
ritchie 7844 reads

I have seen her and she can run hot or cold. Definitely bring your own condoms, she has a rep for not having any on hand.

badfox6751 reads

Anyone seen Barbie lately.  I might have just caught her on a bad day, but she had me drive to her place and then went quiet on me after asking me to wait at a 7-11 for 15 minutes (which turned into 45)?  She is so hot, but is she worth another shot?

-- Modified on 1/5/2005 10:32:21 PM

cruiser19237 reads

Haven't had the experience, but from reading previous reviews, bring your own condoms.

-- Modified on 1/6/2005 7:33:38 PM

ritchie7845 reads

I have seen her and she can run hot or cold. Definitely bring your own condoms, she has a rep for not having any on hand.

tsfan8970 reads

she is hot and yes carries the TS bug (pun unintended) of being rude at times. yes I've met her a couple of times in the last few months and the first time she had dry, offensive tone in her communication. but from then on it has been ok to excellent. oh and yes I waited an hour around her location as she was delayed in what not...(maybe another client), but each time she's shot her load and that makes me forgive everything negative (though they aren't many) about her.
Barbie is sweet and nice once you get closer, and that could take a short time or many appointments. But a good session is fully assured...

my generic rules for contacting a new TS (learnt via gurus on this board over the years and personal experiences) patient.. nice and POLITE... short and straight to the"I liked your ad, saw you fabulous reviews and looking for an appointment for -day- and/or -time-"
4. a. on $ - be ready with what you can not negotiate...they'll accept an appointment if they can at your price (if its lower than what they wanted)...if they don't MOVE ON...but do not negotiate...
4. b. if the deal didn't go through on phone the first time maybe call up a few days later and see if their position has changed and they can accept - BUT - do not remind them of the previous call, who you are or that you called up earlier; though simply affirm if they remember and ask you if you have spoken before.
5.chew up any abrasive comments made by a ts provider and there will be many before you actually meet the first time... ready to wait for 2 hours even if you had an appointment and the TS is hot enough for you to commit to this rule...

Timer: your entire conversation should be over in 30 seconds flat right upto confirmation of time of appointment and $. directions may take extra.

All 6 rules followed to the T? then you are good to go...and you can get an appointment with any of the hot TS's...good luck

EXCELLENT Rules.....

TS Fan, I should have you on my staff at T-Girl Aviation School.....

Need an instructor for "when, where and how to meet a T-Girl"


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