
Wish it weren't taboo. I'm on PrEP - its simply a responsible thing to do
Hextyn See my TER Reviews 137 reads

PrEP reduces the risk of HIV infection. Period.

I don't bareback with clients because I don't want to. But I also don't use condoms for blowjobs because I don't want to. The risk of transmission of HIV during a blowjob is slim to none, and PrEP makes it even less so. What's not to like?

Its covered by my insurance, as are the seasonal liver & kidney tests to make sure I'm not having adverse reactions. And anyone who follows my Twitter knows I get a full swab & screen every 4-6 weeks, just for peace of mind.

So here's my question. I'm really hoping to hear from some of the ladies about this.

I have little experience with providers. How do I ask them about their health status . About when they were last tested for, well, the full range of STDs including gonorrhea and syphilis?  Or whether a provider is on PreP? I think it's not unfair or impolite or unreasonable to want to know this. I've even seen some ads where a provider gives dates and says they're on PreP.

Is there a way to ask those who don't put that info in their ad that won't ruffle feathers?


I think asking providers about their STI status is unhelpful. Do you really think that a provider is going to tell you if she has something?  

PrEP is complicated. I think more people should be on PrEP and it should be easier to get. However, in the context of discussions between providers and clients, I think that PrEP comes with the (unhelpful) connotation that if a provider is on PrEP then bareback sex could potentially be on the menu. That's not the way PrEP is supposed to be used but that's how it's sometimes interpreted.

Thanks for the reply. I'd love to hear from others so that I can figure out how to proceed.

Note: When I wrote that I want to ask about health status what I really meant was how long since their last (presumably negative) test. And, yes, I perhaps naively thought that good providers would be honest and would even take a break if treating something.  

Ladies, please educate me/us.

Totally disagree. In common convo, prep is specifically referring to HIV prep like truvada or similar. That stops HIV and is just part of a providers risk mitigation. I'm on prep for HIV and experimental prep for HSV. I'm still not doing BB without tests my through my testing center of choice, with two consecutive negative tests, on top of an exorbitant fee for it.

Prep doesn't stop transmission of a ther STI's.

Legally, she's supposed to disclose what she has, if she has something... but... nothing anyone is doing is 'legal' to begin with.  Honestly, I would just assume the worst, always be safe.  Never do anything unsafe, use your head.  And, about PreP... holy crap!  It is expensive.  I'm going to have to tweak my health plan next year to accommodate it.  The peace of mind I can't catch anything serious is worth every penny though.

You know you can go to your doctor, disclose your job and let them know you want to be on Prep.  I got on it last year, the company has a program you can join.  As long as you don't claim your "work" and prove you have little to no income they will compensate the price and make it free!  Text me if you need info!  Once I got on prep my peace of mind sky rocketed. I now knew I had two forms of defense, condoms and prep.  And they are working on trials to get 2 week injections so you don't have to remember it everyday.  Lets hope that happens because taking an extra pill everyday sucks.

Oh yeah!  Of course.  I actually work in a pharmacy.  I have all sorts of ways to get it paid for.. haha.  Stuff is insane though.. I used to manage ADAP inventory at my old job.  Some of those pills are 6-8 grand PER bottle.

A provider just informed me she is on this....92% effective.  I told her it's the 8% I'm afraid of.

It's just an exercise in futility. This is a black market industry, so just assume an answer to your question would also be shady. Just prepare for the worst and you can't go wrong. Barriers whenever possible, and proper hygiene afterward.

Also, please consider that trans sex workers have the highest rate of HIV in /any/ community, more so with specific subgroups, but it's a huge problem in the trans community in general.

With that, a provider that's on prep is probably more likely to tell you up front. I've been taking Teuvada for the last year, in addition to an off label/experimental meds for HSV. Depending on the demeanor of a specific client, I tell them to ease thoughts, but still always use proper barriers and preventative measures. I'm not about to jeprodize my adult film career or life for more cash.

Just assume her blood would glow like the sun if tested. Don't fuck tue rest of your life up for what I'm assuming is BB.

agree with the good insight already put out here.
my rule one in escorting context is no bareback, no way no how. and the more cash they flash, the quicker i dash (in other direction).
frankly, even when a potential client mentions it and then backtracks, i usually lean toward still not taking them on. my fear is he'll be alone with me, be physically somebody i can't fight off and when i'm in vulnerable position, simply do it (one time almost happened but he wasn't physically imposing enough that i was able to escape).
beyond safety for me, is also that i do porn and don't want to endanger my co-performers or the industry (it shuts down here if anybody tests positive until the situation is investigated and a re-start of shooting is cleared)

a point on PreP not mentioned yet is that it is not an option for every provider. putting aside cost reason, there are some of us that it causes side effects that aren't tolerable (after 3 months, docs and i decided nausea & spells of light headedness weren't going to dissipate).
Not mentioning for "woe is me" factor, but  to highlight there may be other reasons for a provider not being on PreP aside from a positive status.
be safe & prosperous girls!

Thanks for all the replies.  

I'm going to assume that any provider on PreP will advertise that and that those who don't, aren't. For me, it's about giving bb-oral (not to completion) and, while HIV transmission is much less likely, there's lots of other STIs that can migrate to the mouth or throat. (I'm less concerned about passing anything from my mouth because I know from testing and complete non-participation that I am currently clean.) It's a tough call for me as covering for that would greatly diminish the most exquisite pleasure . . . the thing that makes me consider a provider in the first place.

If I go ahead with this, I will try to have the conversation and hope that she doesn't take offense.  

Thanks again!

just a clarification. i in no manner intended to imply that a provider not "advertising" PreP usage, doesn't mean that she might not be using it. even during the time i was on PreP, i didn't advertise it in any way.
there are times when i am asked by a client whether i am on PreP and i respond in the negative, but i don't get into an explanation as to why (which is my private medical history).
the point i was making above is that if a convo about PreP does occur between client & provider, it shouldn't be assumed that that lack of her being on PreP is any indication of a problem.

Bb goes on it just does not get talked about. And imo and ime, it goes on a lot more than we would care to think about.  

People are reckless in nature. Add emotion and lust, things get dicey. Always assume the worst and strapup. I wouldnt even both asking hiv status, its unlikely a girl is going to pull up her test, pull out her photo ID and verify it anyways. Lets just be real here.

PrEP reduces the risk of HIV infection. Period.

I don't bareback with clients because I don't want to. But I also don't use condoms for blowjobs because I don't want to. The risk of transmission of HIV during a blowjob is slim to none, and PrEP makes it even less so. What's not to like?

Its covered by my insurance, as are the seasonal liver & kidney tests to make sure I'm not having adverse reactions. And anyone who follows my Twitter knows I get a full swab & screen every 4-6 weeks, just for peace of mind.

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