
Tampa Amber Leigh in jail?
795432 13968 reads

I heard she my be in jail, did she get busted for something?

Any info....?

Why are you posting this information do you not think it may be a private matter? Are you going to bail her out? Have some respect for the girl.

ritchie11885 reads

Sorry criminal records, convictions and so on are a public matter. Also I think a customer would like to know why their provider landed in jail so as to know if he should have any concerns health wise or other.

Sorry ritchie you are a dumbass

If you want to know everything that goes on with your providers you are considered a stalker

Why don't you tell me how her shit smells too

Why not post her record then?

Since you think its so important...step up to the plate and show what a class act you are.

ritchie11882 reads

Hey analboy I didnt call u any names so dont start that. Show that you can be an adult and an intelligent one at that. Also look up the definition of stalker before you state something that makes u sound even more stupid than your alias. Analandy Haaa Haaaa Haaa Haaa!

billy_cuddles15054 reads

This post is only to dispell any rumors or neg comments that may be made about Amber.

2 years ago Amber was riding in a car with friends that got pulled over by LE.  Her "Friend" happened to be transporting a large quantity of illegal substance. Amber being the selfless person she is took the fall for her friend (who had a strike on him already), thinking since it was her first strike she would "weather the storm", Because of the quantity it went Federal and she did not "weather the storm". Her "Friend" would not "step up to the plate" to save her when it became apparent she was going to take the fall.

As to how long she may be gone I don't know. I do know she will be missed and we look forward to her safe return.

Be perfectly clear here that Amber was NOT and has NEVER BEEN a dealer. She made a error in judgement that cost her dearly.

Hang in there Baby!!!!

makaranga7862 reads

Hmmmmmm? Likely story.

Sounds like little andy needs some more anal. Waaaa. Waaaa.

More details please. Not the made up stuff.

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