
Re:Hot Wendy Williams
D.Nice 6415 reads

Jeez man!  You're up to your same lame ass tricks again?  Why do you make it your mission in life to take pot shots at Wendy??  I'm sure everyone is growing tired of your sad attempts to hurt this girls feelings.  What did she ever do to you?  You're acting like a dumped ex that still hasn't gotten on with your life!  Keep it miving dude!

shemalejunky8075 reads

That HotMess is a DUDE!!
She is not a transeuxal and never will be! She looks like she has the physique to play middle linebacker for the oakland raiders. "Her" voice is the deepest ive ever heard on a so-called transexual.
I dont like to be viscous like this but there isnt anything feminine about "her". You know I had no idea who WW was until this thing after the AVN awards and then
I heard she was a "fan favorite".
Then I saw "her" In one of Joeys movies and thought "this is the most mannish transexual ever!"
She looks like an extra from Michael Jacksons thriller video!........."things that make you shiver in the night..........
Big ass head,deep voice,square construction worker jaw,big fucking body....lets just say its the first gay scene joey ever shot and he didnt even know it.
Please see link URL for more.

ritchie7309 reads

I agree that he is not very feminine looking at all but there is no need for the bashing, if you don't like it move on and choose another. There are many feminine looking/beautiful TS's out there.

You say you don't want to be vicious (atleast that is what I think you meant even though you wrote viscous [thick, resisting flow] which might describe your thinking as well} but you are.  There is really no call for such an attack of another person.  Wendy is one of the nicest people I have met. I would imagine that you have not ever met her.

"She is not a transeuxal and never will be."

You apparently mean the superficial movie stereotype and have no idea what a transgendered person is all about.

I am thinking that you should post a picture and a profile for all of us to critique.  How would you feel about attacks on your masculinity by strangers you have never met?

Take some time out to find where your anger comes from.  Usually aggression is a projection of fear or inadequacy.

cruiser17940 reads

Why such a vicious personal attack?  No reason for it, and it says alot more about you than Wendy Williams.

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 3:28:28 AM

While I agree with the review you linked I can't ignore your sorry ass manners.

What a horrible attack!!!!! There is an obvious agenda behind your viscous attack on this provider.

I suspect TER will tear down this flaming post of yours and rightfully so.

Pull this on my board and I'll ban you till the  grass quits growin and the wind quits blowin.

You agree with the link he provided??   Wow talk about double sided manners, LOL.

Its ok you can agree or disagree whether Im passable or non passable I still will have my career, producers will still like my work and image, and my fans, my website members, my family and MOST importantly MYSELF.

Yes.. I saw the video 'Rogue Adventures 24' and do agree with the video review by Brian Nicholson of DVD Talk completely...... It does not give shemalejunky the right to beat the crap out of you on the message board. It also doesn't give you the right to claim the reviewer Brian Nicholson(or myself) have a personal vendetta or are using " double sided manners).My agreement with the review link did not and does not condone this clown shemalejunky's brutal attack on you.... The review by DVD Talk was not done with malice ( well from your perspective I guess it was). I know nothing of you personally reg your manners, attitude, warmth, etc and didn't comment on that. I'm sure you're an incredibly sweet person. I know you've got a good business head on your shoulders. That being said.... "To each his own"

ritchie5980 reads

I also agree with the review of RA24 after watching it but I do not agree with such an attack. It is uncalled for and classless and the act of a total jerk.

And I quote

"Joey has done it again with another video full of dominate beautifuly women.
Victoria Adams looks greaton a Brazilian beach - but it's only the beginning of terrific action back at her apartment: Victoria in spoon position between Fabio Scorpion and Roger Carioca.

Better, however, is femaleJudy Mastronelli, who really digs shemales while rubbing her clit while getting ass-plunged ie by Rinata Ferraz.

American Talent Wendy Williams does next to the last scene though she doesnt fit in with the ladies of Brazil she has an amazing presence on camera and the attitude to match. Joey have his viewers some varitey.

I see this getting a vote for Transsexual Tape of the Year."

respect your opinion. she's not my dish o' tea either.  but, maybe you should refrain from commenting until you've actually seen her or have something to provide other than what we all can see from the same pics and vids that you see.

First of all I am shocked that the board allowed someone to come here and personally attack someone that have NEVER met in person. I dont expect or live in a fantasy world to think that EVERY man is going to like what they see, its called variety. But I have over 500 website members, NUMEROUS fans, videos, and magazine covers that reinforce my status.  I think its sad when an individual as shemalejunky has taken upon himself to go on EVERy discussion board I am a member of and post this same post.

For anyone who commented and referred to me as "he" or "not your cup of tea" HOw can you respect an opinion of someone who is obviously here to slander and degrade someone who has done NOTHING to any of you??

I have close to 10 reviews ALL of which average an 8 in looks and performance. I am one of the mose down to earth GIRLS you will ever meet and live my life to satsify NOONE but myself, my Lord and my family.

I think its sad when a rude and child full of hatrid and on a mission to degrade someone is allowed and encouraged to make such horrible and malicious comments.

I assure you I am going NOWHERE,,if you dont like the way I look than by all means you dont have to call my ad or watch my scene. Dont expect your horrible attacks on me personally to do anything but enforce my personal goals and drive to become the best person I can be.

I have 3 major Video releases in August and 2 in September.

You will be seeing ALOT of me so either prepare your stomach or grow some balls.

Much Love and Respect
Wendy Williams

TS Star6754 reads

First off, Shemalejunky, (like the other guys have said)if you don't like how someone looks, just move on for God's sake.  No need to bash them.  Everybody has a particular look they like, not everyone agrees on it.  I've met Wendy and hung out with her at Peanuts one time and she was super sweet and looked great and had no problem getting guys to drool over her, so I don't know how you could go so over the top about her looks.  Show SOME class, dude.  Actually, Don't even shoot that high, just show some basic respect.

Second, (Not that you need any props from me) but I personally want to thank you other guys for sticking up for her, even if she is not your type.  That, my friends, is class.

Felicia Katt6830 reads

Hear Hear  Truebeauty showing true class. If you don't like how someone looks, then talk about someone else you do like.  Why not build someone else up rather than always tearing people down.


highendts7471 reads

I must say that some of the most wonderful human beings I`ve ever met have been escorts .
STAR is one of these rare gems to have as a friend.
We should be able to see a picture of that vicious
meanspirited,rotten soul who wrote those pathetic
there is no level of respect or honor in that evil person.

is also a demeaning "TS"
just take a look at his postings....especially
the one on ts tracy!!

Wendy W. you are beautiful!!!

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 12:42:01 PM

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 5:33:44 PM

Highendts, shame on you for giving evil a bad name!! You have confused EVIL for JERK. I forgive you.

highendts6691 reads

oops!!!! I forgot some times they say...
"allenp is an evil man" but i know you are not!!

For that JERK
Represed anger will express itself through disease!!!

rayinorlando8000 reads

okay...while I respect your opinions, you guys are WAY off. I'm a straight guy, and I chose to see Wendy while she was in Orlando. She was SO freaking hot, she blew my mind. I'm not into TS's who look or sound like guys, and she was unbelievably hot. I would have gladly paid 1000 bucks to be with her. She was beautiful, patient, sexy, and she made our experience together wonderful. Try her, and you'll undoubtedly feel the same way.

Pretty harsh words there! Thriller??? that bad eh?

D.Nice6416 reads

Jeez man!  You're up to your same lame ass tricks again?  Why do you make it your mission in life to take pot shots at Wendy??  I'm sure everyone is growing tired of your sad attempts to hurt this girls feelings.  What did she ever do to you?  You're acting like a dumped ex that still hasn't gotten on with your life!  Keep it miving dude!

Although I have never met her in person, Wendy Williams strikes me as one of the nicest, helpful, open, intelligent, and compassionate posters I've ever been around in a forum with. Maybe she's not YOUR type, but I would venture to say that most girls aren't your type. Do you viciously slam them too, or is it just Wendy ? Is there a vendetta at play here perhaps ? What a meanspirited unwarranted post.

shemalejunky7443 reads

I apologize.
It's just my own opinion.
Since when does my opinion matter?
Can't we all agree to disagree?

cruiser16756 reads

Opinions are one thing, vicious PERSONAL attacks are another.

Thank You guys for the support I am VERY upset that this has nothing to do with a "review" of me as a provider or someone who has NEVER physically been entertained by me HOWEVER its allowed to remain on this board. Thats ok Im glad those who are members of this board and others see its a few guys with this intent to destroy my soul and repuatation and all you are doing is fueling my determination.

See you on the Big Screen
Wendy Williams

It is one thing to say you aren't attracted to someone but it is a whole different game when you kick the sh^t out of someone simply b/c you don't like the way they look on film.  If you met her and didn't like her or she didn't provide a good service feel free to share, but even then, some decorum is warranted.  Your motives, whatever they are, are certainly in question.

Well I finally saw a pic of Wendy and she is beautiful!  I am thinking what is this all about?  She's just fucking hot dude!!

I am not a regular contributor to this board but this particular post demands support for Wendy and others.  I do not understand how this post made it through the moderator.  There is nothing constructive to the post only one person's (notice I did not use the term "man")opinion, in fact the post is very offensive.  This board allowed an all-out attack on Wendy as the poster ramble on and on is absolutely and downright mean spirited.  Again, I am very suprised the moderator approved this post - would this post have been allowed on one of the other TER boards, I think not.  Just my opinion!

I believe everyone does have a right to an opinion!  With that said, however what we see, right or wrong, is that beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!!!  Someone that I think is extremely hot to myself, someone else may find not (as my friend and I always have this discussion while at lunch watching the Latin Soaps).

However, to express ones dislike for someone else and to voice it the way you did is uncalled for (at least not in public mode). I have never met Wendy, but I have seen her ad and some videos. She may not be one of the ones I might choose (no offence Wendy), but everyone has their own cup of tea!!

This forum is to help you find what you want and enjoy that experience.  For the most part, I think that the reviews are honest, given that person viewpoint and expectations of the session.  If you go in expecting the world and don’t get, then you will be disappointed and the review will reflect that.  What I and I think everyone tries to get out of this forum is what she will do (top/bottom or both), will she do this or that and her attitude.  It also helps us stay away from those that are truly a rip-off!!

I think everyone has stated you were wrong in attacking her that way.  As my mom always said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then say nothing!”  One of the many golden rules in life that we need to follow.

Moreover, to Wendy, I liked your approach in your response, way to go.  I also hope that we stay away from flaming others, both the provider and those who express opinions!!!  That is my two cents worth!

ritchie7871 reads

This is by far the best response and explains the whole thing very well.

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