
Peanuts tonight!!!
negativeion 8241 reads

I'm strongly considering visiting Peanuts "7969" in Hollywood tonight.  It will be my first time, so I'm shouting out to everybody here for a few "tips" as to what time to show up, (also, is Friday as good as what I've heard about Monday nights), where to park, how much to bring, what the ladies like .. etc ...

help a Peanuts newbie out!!  

Wish I could be there with you to be your wingman. Go there to have a good time and bring enough money to buy a few drinks. I went there my first time to just look and wound up walking out with a nice gurl. (A working date but what the hell.) Don't be a wall flower and gawk. Say hi and smile with alot of eye contact. I think the show starts at midnight and the crowd mingles in around 11. It gets noises and crowded real fast so if you want to get your bearings get there a little early and down a few drinks of courage.

shemaletours8237 reads

Damn...wish I woulda seen this post earlier...I flew into L.A. Friday night with the SOLE purpose of visiting Peanuts, and had a BLAST!!!  The night ended with me and my friend taking TWO, count 'em, TWO, beautiful TS girls back to the hotel for some hijinks and shenanigans!  After the party, we went to eat at The Yukon Mining Company--an after hours "Denny's-like" hangout, where you can see DOZENS off hot T-girls eating waffles.  I'm waiting for my review to be posted on, and then I'll post a link, so check back!  

I took pics too!

I'm so international and ah, no that doesn't mean I'm into any of this stuff. But ah, I used to bar hop some time ago in Hollywood. All alone of course. But I used to go to this place when it was, what was it......Sinematic. Yeah, lot's of all kinds of people of all genders. I don't know what's going on there now and on friday. If you talk about it, it might not be my thing. But how many guys from the other side you see that come and post stuff like this. Nobody but crazy, lonely, weird Robertini.
Just saying hi. Hi.

tsslammer7837 reads

Can you pick up a TS there or is it mainly just escorts?

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