
Trans provider specific stuff
RebeccaChua See my TER Reviews 147 reads

Also remember that trans providers, in particular, can have trouble obtaining reviews even if they are seeking them out. There are plenty of guys out there who don't hesitate to write amazingly detailed reviews of the time they spend with non-trans providers, but, for whatever reason, are reluctant to post a review of a trans provider from that same account. (Or to even write a review of a trans provider under an alias.) Stigma sucks, but it's something we deal with on a regular basis.

InspectorClousseau2183 reads

I have noticed most ladies on this board have a nice mix of reviews , from men who have left several /multiples for others.
However I’ve noticed a recent trend of “one off”reviewers. Especially on some frequent posting ladies.
How do up feel about this? My gut is telling me their fake or bartered reviews.
I normally won’t see someone with so many, but this is becoming the norm now.


In my neck of the woods, TER ain't big. It seems rare that I even get a client who KNOWS about TER, let alone, one who reviews regularly.  
I don't have VIP, so I have no idea what my reviewers are like, here, with the exception of the one couple that wrote one for me.  
I know that is their one and only review, but they're not really mongers, or anything.  
As far as I can tell, they only play with me.
Even though I don't really post "frequently" here, aside from wanting to join in on conversation, I'm tryin' to get more people to see me, and hopefully take enough interest to become a client.  
I've seen a few clients who have a membership here, but obviously don't review, or they don't review trans women. VIP, so I don't know.

InspectorClousseau133 reads

Meaning you can PM etc..and look at your own reviews. TER can set it up if you don’t.

Oh...yeah, I can look at my own stuff. No problemo.    
What I can't really do, is click on your (client) name, and check out all the reviews you (may) have written, unless the girl you reviewed has white-listed you.  
So, unless every girl you've reviewed, has white-listed you, I have no easy way of knowing if you're a regular reviewer, or just a one-off reviewer.  Know what I mean?  
So, as I said above, I have no idea if the guys that have written my reviews are one-timers, or multi-reviewers...except for the couple that reviewed me. But I'm merely going by their word, not because I've seen it to be true.

I don't trust one off reviewers. If a girl has a string of one off reviewers I'm even more suspicious. I think your gut is right, the reviews are generally fake or bartered. It wouldn't surprise me if some providers sit a client down after the session and write it together...

InspectorClousseau133 reads

I can’t trust them either, there’s a girl who seems to have almost 70% one offs.  
I usually will read all reviews, but tend to “take or leave”  a random low score. That does tend to be the guys fault. And a perfect score seems to be a first timer.  
Scores don’t seem to matter. Content does. But the one offs need to be looked at.

much good stuff already posted. like another said, not a vip so  not sure if my reviews are one-offs or not, but i'd suspect is a good chance they are. just a bit of feedback on that (in no particular order of importance).  
my clientele skews older and most often they are "scratching an itch" for a TS and not regular hobbyists. i've asked many of them to do reviews just so i can have a more up to date track record here. many of them promise to do so (including rock solid regulars) but y'all know how promises dissipate as the afterglow does same. lol
for a time i really made consistent effort to request such, but lack of results and not wanting to be a nag (talk about the most non-provider thing you want to be) cooled my efforts.
i also have clients, despite my assurances of privacy & discretion, that politely say something to effect of, "i'm not trusting my info on any site in this realm". and its hard to blame a 55 yo guy who does contract work for DOD, or works in city hall, etc. And how many are thinking that even if they don't verbalize it?
i also know of other TS providers that work consistently and barely have a review or two (it comes to my attention when i try and refer a client to them, but when i search TER for them i'm like, "that's all that's out there on her?")
anyways, only bring this stuff into forum to highlight that there are other considerations when it comes to providers with one-offs. hopefully your BS detectors can weed out when a one-off wonder is indeed "fake news". lol

I don’t ask for reviews, and if someone asks me if i would like them to post a review i tell them they can if they want but i don’t care either way.  
I don’t worry about reviews because i won’t see every potential client who contacts me, and the ones i do see, and invite to repeat, they always come back. It may be twice a month or twice a year, but every client who’s invited back becomes a “regular “. The gentleman I’ve seen don’t need to read a review.  
I can see why guys are scared to post reviews of t providers, as has been discussed here already. I mean, TER won’t even let us post, or guys posts about us, on the regional boards last i knew, only on the T board.
Besides, here in the semi-sticks there are only 2 tgirls in a 50 mile radius that are posting real pics and giving good service, and I’m the only Caucasian. On the rare occasion someone contacting me cites my lack of reviews i tell them come see me and if you’re not satisfied you can have a refund. Never had to give a refund yet, IJS

Also remember that trans providers, in particular, can have trouble obtaining reviews even if they are seeking them out. There are plenty of guys out there who don't hesitate to write amazingly detailed reviews of the time they spend with non-trans providers, but, for whatever reason, are reluctant to post a review of a trans provider from that same account. (Or to even write a review of a trans provider under an alias.) Stigma sucks, but it's something we deal with on a regular basis.

I personally don't trust a string of one-off reviews, especially if they haven't posted anything else, and I'm guessing that a few didn't get the "no review please" memo which I've also heard before.  I usually ask if a review is ok first.

I also agree there IS a stigma.  After I started seeing trans ladies, I had a couple of GG/CIS, whatever women tell me that they wouldn't see me anymore because of it.  Even after we had already engaged in prostate play and pegging, they just wouldn't.  One claimed it's too risky (even though she knew I'm strictly into safe sex) and others for their own reasons which I respect, but respectfully disagree with.

I ended up generating another account so I could write reviews for non-trans women to get around it and that's served me well so far.

But first I'm going to assume this post is likely talking about me, as 1)I post here probably more than any other provider 2)I have a pretty good collection scattered through my reviews that are "one-offs". So if that's the case, no need to be passive aggressive, you could just ask (even though I've posted about this topic at length... multiple times), an if not, well I've got some input that may provide an explanation. Either way, I'm talking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

Fake reviews are definitely a thing, an I don't think anyone would dispute that, however TER tracks specific machines/devices as well as IP's, so a provider sitting a client down to write a review would be extremely difficult because of that. There's still the reality that she could essentially write it all for him, email it off, and client just posts it, but the law of large numbers wouldn't likely give that away as a person with a lot of reviews would clearly have those as likely outliers (unless that person was giving themselves scores and writing reviews that fall in line with the rest, but I'd assume puffery in the fakes... why write a mediocre or shit review of your trying to use it to build something right?

Past that though, consider the level of stigma toward trans people in general, and trans providers specifically. That stigma extends to our client base with secondary transphobia via association. That stigma plays out, in the world of reviews as a provider not getting them. We either get 1/7th, or less, the number of reviews cos providers get because guys are afraid to write them because of that stigma. The largest explanation I've gotten (I do specifically ask clients questions like this) is that you guys are also seeing cis girls, and a significant percentage won't see guys that have seen trans girls. Now in the last 24 months as trans people become more mainstream, I've noticed a slow downward trend there, but it's still precelant. That means fewer reviews. I've posted quite a few times about this topic, so if you'd like a bit more detail on that, check my previous posts.

Now, I can only speak of the particulars of my own situation, but I'd make an educated guess and say I'm not the only one that takes this specific route...

Anyone that sees me is well aware I'm not a fan of the scripted session, but I do have many common trends, more because it's what I enjoy, which lends authenticity and cuts out the BS, but there is one part of my appointments that is, quite literally scripted, for good reason--the end. I've made it a point--since I started participating in the review system mod last year--to tell every single person I see three things:

(This is literally what I say...)
1) "you can use me as a reference whenever necessary. I don't believe I have the market cornered on dick, nor does any other girl, so even if I'm in [your city], you're free to use me as a reference unless it become excessive, and you don't have to ask permission; references are for safety amongst providers, not a personal vouche per se."  

I do have a small addition to that, but the guys that see me know why I won't state that, but it's an addendum with your best interests in mind re: seeing other girls.

2.1)"as you may be well aware, reviews have become a significant part of my business, and it's part of what keeps me working and visiting [your coty]. Now, I'm not saying you /have/ to write me a 10/10 review, but if you believe I Kent that bar, I would greatly appreciate you writing that. If you decide to write me a review and haven't written one in a while, or have never written one, feel free to get ahold of me and I'll explain the necessities of what has to be in it according to the new rules. I'm a firm believer in the review process and I stand by my reputation working reviews, but even if you give me a perfect score, if a review doesn't contain specifics, [insert regional/national board site] is going to rob me there, so I can at least give you a common sense approach to the rules. Also, if you've got reservations about writing reviews for a TS provider, you can always create an alias account so you won't jeprodize your ability to see cis girls that won't see guys that see trans girls. You can always use that to write reviews for us if that's an issue for you.  

2.2 p411 client specific)"as far as p411, I can shoot you an OK request as soon as I'm able, and if the same issue with [insert regional/national board site] about reviews, you can always send me a 20 point credit in place of an actual OK."

3)"In case your traveling and would like somone to spend time with that's not [significant other], I'd love to do that for you and I'm available, regarless of what's my travel Schedule says, to anyone booking an overnight appointment. In most cases I'm available for overnight within 48 hours if it's the same side of the Mississippi, and 72 hours of im on the opposite side with no additional cost. If I'm international at that point in time, which happens on ocassion, I require a minimum of 128 hours notice with the addition of having my travel back to the US covered. So if you want to scratch that itch, I've got the fingers for it."


I say that to every first, and second time client I see, and I specifically not that's scripted. I script that so I know that it's something that happens every time, that's it's more or less uniform everytime, and allows me to say beyond a doubt that there's no way somone couldn't have known because I do say it  (of the guts that see me can chime in to confirm that, I'd appreciate it).

So as I make mention of in 2.1 and 2.2, I encourage the use or alias accounts to sidestep stigma of seeing a trans provider. I should be able to get just as many reviews as a cis girl, but because of stigma, I've had to get inventive with how to achieve that (I encourage all trans girls to take those theee point as use it as your own too). Some of my reviews are from well established reviewers (some top reviews on TER with their main accounts), others from ocassional hobbyist, and some just aren't alias accounts but new users (smallest percentage BTW because I ask everyone for a review, so I bring new reviewrs to the boards).  

So, I wouldn't go assuming a one off review is a fake, but that's likely situational as I doubt many other providers are as business minded/see the value of a review system.

On a final note, of this post was specifically making mention of me, just not by name, I'd urge you not to see me if that's a concern. I've got no interest in trying toconvincing you otherwise. I made a statement here, on twitter, and basically every platform that I use, that if you have to state something that's not already clearly evident, or isn't relevant to a topic, it's guaranteed bullshit. So this is me saying reality stand for itself.

An if this wasn't directed at me, then I encourage you to see me and find out that one off reviews aren't an indicator of client satisfaction. I'm not #2 in the TS realm because I'm some slouch😉👉🏼

I have been a lurker on this board for years and years ago, when I discovered this site, I submitted at least 3-4 reviews for publication.  In those reviews, I provided details on the whole experience, from the initial phone call, to arrival, to the appearance and safety of the location and the appearance, friendliness and ability of the provider to scratch my itch.

And my purpose in providing ample detail in these reviews was to aid the hobbyist in planning his adventures.  However, the moderator must have thought otherwise and only published one review.  No reasons were given for not publishing the others.  

So while it may be true that some "one off" reviews are fake, it is also possible that the "one off" reviewer is tired of taking the time and effort to write an informative review, only to have it shit canned by some faceless fuck who doesn't have the balls to tell you why your information will not be given to others who may benefit.

And you may think this is a rant against the anonymous eunuch who allows the power given him (or her) to go to his head.  And you would be right -- at least partially.  More importantly, it is a petition to the faceless fucks to allow the information to flow--who knows, you may just benefit someone.  And what's wrong with that?

Happy hunting.

Reviews are denied for a lot of reasons. They've always told me why reviews weren't able to be posted and it's usually an easy fix. I know it's more work for me but, as River said, I believe in the review process. A little extra work can go a long way to help someone out....

Handsome63129 reads

I have to say that that has happened to me.  Once I stopped writing them altogether because some of the editors were assholes....they probably had their reasons but it was frustrating.

Also, how many one off reviews are from an Alias?  I would like to be able to have one handle for TS girls and another for Genetic females and  another for forums but you cannot.  Can you review under an alias?

InspectorClousseau160 reads

Email TER. There is a way to do it. It’s changed, so not sure if it’s an alias or another handle. But at the end of the day,  I’d imagine the GG’s can figure it out.
I personally won’t see a GG who objects to TG provider. And things have changed dramatically in the last year or so.
 Which is why I brought up one offs to begin with. You’ll notice several ladies have plenty of reviewers who have seen both.

One of my regulars left a 2nd review, all positive.  I'm ok with it... just means he likes ya!

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