Virginia (& WV)

Question For The Ladies...red_smile
terrev 89 Reviews 2008 reads

I seldom feel fully satiated with just one pop, but seldom get to a second pop because the first one was too late into the session.  Is there any way to politely ask the lady to help me pop fairly quickly up front, so I can relax and enjoy all the DFK, DATY, Cuddling Canoodling, Groping, and other Foreplay before the second pop...which for me tends to be the one that really satisfies?

I feel like so many ladies have a script and to amend it is difficult.  I really do want to spend time licking you silly, but I also want my two pops and I cannot afford two hours sessions to do it.  

This is an issue with massage sessions as well.  I really want to leave relaxed and drained, but one shot rarely does that for me.  Why can't I start Sunny Side Up, Shoot a Quick Load, and then relax and enjoy the massage and not worry about feeling fulfilled at the end?


Any advice is appreciated...except that Smart Ass Fake Advice from the Funny Fornicators Fraternity.  You know, the Brothers of I Ate A Pie.

If the girl is a reputable provider, she shouldn't feel odd about helping you get the best out of your time. If you just let her know ahead of time, I would say through email or phone, then she would know what to expect, and wouldn't feel at all put out about your request I would think.

Just say something. I don't run by a script because everyone is different and everyone wants different things. Say, " would love to play right now". It's not rude at all. We as providers are in the service industry so hey order what you want. Find a provider that has a menu with what you seek.

That's my opinion on orgasms, though I always win that competition!

Everyone is different, so when things get going, let her know that you want to get the first one out of the way quickly. I've had guys who like that, and guys who want to last because they only get one. Or if it seems that he's going to come quickly and I have no idea what he wants, I ask if he wants me to hold back or continue. Communication is always key to good sex.


Most experienced gals are pleased when you tell us how you would like it to go.  I often ask if I should prolong the first (for a one-and-done guy) and the likelihood of a second.  

Another idea might be to book a longer session so you are sure to get everything you need.


My goal is yours- so knowing what makes your time special for you is helpful me to make that happen.

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