Virginia (& WV)

Attitude Is Everything
CastellanInternational 1009 reads

Just wanted to post real quick this morning as a reminder to clients and ladies alike that attitude is everything.  

When you correspond with people there is an expectation of respect and treating one another with human kindness.

When you are pushy, overly rude, or feel entitled to someone's time that is a major turn off.  

People who threaten companions, or their assistants because they're going to "tattle on the boards" need to pull themselves back a bit and come to the realization that their behavior says far more about them than it does the provider or assistant.

I have had a few and very few, thank goodness, experiences like this primarily with gents I have never met and will never meet.  They either went way over an acceptable manner of conversing leading me to decline or our  schedules did not match up so they got frustrated and threatening.  Shocked me as I am overall gracious and communication can be difficult and things can get jumbled, but threats are threats.  Indeed the great gentleman of this site know when a bully is having a temper tantrum.

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