
Re:Nice link but no info
ritchie 6993 reads

SRS = Sexual Reassignment Surgery

She was one of my favorites!

Saw her ads till about 6 months ago and then she just dropped off the radar.

I do remember seeing an ad from a "TS Brenda" advertising a last call before SRS. There were no pictures, but I do know in talking to her in the past that she was considering. (Though it has been years since we last chatted.) I did try to visit her website and it is down.

Wherever she is, I wish her happiness. She is a total sweetheart who deserves nothing but the best that life has to offer.

transexpert7615 reads

I don't know what SRS is, but if it has to do with whacking off her johnson, that would be a HUGE loss to this community!

ritchie6994 reads

SRS = Sexual Reassignment Surgery

chicksw/dicks6785 reads

Bummer, Brenda had quite a rod.  May it rest in peace.

loverofts5698 reads

She has been a regular at Peanuts on Friday nights lately.  I don't know if the SRS discussion has any validity or not.  Go to Peanuts and talk to her.

Yes, please double-check as I'm not 100% sure and would hate to start a rumor that the Brenda advertising "one last time before SRS" is the same Brenda in the photo. To be honest, I hope it's not her.

I had kind of a strange experience with her a few years ago.  I got her number from Bob of Bob's Tgirls, and went over to see her one evening.  I asked her if she could fuck me and she said yes.  I started to lay down and put my legs in the air and she said that is the one position she is not comfortable with, even though I have seen a picture of her since then fucking a guy that way.  She is a very nice person, I also wondered what happened to her.  She asked me to get on my hands and knees and we finished that way.

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