
Re:You're joking right????-NOT!
allenp 12 Reviews 5679 reads

I did a search for "Chicks with sticks and they don't play pool" I did not come up with a thing. It is not easy being evil!!

I don't know why the TS providers haven't complained but I find the term t-gurl offensive. Call them by the term they themselves would use, girls.

Lets call them - chicks with sticks and they don't play--or maybe they do. Let us not get to PC.

ritchie4254 reads

With all do respect they are not girls. Reality is reality and nothing can change that. I love T-girls but lets not try to cover the sky with our hands.

TS Star5933 reads

With all due respect, we ARE girls, just not natural born, genetic girls.

We are transsexual girls (or women), or TS girls.  I'm not sure where the "gurl" spelling comes from and I'm not crazy about it.

On a board like this, I understand the need to note the difference between GG girls and TS girls so I am not offended, but legally, socially and out there in the real world, yes, I am most certainly a girl.

-- Modified on 11/7/2005 3:22:54 PM

I see he providers as girls period, I am not interested in boys.

Thank you Star.

With all due respect to everyone both my former TS GIRLfriend (Christy Delight) and my CURRENT TS girlfriend are WOMEN...the kind of hip,intelligent, aware, beautiful women that any man would want and be proud to be with.

The physiology is different, but in every other respect they differ very little from their genetic sisters and should be treated accordingly.

More on my new inamorata later......


ritchie5021 reads

Legally, are you sure? I am not trying to start anything I am just wondering about the legal part. Does anyone know the answer to the legally part for sure?

TS Star5915 reads

Well, I have a valid, legal CA driver's licence that says "F"  for my sex.  In this state (CA) you can get a valid, legal licence if you have the correct medical forms that show you are a TS from your doctor. (Might be some other things needed too, but I can't remember.)

However, on a passport, they will only change your sex on that IF you have gotten the sex change surgery (or if you are getting it done in the next 6-12 months).

So yes, I am legally a female... most of the time, but not always to everybody in every situation.  Clear?  Yeah, I know... it's confusing for me too.  Welcome to the US government.

Sylvia Boots is doing time in a men's correctional facility for her crime, hence the law at least in LA looks at Tgirls as men.  Star mentions her driver's license containing a female sex designation, but in most states the DMV is not a legal entity, rather a government service and the DMV allows you to 'fill in the blank' to designate your own sex.  The American Psychological Association defines Transsexualism as a gender identity disorder in the DSM, hence by accepted psychological standards a TGirl is considered a man with a mental disorder.  I cannot testify to what population polls would say about TGirls.  The few people who've mentioned transsexualism as a topic around me seem to agree with the DSM assessment.

ritchie4807 reads

Thanks for your input, I was thinking the same thing because of the Sylvia Boots situation. A friend of mine who works in a NYC correctional facility told me that they cannot legally put a transsexual in a female prison because according to the corrections department they are considered male unless they have undergone SRS.

TS Star6172 reads

When it comes to jail and prison, I freely admit that the law only cares if you have a penis or not.  Penis = male.  Vagina = female.  However, they will most likely put the person in the "gay" section, or in isolation - away from the regular male population. Usually.

I didn't know that my licence was not considered a legal document, but I question your statement that we can all just "fill in the blank" and pick out our own sex with no questions asked when we get a drivers licence.  Are you saying a big 300 lbs bald guy with a full beard can just pick FEMALE and no one would question him?

Also, please remember that the APA said the same thing about gays until they revised their opinion over the years and became more educated.  As with all things transsexual, it usually takes longer for people to understand and accept it.  Just because they say that now, doesn't mean it will stay that way.  (And it doesn't mean it's correct, either.)  And sometimes, it's easier to get medical care or other services if you "play within the system" and use the terms they have set in place, even if they are not true (IMO). Although this can be a double edged sword.

It really hurts me on a personal level that you just think that I must be some man with a mental problem.  I think that's a very simplistic, black & white, right & wrong additude. I believe it's much more complex than that.  We are learning more and more every year about hormones, chomosones, drugs the mother took, enviromental, and other influences that make one a TS.

Jeez, if you have this little regard for TS's why would you ever want to see or be with one?  

Sylvia Boots was sent to a men's facility because she was tried as a man, hence the courts looked at her as a man, not just the correctional facility.  Though I have yet to spend time in prison, I was unaware that there was a 'gay section'.  Is there a section for smoking and non-smoking inmates also?

Your license is considered a legal document only if the law decides to look at it as such, it is not a legal proof unto itself.  It is only recognized by your state as proof of competency to operate a motor vehicle, the use of identification entirely secondary.  It does not grant legal power to the DMV in determining your legal status.  

Are you implying it is not possible for a 300 lb. bald guy to be a transsexual?  What is the weight and hair density requirement before one can officially become a transsexual Star?  

I understand that the APA classified homosexuality as a mental disorder until 1981.  That does not change the fact that the APA considers transsexualism a mental disorder as of today.  The DSM and the APA also have clout in determining legal status via their existence as the definitive legal source of determining what is a mental disorder and what is not.  The law will generally look at you as the APA determines it should.  In the eyes of the APA, today, transsexuals suffer from a mental disorder.  When it will change, if it will change is unknown and unknowable at this time.  Despite what you think, what I think, or what anyone else on the board thinks that's how the APA views the 'condition'.
If you can find one sentence in my previous post that explicitly states what I think about the transsexual population, I will eat a shoe.  In fact you counter your own hasty, illformed conclusion by asking, "Jeez, if you have this little regard for TS's why would you ever want to see or be with one? "  I have high regard for some of the transsexuals I've met and low regard for others.  It's a case by case basis.   I disagree with the APA classifying it as a disorder.  It does not fit their own 5 necessary preconditions.  Your biological determinism argument implying it is the result of hormones, chromosomes, drugs the mother took, enviornmental, and other influences is the exact same thing said about clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and serial killers etc.  In my "very simplistic, black & white, right & wrong" world I research and analyze different sides of an argument to form an opinion and not just the ones lending evidence to what I want to believe.

TS Star7810 reads

Isn't it fun to write such inflammatory statements???

I see that we've reached the point where you will just say the opposite of what I say just for the fun of it.  You apparently can't stand anyone even questioning you.  I've been up front and honest in everything I've said.  When I didn't know something, I've admitted it.  When I wasn't clear, I tried to make my points clearer.

I stand by everything I've said.  If you want to ignore my points and questions or reply to them in a sarcastic way, then so be it.

Most everyone on this board (except you, I guess)knows I'm on the up and up.  I've met some of them in person and they know I'm not some flake.

I'll let the readers decide if I have nothing of value to say, or if everything I've said was wrong.  I think most people with common sense will see that I make more valid points than you seem to believe.

How is it my statements to you are inflammatory by virtue of the fact I disagree with you?  I agree with some of the things you say in this post such as the erroneous classification of transsexualism as a mental disorder, but not how the law will view you.  You become indignant and label me some kind of transsexual hater, which is totally untrue.  In this post you claim I say the opposite of you 'for the fun of it' and that I can't stand anyone questioning me when I'm only defending my point of view. Then after mislabeling me a transsexual hater and attempting to invalidate my thoughts as argument for argument's sake you clutch your chest and try to paint yourself as my victim.  You are the person hurling the insults.  When have I ever taken a personal stab at you?

I'm not going to get in the way of your mental jousting, as it appears you are just having way too much fun attacking TS Star by yourself, but please let me respond to the sarcastic comment you made reg gay incarceration vs smoking & non smoking.

Yes all correctional facilities have  separate housing for Gay inmates, which would include transsexuals. Without this protection they would be victims of rape, extortion, slavery, beatings and even murder.

Perhaps you didn't think of that while you were typing away, high on your own intelligence.

Where in my statement does it say prisons do not have a 'gay section'?  "Though I have yet to spend time in prison, I was unaware that there was a 'gay section'.  Is there a section for smoking and non-smoking inmates also?".  It specifically says I was unaware that they have a 'gay section', it does not deny the existence of a 'gay section'.  Are the bars covered by lacy curtains and the bunk sheets in leopardskin print?

I'm sure if we peeled back about 6 inches of that harsh and synical exterior we'd find a nice guy hiding in the corner.

And I mean that in the most violently passionate way available to two heterosexual men!

cause i cant goe bak and edet my post i have too liv with the badd speling. i realee shud type slowir.

corection:  Cynical

I must assume you are either joking or caught a weird buzz just prior to posting.

I've personally known hundreds of T-Girls and photographed as many for better than 30 years and the term is not offensive to any of them.

Transexual Girls..... T-Girls..... Get it??

The term T-Girls was coined by the film industry years ago to abbreviate the longer term and caught on with their admirers. It is completely appropriate as they are girls in transition.
Taking offense to that is like a Gentleman taking offense to being called a "Gent"

I agree with Ts Star in wondering where you came up with 'Gurl'. That is not used in any circles I'm aware of .

Just do a scan for T-gurl. You will find it used quite often on this board and others. I don't object to T-girl it is just that horrible use of gurl that offends me.

Ok... I did as you suggested and did a search on this board.. Went back 90 days..... 1 use of the term in all that time(until you injected it).

Went to SER and searched back 180 days... 0 hits.

Stop blowing smoke up our asses....

Sailil4886 reads

Don't be a prick about it cuddlemeister.

Sorry Sailil, but I take issue when someone pees on my leg and tells me it's raining.

The T-Gurl complaint was unwarrented and blown waaaay out of proportion.... but it did segway to a more important issue and the thread should be renamed " A girl or not a girl" That is the question and a great topic for debate.

Sailil6354 reads

I know what you're saying cuddlemeister.  Sorry myself.  Didn't mean to give you any shit.

cruiser15337 reads

Some people are into having smoke blown up their asses and being crapped on...everyone step back and breathe deeply..relax..

I did a search for "Chicks with sticks and they don't play pool" I did not come up with a thing. It is not easy being evil!!

cruiser16302 reads

    You should incorporate "evil" into your user name, ie;  "The evil allenp".  Your reputation would then precede you and forewarn any newbies seeking advice on the SoCal scene.

OMG...Please, someone tell me this thread is finally over.

It is  not over until the FAT T GIRL SINGS!!

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