
Re: There are so many Post Op transsexuals
CityQuidam 20 Reviews 539 reads

There are several well known girls on this board that do not reveal their secret.  Surprisingly enough, the men don't have a clue.  And more surprisingly, the majority of their reviews are stellar.  I would think that during DATY would the difference is obvious, but for some reason, with the exception of a few reviewers who left a small clue for the reader, all the men raved about how great the girl tasted etc  LOL

Posted By: xfean
 Who don't reveal there status and it could get very dangerous in a hurry.  
 A post op transsexual will have two scars running length wise on what use to be the scrotum but is now the labia majora  on there neo vagina.  
Posted By: Erotiqua
Was curious about people's thoughts on Providers revealing or being up front about their GRS or being a "Post-Op?"  (All of the terms associated this surgery seem so impersonal!)  
  I had an experience with a female who obviously had this surgery but didn't "advertise" as such.  I had a feeling anyway and it didn't bother me in the least once we met.  I've also come across reviews of a woman who I'm 99% sure used to be transgendered.  No, I'm not revealing who they are so don't ask.  
  Like I said it doesn't bother me and I'm not casting judgement.  After all it's personal and none of my business.  But it made me think about people who aren't as open minded and might get angry.  
  If you're transgendered and/or had this surgery would you reveal it?  Do you think it would hurt your business with potential clients if you mentioned it or not?  
 -- Modified on 12/13/2015 4:54:44 PM

Was curious about people's thoughts on Providers revealing or being up front about their GRS or being a "Post-Op?"  (All of the terms associated this surgery seem so impersonal!)

I had an experience with a female who obviously had this surgery but didn't "advertise" as such.  I had a feeling anyway and it didn't bother me in the least once we met.  I've also come across reviews of a woman who I'm 99% sure used to be transgendered.  No, I'm not revealing who they are so don't ask.

Like I said it doesn't bother me and I'm not casting judgement.  After all it's personal and none of my business.  But it made me think about people who aren't as open minded and might get angry.

If you're transgendered and/or had this surgery would you reveal it?  Do you think it would hurt your business with potential clients if you mentioned it or not?

-- Modified on 12/13/2015 4:54:44 PM

This is one of those questions that can't be answered like a mathematical equation can, with such finality, and accuracy.  

It differs from person to person. And everyone is in their right to either reveal it, or keep it private for whatever reason that may be. I do understand the "safety" aspect of it , and it can be scary... But it is just as scary as hobbying, or providing. I guess to mitigate the fear of being in danger, one has to screen thoroughly.  

I loved that you said "used to be transgender". In my opinion, once a tgirl goes srs, she's a gg in my book. Although I know that she will technically still be transgender for the rest of her life.  

I of course can only speculate. Since I haven't gone to the dark side of the force.

Pre-Op Transgender friends who won't revealed or being up front to their potential date, I do think it's dangerous if you don't tell them if you are going to have intimacy, if you're not lucky you could meet narrow minded guys who are violent, but I also heard many guys who would love to meet female who turn out to be Transgenders, surprises can be an adventure to some men.  

I personally never tell anyone who just "cat call" on the street or some strangers who said hello unless I like the person and that person like me, whether he will like me after I tell him it's not my problem LOL but you have to feel that person first, ask if he open minded, if he seem like an asshole then you just ignore them, at least I am honest, most of the time men are cool with that, but I also know some who got upset. So I don't take a chance.

As for "work" of course you need to be honest, you want someone to like you just for you! Take it or leave it kinda thing!

-- Modified on 12/13/2015 9:52:34 PM

Townman651 reads

I think I know who Erotiqua is talking about. I began to feel that there was something off there once  I entered her incall location and came to certain conclusion in the course of the session. While I took it fine initially it did a number on my head and I still am working through remnants of this experience even now.  

After I left, I spent close to half-n-hour sitting in the car in somewhat of a stupor, call it a shock. Soon after I began to feel resentful. The issue here is not being openminded, the issue here is being tricked into doing something that you were not ready to do.  

About 15 years ago I got a BJ from a street walker that I still strongly suspect was a man. Thinking back at it I didn't dwell on it much and don't think about it all that much now. I just wrote it off on "Shit happens". This was different.  

I do agree with Asian-Gee. Before the surgery this person felt uncomfortable enough in his own skin to go for the surgery. After the surgery now as "she", that person apparently still finds herself in the same trap, again pretending to be something that she's not. Maybe it all had nothing to do with what shell she was originally born in the first place but rather with some other identity crisis yet to be figured out.

Without taking my question as an attack. Can you explain how would you feel tricked given that situation you were in?  

Would you also feel the same resentment towards a woman you made love with, who claimed it was her first time, and then found out she wasn't a virgin

Townman711 reads

I'll take your second question first. In your scenario I probably wouldn't but if it would be the other around I might :) Although likely not to the extent that I felt in this situation. People in general feel resentful when they are duped. To which extent I think depends on how foreign to them is the situation they find themselves is as a result of being duped.  

That brings us to your first question. I felt tricked because I went to see someone that enticed me to see her under false pretenses. She pretended not to be a TS and she was. I'm a straight man. I don't like the idea of getting physical with what I consider to be "a former man", i.e. someone of the same gender as I am, who imposes their own understanding of their sexuality on my body without giving me an opportunity to make a choice whether I find this agreeable for myself or not. The more I thought about it, the more violating it felt. Some day, hopefully sooner rather then later, I'm sure I'll put it largely behind me. I'll always remember it as a "bad thing that happened to me" but I don't expect it to affect my psyche in any significant way. As I said in my previous post "Shit happens" :

Read ur other message so I'm deleting this comment.

-- Modified on 12/15/2015 1:23:10 PM

Townman615 reads

The same here :)

-- Modified on 12/15/2015 10:46:39 AM

Posted By: Townman
I'll take your second question first. In your scenario I probably wouldn't but if it would be the other around I might :) Although likely not to the extent that I felt in this situation. People in general feel resentful when they are duped. To which extent I think depends on how foreign to them is the situation they find themselves is as a result of being duped.    
 That brings us to your first question. I felt tricked because I went to see someone that enticed me to see her under false pretenses. She pretended not to be a TS and she was. I'm a straight man. I don't like the idea of getting physical with what I consider to be "a former man", i.e. someone of the same gender as I am, who imposes their own understanding of their sexuality on my body without giving me an opportunity to make a choice whether I find this agreeable for myself or not. The more I thought about it, the more violating it felt. Some day, hopefully sooner rather then later, I'm sure I'll put it largely behind me. I'll always remember it as a "bad thing that happened to me" but I don't expect it to affect my psyche in any significant way. As I said in my previous post "Shit happens" :)  
thanks for the input.

I am going to be a post op in a little more than 2 months and  I will be still working as an escort afterwards.

From the clients point of view, of course you guys will prefer us to be up front and tell the truth, but from business point of view, of course, we prefer not to kiss and tell, unless it is obvious.

I personally think, it all depends on how passable we are and how natural looking the neo vagina is.

I am still working very hard to achieve that level of passability and natural looking.

In few months, once i post my ad as a post op, I wont necessary lie about it, but i also dont want to put a big emphasis about it either.  I will simply say PLEASE DONT ASK MY PAST lol


Btw, hi Gee...hi Sasha!
Yes Sasha i personally think once we have a vagina  we are finally a woman.  So why keep emphasizing on our ts status?
We are already very similar to GG by then, perhaps even better looking and sexier than some:)

Anyway, that is my HONEST opinion,  I hope mod let this one posted.  I have a hard time to post comments in here lately.  All were not approved.  Dont know why.

Merry Christmas and New Year to you all!

Tia Phoenixx
my 2 cents

if I were seeing a client or otherwise, I would like to be made aware in advance. Not that it would be a deciding factor for me, it's just that I feel it would be the right thing to do for both parties involved  Just my two cents.

I know of transmen who have fooled GG/real women and it got really ugly fast.
How would you feel if a transman slighted you in that way?

Posted By: Autumn Breeze
if I were seeing a client or otherwise, I would like to be made aware in advance. Not that it would be a deciding factor for me, it's just that I feel it would be the right thing to do for both parties involved  Just my two cents.

Thanks for sharing your feelings Townman.  There's no easy answer here and in fact I think raises more questions overall.  There tends to be an understanding, unwritten rule, or even morality in this business of delivering "services as promised."  We all know not everyone, hobbyists included, choose to live by those ideals.

On the one hand, she's not a "genetic female" so I understand the element of trickery.  On the other hand, she has gone great lengths to be recognized as a female and in the end IS understandably female.

No one likes to be duped in any aspect of life.  If we feel that someone has done something to trick us intentionally we resent that action.  Everyone's intentions are different so I can't say what hers are in this situation.  Maybe reaching out to her is a way to express how you feel and understand where she is coming from?

Townman549 reads

I think I know where she's coming from. In fact she told me herself. That's not the issue here. And you're right on all fronts. I'm sure each of us did our share of duping other people in our lives over this and that, so I sure would not be the one to put myself on the high horse here. In fact I usually get extra worried when I hear someone say things like "I don't lie", "I never lied" or "I'm a straight-forward type of guy/gal" and the like. That's when you better keep your guard focused.  

This one just felt strong (btw not there but after) and after someone in the know pointed me to your post I decided to make a comment. It'll go away. In fact I'm going to stop posting about it, the sure way for it to happen sooner. :)

-- Modified on 12/15/2015 10:44:14 AM

Posted by Erotiqua, 12/15/2015 7:59:30 AM  
Thanks for sharing your feelings Townman.  There's no easy answer here and in fact I think raises more questions overall.  There tends to be an understanding, unwritten rule, or even morality in this business of delivering "services as promised."  We all know not everyone, hobbyists included, choose to live by those ideals.  
On the one hand, she's not a "genetic female" so I understand the element of trickery.  On the other hand, she has gone great lengths to be recognized as a female and in the end IS understandably female.  
No one likes to be duped in any aspect of life.  If we feel that someone has done something to trick us intentionally we resent that action.  Everyone's intentions are different so I can't say what hers are in this situation.  Maybe reaching out to her is a way to express how you feel and understand where she is coming from?

Thank you:)

Yes, we have been working so hard the entire of our life to look this good, if not better than GG physically.
In South East Asia, if you happen to see a spectacular looking woman on the street or bar, she is most definitely a TS.
I have been working together with both GG and TS in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand for fun, and the most gorgeous provider is ALWAYS a TS either is a pre op or post op.

Myself, though i think I look pretty good by now, but actually i am still improving my physical attributes to look even better if not much better.

Dont ask me why i do that..i know all the risks and consequences...
I guess it is an instinct to be better and happier, something innate for some of us as a TS.

I will have at least 2 or  3 more big surgery to perfecting my physical attributes in the near future, one is obviously SRS..and the other one(s) is....well...i will keep it as a surprise till the day comes:)

Merry Christmas!

Townman552 reads

I'd be surprised if she hasn't read through this thread already. If not, I suspect and hope that Erotiqua will point her to it next time he visits

why can't people be 100% honest during sex about their body and sex? Let people choose the sex they want to have sex with.

Because they want Money!

Fame leads  to money,

Posted By: qjfuck
why can't people be 100% honest during sex about their body and sex? Let people choose the sex they want to have sex with.

Who don't reveal there status and it could get very dangerous in a hurry.

A post op transsexual will have two scars running length wise on what use to be the scrotum but is now the labia majora  on there neo vagina.


Posted By: Erotiqua
Was curious about people's thoughts on Providers revealing or being up front about their GRS or being a "Post-Op?"  (All of the terms associated this surgery seem so impersonal!)  
 I had an experience with a female who obviously had this surgery but didn't "advertise" as such.  I had a feeling anyway and it didn't bother me in the least once we met.  I've also come across reviews of a woman who I'm 99% sure used to be transgendered.  No, I'm not revealing who they are so don't ask.  
 Like I said it doesn't bother me and I'm not casting judgement.  After all it's personal and none of my business.  But it made me think about people who aren't as open minded and might get angry.  
 If you're transgendered and/or had this surgery would you reveal it?  Do you think it would hurt your business with potential clients if you mentioned it or not?

-- Modified on 12/13/2015 4:54:44 PM

There are several well known girls on this board that do not reveal their secret.  Surprisingly enough, the men don't have a clue.  And more surprisingly, the majority of their reviews are stellar.  I would think that during DATY would the difference is obvious, but for some reason, with the exception of a few reviewers who left a small clue for the reader, all the men raved about how great the girl tasted etc  LOL


Posted By: xfean
 Who don't reveal there status and it could get very dangerous in a hurry.  
 A post op transsexual will have two scars running length wise on what use to be the scrotum but is now the labia majora  on there neo vagina.  
Posted By: Erotiqua
Was curious about people's thoughts on Providers revealing or being up front about their GRS or being a "Post-Op?"  (All of the terms associated this surgery seem so impersonal!)  
  I had an experience with a female who obviously had this surgery but didn't "advertise" as such.  I had a feeling anyway and it didn't bother me in the least once we met.  I've also come across reviews of a woman who I'm 99% sure used to be transgendered.  No, I'm not revealing who they are so don't ask.  
  Like I said it doesn't bother me and I'm not casting judgement.  After all it's personal and none of my business.  But it made me think about people who aren't as open minded and might get angry.  
  If you're transgendered and/or had this surgery would you reveal it?  Do you think it would hurt your business with potential clients if you mentioned it or not?  
 -- Modified on 12/13/2015 4:54:44 PM

Jenniferparis548 reads

lol you obviously like ts according to how curious you are and how much research ave you done i feel like you have been thinking about this subject for a while ...

GreekGoddess500 reads

First of, I never was he. Was born intersex. Second of all I am a woman and nothing but woman.  My birth defect was corrected. If I post in ts section it is humiliation for me and waste of time...guys there are looking for somebody with a dick. If I disclose ahead of the time that I had gender confirming surgery guys will all shy away because they will think that sex with me will make them less straight.  

Yes I chose dangerous pass. I am taking more risk than any other lrovider. Yes i live my life in fear. But if some hater kills me in the heat of rage from feeling "tricked" at leaat I will die standing my ground. And it is not about the money . Everybody who met in person knows I am not all about the money .

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