
Anyone For Peanuts Tomorrow Evening ?
PiquedinSoCal 2 Reviews 9013 reads

It's all systems go at this point as far as visiting Los Angeles/Peanuts tomorrow night. Anyone else planning on being there ? I am going to try to get there early tomorrow afternoon/evening to schlep around Los Angeles beforehand. I cut it too close the last time and got stuck with that overpriced expensive Ramada Inn (Hmmmm, where is that map someone posted for me in here ?) at the last minute that I mentioned about in here once or twice. Also, anyone know of any internet cafes in that area of Los Angeles ? I don't own a laptop to tote around with me and wanted to check this thread a few times before heading to Peanuts if possible.

By the way, TS Star and Outlook already know who am I, thus what I look like, so for any of the rest of you who want to hook up at some point, I'm told I resemble a short Dennis Rodman, and also that my wardrobe appears to have come straight from an old 'Barney Miller' sitcom set (wink-wink).

... Unlike my first time there early last month, this time I really want to move about the club more and see ALL of the girls who frequent the place. :)

-- Modified on 6/24/2004 11:24:29 AM

I am soooo down for it!
Not sure what time I will get there.........just look for the blonde in a lil black dress. :-)
I am having a great time in LA, I am sorry I cant stay longer! :(
Hope to see a few guys tomarrow at 7969?


P.S. has her laptop with her, in the LAX area.

I'll be there, too.  

I'd love to meet you Kylie.  I'll look for a beautiful blond showing off her sexy legs in a lil black dress.  

You too Piqued.  Since you look like Dennis, I hope I don't  have to catch you on the rebound!

Anyone else?  

This is such an amusing an interesting group, I hope you all show up.


A stunning blonde with long beautiful legs in a black dress will obviously be easy to spot, as will it be to spot a shorter, lighter version of Dennis Rodman in a wide lapeled loud plaid three piece suit and trucated circus tie, but you ? Will you be slamming sartorially as I will be tomorrow night or ? How will I know you ? What do you look like or what will you be wearing ? I hope you don't upstage my sartorial splendor ? ;)

One more time: Does anyone know of a Kinkos or internet cafe in that area ? Thanks!

Ha-ha! Who advises Tom Wolfe on his wardrobe incidently, Mister Haney from the old "Green Acres" sitcom ? I wouldn't wear those ghastly patterns on Halloween. I'm sure those three piece suits can easily be tracked by satelite. I kid you not.

Actually, I'll probably just wear some jeans, a polo shirt, and maybe a jacket. I haven't decided just yet. Whatever I wear, I'm sure I'll be okay given what I saw my first time there. A few guys in there looked as if they had just mowed their lawn. No wonder some girls might develope an attitude toward a prospected client. I wouldn't respect a hobbyist too much who looked like he could care less about his appearance either.

Well, it's about 11:00 am out here, so I better get ready to leave in an hour or so.

Kinkos-Sunset and Stanley-between Fairfax and La Brea on the south side of Sunset

internet cafe-Sunset and La Brea-minimall on SE corner in front of Ross Discount Store

Look for a 6', 165 lb, blue eyed, dark haired, devilishly, handsomely, average looking white guy dressed in black.

Hey, Bracbra!

At this very moment I am typing to you from some place called Cyberjava cafe at Hollywood and La Brea -- right across the street from Stephen J. Cannell productions, and actually on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame I believe. It took me three-and-a-half hours to make this trip.Hmmmph!

Got you e-mail, and hope to see you tonight!

When does this damn thing turn into a pumpkin: My kingdom for a Mac! ;)

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