
Re: Zero ...
johnmaps1965 253 reads

I haven't heard about this yet, to clarify: They're going to remove the LGBT category while conducting the next census? There are so many categories that have so much important data for us to understand us and who and what we all are. Sexual orientation, identity, gender identity is very important info.  

That brings so many other questions; how will those people be counted for census purposes? How inaccurately will that give our society and even further miss understanding and miss representation of the LGBT community? The WTF questions go on and on.  

Is this some new Trumped up rampage or threat or does it actually have traction already and in process? I would think it needs to pass congress, the auditing process, categories etc. I bet if this is happening there will also be ethnic and religious bias too.  

What does everyone think this will do, or not do, in relation to queer folk broadly, and the trans community specifically?

... although I wouldn't rule out some property destruction caused by self-righteous protest in the San Francisco bay area.

I haven't heard about this yet, to clarify: They're going to remove the LGBT category while conducting the next census? There are so many categories that have so much important data for us to understand us and who and what we all are. Sexual orientation, identity, gender identity is very important info.  

That brings so many other questions; how will those people be counted for census purposes? How inaccurately will that give our society and even further miss understanding and miss representation of the LGBT community? The WTF questions go on and on.  

Is this some new Trumped up rampage or threat or does it actually have traction already and in process? I would think it needs to pass congress, the auditing process, categories etc. I bet if this is happening there will also be ethnic and religious bias too.  

I tend to agree. It's hard to allot proper funding where necessary when you don't know the demographic. I wonder how much of it has to do with 1 in 7 millenials identifying as "queer" in some way, and over 50% of generation (the "i" generation) identifying as something other than straight.

I think it is BS, do they think if you do not count people they don't exist? Since starting this hobby I don't know how to categorize myself these days.

I understand the reason for it, but there seems to have been a back lash with the addition of the Queer & Questioning to LBGT both socially and certainly politically. Personally, I think it wasn't thought through enough and should not have been added.  

The main reason; most people go through several major changes in their lives, their outlook, their insight, their viewpoints etc. It's often influenced from ones lifestyle, social interaction or lack of it, maturity, place in the world etc. There is a major difference between someone who experiments sexually with the same sex or dresses and experiments whether or not it's played out with others versus someone who's attracted to the same sex or identifies as the opposite sex than what their reproductive parts are.  

The Queer or Questioning thing adds more confusion to those who are questioning; who am I, what am I, is their something wrong with me etc. I understand part of it has been established as a way to categorize and help those who are questioning, perhaps to gain medical or psychological coverage via insurance. However, to speak with a counselor or doctor if your "questioning" would already be covered in most cases. The poorest coverage areas are for those who already know they identify as the opposite sex. Usually falling between the cracks, or not covered because it's not a medical condition. But that happens after the questioning part.  

The rise in those questioning is a miss understanding of terms and miss understanding of the basic established general knowledge that is happening in our society. Examples; flat world theories, vaccine theories, popular opinion over facts, data, statistics and truth. We've become more educated yet dumber in the process. Yes, education is important, especially in the business world, less than an MBA and forget about it but basic deductive reasoning, rational logical thinking, critical problem solving has been lost.  

Send a millenial to a used car lot and they'll end up making a poor choice. Have them go on line and research cars and they'll make a great choice. The "all kids deserve a trophy" generation is too often seeking an immediate response and not able to delay gratification and it's a set up for a lack of personal growth through various social interaction, education, uplifting times, times of hardship etc.  

Those in the LGBT raised by the boomers seem to have had it much harder socially but seem to be more grounded, authentic and mature individuals. Today, those questioning seem to be more confused due to the social paradigm; "they turned gay or they decided to become the opposite sex". In some ways they need to realize you're either gay or not, you identify as the opposite sex or not, you have an intermixed reproductive system to some degree or not, your attracted to both sexes or not.  

I wish there were better counseling and testing that was more openly available. It would end the questing thing. I will always believe if a person is gay they will realize a difference at a young age. If someone is trans they will realize a difference at a young age. I also believe as micro biology continues to increase it's understanding of DNA/RNA, as well as the "known chromosomal" variations, society will have the scientific answers that have caused the problems around LGBT topics in the first place.  

In the meantime everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect...

and that's my 2 cents...

well thought out, acceptance take no effort! I am no deity, you are who you say you are I accept everyone

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