
sserviceman 2 Reviews 103 reads

Based on all the crap customers, and providers, have to deal with I wish more TSs would take the time to participate more in discussing these issues --- participate that is!  Advertisers should be booted on sight.  Nothing is improved by bitching in a sealed conversation bubble.

When I first signed up for this service it was a site to verify services and share our adventures with a bit of humor  between us guys. Now it is more of an advertising portal and place to get ambushed. I yearn for the good old days. 13 years and this may be my last the inmate have take over the asylum. If it weren't for the reviews we write there is no content.

LATSDog127 reads

Yea, we did have fun way back when.  And I will probably get ambushed as you say for my comments since I was one of the Mods back in the day.  I think one of the main issues is many of the same comments and questions circulate on the board over and over so there is nothing new.  In addition, providers who are reputable start to participate and then realize while it may be interesting for them, probably not a best use of their time if they want to increase their business.   I think sometimes a good provider may participate thinking that and then go poof for good reasons because they realize that their business is not improving as a result of their participation and frankly there are some serious tire kickers on this board who never plan to see anyone.

That's my take.  I still like to participate some but my involvement has decreased by 75% over the past year itself.

I think the shitty new format has more to do with the demise of the forums than anything else. I can barely read what the hell is going on with the way its laid out now. There is definitely the least amount of content on the boards now than in the 10 years I've been coming here. Reviews are still helpful, although much harder to get approved now and the new standards seem completely arbitrary. Still though, the best site for what I value it for, which is verifying girls, nothing else comes close so we're stuck with it. Well, those of us that *actually* see girls....

Years ago few providers contributed to the discussion, it was just customers now I hold back information because some comment are for reviewers not providers. If I bitch about the sky rocketing prices I will no doubt get a unwanted comment. I think we should have a board for us gentlemen and another for mixed comments. I pay for the information not for subtle marketing.

Based on all the crap customers, and providers, have to deal with I wish more TSs would take the time to participate more in discussing these issues --- participate that is!  Advertisers should be booted on sight.  Nothing is improved by bitching in a sealed conversation bubble.

With what you and LatsDog mentioned. There are a ton of topics that get recycled over and over again because it seems a lot of guys are entirely to lazy to find a thread the has the answer to what they're looking for. There's also a problem with creepers and bros who have no intention on ever seeing one of us and are essentially just looking for a free interaction to get them off. Total waste of time.

I've been watching the boards here for almost as long as I've been a provider (4 years), but only started participating in the review system in roughly the last year. In that time I've seen a ton of girls come on this board, specifically, and try to spur conversation to build a relationship with you guys. The problems still seems to fall back on lack of participation and most girls just lose interest. It's a lot easier just slapping an ad up, as it doesn't require the investment of getting to know the group of gentlemen here.  

I don't think a lot of girls really realize how much of a double edge sword that is. Most only seem invested in this to the extant that they can take someone's money and that's it; there really isn't much of a concern about building relationships and encouraging repeat business, which also doesn't appear to be a thing amongst cis providers. That works both ways though and requires the participation of guys here.

I participate because for the most part, I enjoy doing so (though some trash comments make me think twice from time to time), but I'd be nice to see more of you guys engage in that.

And you wouldn't have a problem with providers jumping down your throat for being a cheap and entitled. Also, there is already a board exclusively for hobbyists on this very site.

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