be with someone, you better believe I'll be critical, and perhaps I might have certain expectations.  

Some may not be bothered by your beauty mark and others might be turned off.... that's the reality of it and I wouldn't get too worked up over it. being that you don't hide it from your photos its a little odd that the reviewer chose to go that route but you're obviously very open about it so let those whom it bothers f-off, and allow those of us who find nothing wrong with it enjoy your presence! :)


I saw you once and I had a wonderful time. My only criticism is that I haven't been able to catch up with you to see you again. I want you in heavy rotation. I didn't write a review because I want to keep you to myself. Fuck these motherfuckers. Fuck them all. Text me baby, email me, send smoke signals just let me get between those thighs again.

Hola Amber,

Unfortunate situation you found yourself in, I can appreciate your perspective and anger, but I would recommend that you be careful with statements like:

"... I also have to keep in mind that men that are willing to pay to cheat on and lie to their wives don't have the best moral perception and I must expect their ethics to be a little jaded.." and "...we have more balls and are more dominant and alpha then most of the members on this site..."

Just like it wouldn't be fair or accurate to make a sweeping generalized statement about "All Providers", I don't think it is fair to do so about Clients. We all have different home situations, motives and moral compasses and I would argue that the majority of us treat providers very well. Your second statement caught my eye since it also seemed to lump us all together on this site in a demeaning way and placed value only on the Provider's support.

BTW, I've seen your ads/listings before and you are indeed gorgeous (beauty mark and all) and no misleading advertising to be had anywhere - any guy would be lucky to spend time with you.

Buena suerte Boricua!

I think she is lovely too!  Different tastes...the reviews are very subjective.  One would hope that if a gent is having an off day, he would consider not reviewing.  Most of the men I have met..and women too on this site have matured to enjoy traits of all women of differing backgrounds, races, ages etc.  I have been overwhelmed and honored to have met such evolved and sensual people.   I had a review saying I was plain- this was after a fantastic session.  I had not put on makeup which I feel is a statement of my own confidence of outer and inner beauty.  He saw that as plain...I saw it as natural.  Is what it is...Deep breathe and know that you have fans no doubt!  Attitude and eroticism trumps all the other gifts.

Thank you Eduardo for all of the compliments. It was definitely not my intention to generalize every member on this site in particular on the contrary most of my clients are very open and personal with me and I found that although not all of them are bad whether I like them or not it is a fact that most of the men that have come to see me for my services are in fact married and request gfe services which is malicious because of course their wife doesn't know they're sleeping with providers bb or requesting to with intention to or profound interest which is deceitful and not only that but they see more than one escort and not every escort might get tested as regularly as I do or request verification of STD status with a reference from a recent prover that provide the same service that is DDF. My point being that I'm speaking on the men that have seen me and or have reached out to me. The truth may be a little hard to bare for most but those are just the ugly facts. I have been contacted by wives w/o knowledge that a client was not even married and that client had been extremely particular and critical about me not that I mind unless it exhibits an evident level of disrespect. Nevertheless my screening process has been a lot stricter than before and although like some providers have preferences like no AA from now on I refuse to see any clients that are in the business of degradation. Providers already have to deal with enough with the bias stigma that we have. I am way too nice and offer way too much to feel cheap. At the time I did write the statement out of pure emotion so I was a bit bitter it will not taint the way I treat my clientele but it has made me more aware and cautious about who I choose to see and their character. I'm almost tempted to create a personality test for clients to take prior to scheduling any appointments lol πŸ˜‚

I completely get your point!  I took a peek at your photos (adorable by the way!) and your beauty mark is clearly visible.  I could *maybe* get it if it wasn't but hello!!!  It's right there!

I think it's the same thing when a girl advertises that has a lot of tattoos.  She makes them clearly visible in photos, talks about them on her profile but then has a review that says something like "Taylor is beautiful, I would give her a 10 but I just don't like tattoos."  Well why the heck did you see her in the first place!!!!!

I've had negative reviews because I was too skinny.  But yet all my photos show exactly how tiny I am!  My measurements say 00!  Why the heck did you see me if you "prefer your girl with a little more meat on her bones."


We're with you babe!

Guys Can be just as cruel it seems as the other women but honestly my clients have always treated me well..I'm sorry that happened :(

DaRegularJoe589 reads

Posted By: Amber301930
..Some of us actually take pride in what we do and work hard try to provide the best service as possible. Don't come and see me, have me bbbj you until my throat is raw and then complain about a mole that's been on my face since I was 2 yrs old lol MUCHOS GRACIAS PINCHE GRINGO  
 Best Regards,  
 Amber Rodriguez xoxox
So sorry to hear about this. Your picture has been accurate and hence I don't know what the hobbyist was thinking.

I've seen providers who have been quite different from their photos - old photos, weight in photos about 25-30lbs lighter etc. and still see that hobbyists have given good reviews.  

Hence do not understand what the big deal is about a small mole.

Stay strong, Move on and hopefully the bucketful nice reviews that you'll be getting in future will make you forget this one.

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