
very frightining!!!
ssteveowens 50 Reviews 3163 reads

i dont know about you guys, but i have checked out ravens ad on craigs list and was thinking about calling her,just goes to show you what kind of danger we all could be putting ourselves in when ever we walk into a strangers house! has anybody been with her? any storys?

TS Raven frequently posted her services on CL in Las Vegas murdered her female friend.

i dont know about you guys, but i have checked out ravens ad on craigs list and was thinking about calling her,just goes to show you what kind of danger we all could be putting ourselves in when ever we walk into a strangers house! has anybody been with her? any storys?

TS Tempted2622 reads

Now that ssteveowens has gone and mentioned it I’ll post the link to Raven’s profile.  Two lives down the drain makes me very sad indeed…


TS Tempted

P.S.  It seems like TER should have a policy about removing such profiles, perhaps we should expect the profile to be removed soon.

The LVPD did a big sting last week - busted virtually every TS on CL and at least 1 from Eros.  

They popped 12 of us plus two gay guys at the MGM on Wednesday night.  We walked right into it.  They were good.

They were specifically targeting TS's - I wonder if it had something to do with the Raven murder?

I don't live there and don't know her but apparently she gave up a few hours after we were released.

I read the newspaper account someone posted here - it's too bad the Las Vegas tv station couldn't use the proper terms to describe TS Raven though, calling her a man and saying "self-described" transgender.

Either you are transgendered or you aren't.

Such sad ending. I don't wish the fate that awaits Raven on anyone.  But nobody deserves to be murdered like that girl.

TS Jamie

how did they bust you guys? and did they bust any hobbiest? if you tell us there trap that could help out in watching out for it thanks alot.

Can you profide detials on how the LVPD pulled this off - as you said they were good.

Yes - the Raven incident is quite depressing and making us all cautious !

Hi - RE your request for more info on the Vegas bust.  If any TER members with references want to contact me I will discuss privately, but I don't want to post anything that could be used against me in court or an obstruction charge or something.

Vice monitors this board and isn't dumb.

I want to say first and foremost that I am very sorry for the woman who was killed and any family. No one deserves that.  If Raven did it she should hang.  Hell I'll pull the rope.

Here is what went on during the sting at the MGM that I feel comfortable sharing in public at this time.

If anything doesn't "feel" right it probably isn't.

I feel they specifically targted us - they set up our date two days in advance.  They had print outs of everyone's ads and made reference to our web site.

They were shooting some kind of news special on hooking on CL in Vegas. They had TV cameras and intereviewed a couple of the girls.

I feel victimized - like they set us up specifically so the media could humiliate us as part of their operation and to give them a sensational aspect to what have become rather mundane televised hotel busts on "Cops" and other shows.

We were unnecessarily threatened repeatedly by one of the cops with being "tazed" while handcuffed and totally compliant.  We were called derragatory terms by some of the cops (men, he, "it.")  Some of the cops were fine, there was a lady cop who was respectfull of everyone.  There are multiple witnesses to all of this.

We were forced to sit on the edge of a bathtub for about 3 hours with our hands cuffed behind our backs while they busted other people in the next room. Some girls were forced to stand the whole time.  My partner had grooves 3/8 of an inch deep in her wrists afterward that lasted for days.

They kept filming in the bathroom, even after repeated requests not to show us.

They held me for 23 hours, let my parner out 6-7 hours earlier into sub freezing weather, with no money, no phone, no place to go, or way to get there.  She was wearing a little velvet mini dress and no jacket.  She had to wait on the street in the dark for hours, hiding from passing police and men hitting on her for sex right outside the jail. She was hypothermic when I finally got out - and is still sick as a reult.

I feel victimized, abused and humiliated by our treatment under vice control and our forced humiliation at the hand of the media.

Especially with no prior arrests and our total cooperation.  One girl had 18 prior offenses and multiple warrants and they treated her like an old friend, laughing and joking with her. Hell she sat in the front seat of the car going to jail.

They got virtually every girl who was there last week. That's why there's almost no t4m CL ads around the 17th-19th.

The cops are working with CL as our ads were pulled when we got out.  I haven't posted on CL since.

On the other hand the jail staff was mostly respectfull and OK.  We were allowed to sit on the female side in the holding area, while the less "passable" t's were left with the men.  Eventually they put about 5 or 6 of us into one isolation cell where we sat, slept, and ate on the floor with the roaches.

Most of the girls were given aids tests and told they would be notified by mail if they were positive.  I was tested even though I had proof in my purse of a test a week before and I know I'm negative.  

I am concerned about that policy - if someone should receive a positive notice in the mail with no counseling support there is no telling what could happen.

They stripped most of us into jail clothes, refused to provide bras to us.  Though the girl with all the priors got to keep hers - apparently it depended on who oversaw the strip search and what you were wearing, or who you knew.

They were respectfull about it though and let you change behind a curtain so the whole room couldn't watch.   The girls with wigs were defrocked - which was very humiliating for them, you could see the sadness in their eyes.

They seized my hormones and migraine medicine - even though I have prescriptions for it - and never returned it.  The nurse did give me medication for a beginning migraine which was nice as it would have sucked being sick there.

The cops were way out of control in dealing with what is a relatively minor misdemeanor offense - one which many if not most people feel should not be a crime in the first place. A "crime" which isn't even a crime in Nevada, unless you are in the wrong place.

The real crime is arresting us for trying to survive and not offering any way out - other than jail, death by aids, or suicide.

All most of us want is to be the women we are inside.  To obtain the bodies that fit our gender perception - whatever that may be. To earn enough money to live like anyone one else, a car, house and future.

The cops have their $60,000+ a year jobs - but there are virtually no jobs at a living wage available to transexuals, there is virtually no social support, no job training - and so we are forced to hope for help from men we meet on the street or internet who enjoy our company and understand, and appreciate us for who and what we are.  Thanks guys - we LOVE you.

And in a state where prostitution is legal - but where there is no legal brothel for transexuals we are targeted and jailed for simply trying to survive, and the police treat us with hate and comtempt instead of trying to provide alternatives which might enable us to move beyond this life.

And people wonder why TS's become drug addicts, and perhaps in Ravens case - murderers.

The social workers with their steady jobs, do expensive studies on transexual issues and make grandoise claims - like in San Diego where they interviewed 137 transexuals as to what their needs are - and ONE sex worker.  ONE.  The same report estimates 30 to 70% of transexuals are sex workers.

We are REAL people, thanks to modern medicine and technology it is possible for people to correct their gender deficiencies.  This is the 21ST century, it is time for Nevada, the country and world to pull it's colletcive head out of its 4th century ass and embrace human evolution.

Anyway I will give a complete report after we get through our legal matters.

Comments?  Donations??

Stay outta jail girls - it's no fun.


-- Modified on 1/24/2007 5:24:25 PM

You have not only opened up our eyes in protecting ourselves, but just as important - gave us a glimpse of your life !  Very endearing - you are a gem.  Take care - always !

Sorry you had to go through that horrible ordeal. I understand that the police have a job to do but that job IS NOT to degrade and humiliate people.

sound to me like lvpd was just focused on the girls,not the clients is that correct?

to ssteveowens question - yes they were only targeting the ts girls on Craigslist.  (This time...)  But I would suggest to everyone to be very carefull going to hotels.

Guys, I would NEVER meet a girl in a room in a hotel.  It's too easy to walk into a trap.

I think the days of escort advertising on CL are about over nationwide.  The forum is too much of a free for all and is getting too much attention.  There are too many low lifes advertising there and causing police problems (robs, etc)and I just see the end coming.

PS - do you-all know 25% of CL is owned by E-Bay?  

Cest la vie...

I was in Vegas for the AEE show and was tipped off by a friend they were busting EROS girls and I immediately called every girl I knew and told them and we all pulled our ads.  Let me say that craigslist is a national thing as friends in Ohio, NYC, Florida, Vegas etc have been busted off CL.  I will say that I was told that EROS was brought into this because of several ts staying in a hotel on the strip and having huge amounts of traffic, noise complaints, and "mysterious" men hanging out in the hallways. The cops were called and thus after busting them EROS was somehow brought into attention which led them on a VICE bust.

Let me say as I was busted in Atlanta 2 years off EROS I know how you feel and it's not a pretty thing to go through.

Girls beware as now you can count on Vegas, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Boston, L.A (valley), Detroit (troy area) where girls have been busted.


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